Thank you for removing the noose

Uhm… it’s a “bit” longer than that… humanity didn’t just plop into existance 2020 years ago…

it was made for executing people, but isnt guns also a way for killing people? why are there so many gun sprays then, arent guns also a symbol of hatred? they are only used to kill

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Mccree is.
Mccree is ENTIRELY a western trope.


Way more people of color have been beaten to death and shot dead than they have been hung. We MUST remove guns and melee from this game. Also players use racial slurs in game chat so game chat should be removed. Remember in the context of the noose, it doesn’t matter how the majority of people viewed it and used it. If any aspect of the game has been utilized by ignorant racists then it should be removed because people who don’t even play the game got offended by it.

Thats why I added + after 2020.

I am right because who abused it more than it was intended for and labeled it a symbol of hate? United States of America and the reason why Mccree’s Noose got removed was because of self guilt due to ancestors. Unfortunately it still gets carried on today because this country somehow can’t seem to evolve due to being addicted to toxic drama. This country has no backbone to evolve. They’re scared to become better so they result to removing stuff will make everything much better, but in the end it doesn’t.

It only adds more heat.


For the snowflakes who say a piece of rope was racist.

Yeah, I would say most people saw it that way. It wasn’t until some people on the forums made it about race that it became a thing about race. No one ever thought that until it was removed.

We have to remember that blizzard never said why they removed it (as far as I know we still don’t know why they officially removed it). But all these people got up from their seats and yelled “racism!” which then made the entire argument around it about race. Those individuals then began chastising everyone on the forums who disagreed with the racial component, calling them “ignorant,” “privileged,” “stupid,” "insensitive,"etc., even racist. I was among those chastied. Thankfully, I think those with this racial mindset are in the minority.

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Again, it’s important to note that there was no push to have this spray removed. Blizzard reevaluated it on their own and replaced it of their own accord.

Ha! I never though of using it on a wall and sitting against it. That’s pretty funny. Wish I could’ve seen that.

Yes, thank you. Very important, which is why it’s so annoying having all these people attribute its removal to racism when no one actually knows why it was removed. Just creates divisiveness.

It takes two to divide. People attribute it to racism. Other people seem to be attributing it to character flaws in those who agree with its replacement.

if nothing was wrong with it blizzard wouldnt have removed it. we must trust blizzard and trust the decision they made.

We need to trust the company that bends every time some “woke” teenagers get loud and demand that they follow the latest trending outrage? The same company that does whatever the Chinese government tells it to? Which censors threads which disagree with them while leaving this one (on the same topic) up for days?

When they make a decision to remove a spray that can really only be for one reason given recent trends, yet which directly empowers racists and racism by legitimizing their misuse of symbols, they deserve criticism, especially when they try to hide from it.

The only thing I trust them to do is make good games despite their absolutely horrible political decisions. And even that’s in question lately with what’s been passing for “balance” changes.

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As long as it’s the decision you personally want them to make.

Yep. One context is reality. The other context is fantasy. Fiction. Not real. A fairy tale. Make believe. A story. A narrative.

Just like shooting someone in the face with a shotgun has one context in reality and a different context in fiction. It’s okay for Reaper to shoot Ana in the face with a shotgun because it’s fiction. A fantasy. A fairy tale. Make believe. A story. A narrative.

If a masked man blasted an old lady in the face with a shot gun in real life then I would hope that everyone would have a problem with it.

Only some people have a problem with it in the FICTIONAL game and that are those people who can’t tell the difference between reality and fiction. They are blurring the two.

It is not good.

Yes, where a large amount of the player base is and their headquarters are.

The US player population is important to them, and for them, it is a symbol of hate.

This IS them evolving. One step at a time. They have to clean house locally before they then are ready to understand the world stage.

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Swastika are just a symbol. It, itself never caused problems, but, if someone is flying a swastika flag at their house, you know something is up.

Blizzard knows that the noose has become a problem as a symbol. They are removing it.

They are making the people who associate themselves with the symbol, known that they are not welcome in the game.

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You mention the flag, which you’re correct to do. A simple swastika is also not a hate symbol, and is to this day seen on many Buddhist and Hindu temples in Asian countries. The stylized flag popularized in the 1930s, featuring a clockwise swastika turned by 45 degrees and under which antisemitic policies and genocide were perpetrated, is a hate symbol because it was created to represent that ideology and nothing else.

A noose is just a knot that has used by civilizations for thousands of years as a cheap and effective means of execution and as a symbol of punishment for breaking the law.

How a group of racist Americans have used it since the reconstruction era doesn’t make them worthy of special consideration, and they certainly don’t get to dictate how we view a symbol unless we allow it. Don’t give them power they don’t deserve.

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Sure, it does. Blizzard leaving it in the game is basically saying “we are ok with what you have been doing” - rather than, “get out, you are not welcome here”

It has been used as a symbol of hatred towards blacks for a long time. To say that it isn’t is just ignoring it’s history.

It is already been viewed this way for a long long time. The black panthers had some pretty strong things to say on the subject.

Kick them out and let them know they are not welcome.