THANK YOU for Talking About Matchmaker's MMR and Forced 50%

I don’t know that for sure, but neither do I think it’s implausible.


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Wanna tell me what that is?


No offence, but if you’ve never been GM then it’s hard to believe that you could be one of the best.

I’m not saying you can’t be, as long as you put in the work it’s definitely possible :+1:

I’m barely 3k, I don’t consider myself a high SR player. I personally think that high ELO starts around 3500+


No its not.

If you cannot provide evidence of having actively stood amongst the best players, you have no latitude other than egomania and dunning-kruger to call yourself better than anyone else.

And as such, I can assure you, I would not follow that kind of person irl. But… Its the internet so…

  • Sheeple

I understand your skepticism, but this goes to the heart of my argument. Not all of the best players make it to the top, and the players at the top are not necessarily the best. Without fair and transparent competition, and with algorithmically handicapped matches in particular, the ranks are illegitimate. You have to consider how PBSR and algorithmic handicapping are warping the natural selection process.


Thank you for the effort put forth here to change things for the better. To me, this is the start of a movement that goes beyond Blizzard matchmaking and to all matchmakers anywhere that use any type of garbage algorithms to create matches, which are totally toxic to the gaming experience. I have never gamed so little in my life after I met Blizzard matchmaking.

thank you


Can you show me the source code for the live match maker where it’s rigged? I then also want an explanation on what benefit it has for blizzard to keep you in gold.


Don’t ask anyone on this thread to use logic or provide proof, because, that just won’t happen, lol.


I know but I like hearing the responses


Co-signed by thousands of players? That’s funny, because most people simply know that what you are saying is nonsense. They just don’t bother responding. Or did you not catch that from


It is funny.


What a great way of undermining the popular vote. Good job.

If you want in-depth explanation, please watch my video, it covers all of this.


No tell me why does blizzard want to keep you in gold. How does it benefit them.


They don’t want “you” in any specific rank. They just want matches to be “balanced,” to give each team 50% chance to win. But who do you think pays for that arrangement? It’s the high performers who pay for it. And who do you think benefits? It’s the inexperienced, unskilled, and lazy who benefit.


People just dont understand that the better you play in a given rank, the harder the matches are for you. Its why skill varies so much between players. Its why ranks dont have their own standard skill levels or stable metas. To really rank up you often have to vastly outskill your rank or even make a new account.

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We do play the same game. But with a disconnected MMR from the SR and no one knowing where the actual limits are games from the same elo can feel AND LOOK very different, even if it is the same “skill rating”.

When we meet in Discord and these high elo players are playing and streaming in lower tiers you basically see the difference. And you can also see how little impact the overperforming high elo player can have in certain situations. Its not that a player from masters rushes through platinum with a 70-90% winrate, its maybe 55-60%, they need to play many many matches to climb up the ladder. In many cases they queue with friends, so the matchmaking is even more washed up…


Yeah you want balanced matches that’s how a ranking system works? A truly balanced team each has a 50% chance to win. So on average unless they play better to offset that they will be hardstuck where they belong.

Daily reminder hard stuck = where you belong


No you wont have 50% winrate for each team. This stops working when alt accounts and smurfs are involved. With a hidden MMR the smurf or good player in your team gets mirrored with an other skilled player, smurf or not. That is THE problem. Players who play very well for their tier should be able to climb with good performance. This is not the case when the matchmaker tries to enforce a 50% winchance for both teams.

When i am a good the player for my range in “skill rating”, my skill should set my team to a winchance of more than 50%, without getting mirrored.


I agree with you. And I would add that the type of skills that the system selects for artificially are not the same as the ones that should be proven naturally by fair competition (i.e., skill that result in victory rather than skills that result in high personal stats). Playing the objective can be highly detrimental to players’ performance stats, but it has to be done.

I’ll say it again, I do not want balanced matches. They are artificial and they corrupt the results of competition.

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So you want a ranking system… but don’t want balanced games. Bro these get weirder by the day! Like first they arguing they want balanced matches, then they arguing they don’t want balanced matches.