Thank you for removing the noose

While I agree that it needed to be removed because gamers and especially OW players aren’t mature enough to handle it in the current climate, you are VERY incorrect as to your reasoning.
The noose itself was capital punishment in the old west (as well as before), which matches McCree’s theme. It represented the law handling crime and punishment. It had it’s place just like McCree mowing people down with his pistol in the game.
Intent is the problem with the spray, unfortunately. It’s not everyone’s intent to use it to display racism, but it only takes a few…

there are legit games designed aroudn that in world.

gabriel (reaper) is not white. (we know this from his blackwatch skin)
S76 wanting to kill reaper can be seen as racist.

dont see anyone saying to remove that bit of lore :upside_down_face:

DF is a criminal of color…that can be seen as stereotyping…dont see it being brought up as an issue.

IRL issues should NEVER impact a game.

Games are NOT real.

Games are where you go to avoid real life issues.

DO you see apes talking with humans irl in english?

do you see sentient robots having human rights?

do you see time travel irl?

so is shooting ppl.

so is punching people.

yet those are fine apparently.

funny cause apparently it was the ppl who HAD the issue with it that were upset :thinking:

oh and fun fact: if i see a noose wanna know what my mind 1st thinks of?
Wild west stuff (which cree is designed after cowboy theme) or suicides.

when the heck was last time someoen was hanged over their race???

casue how else do you use a noose?

i use mercy’s wing spray to combo with other sprays.

i use widow’s sniper scope to place on others sprays (is that the next 1 that gets accused of being bad???)

so is it hate if someone places it on a df spray that has his hed in it?

its simple using the available sprays to interact with other sprays.

you can use the “probed” spray to make lewd spray combos.

the fun in sprays is the fact they can make more interesting thigns together.


Racism isn’t implied but ok
look up “first time?” meme, Its just referencing Old Western Towns hanging criminals pretty much as it was the main source of capital punishment at the time. And last time I checked, nooses don’t exclusive hang specific races.

Honestly its on you if you think its a racist thing.

my opinion? Its over-sensitive and painfully obvious people are trying to blame the game any possible way they can. Sorry if you disagree but thinking it was made with pure racist intent just incorrect, factually.


I’m really sick of this, Overwatch is an international game, and there are more than 190 countries outside of the US, at least in my country the noose was used in medieval times to execute criminals but regardless, some people seem to be really soft like OP to connect everything with racism or hatred, and while we are at it let’s

  • Remove guns in general from the game, they were used to kill people of color.
  • Remove Widowmaker’s poisonous mine, people used to poison drinks to kill others.
  • Remove anything explosive, people died in explosions.
  • Remove Roadhog’s hook, because slaves were put in chains.
  • Remove trees, because nooses were hanged on trees.
  • Remove the game, you kill the enemy team, killing is bad and was used against people of color.

grow a spine people…


Neither is dismissing a symbol of hatred just because it’s not a symbol that THEY recognize.

Using your own ignorance of history as a basis for argument is just as stupid as denying Swastikas just because they only had positive connotations until the 1930’s and were adopted by a relatively small group of people to be used as a symbol for hatred.

How…exactly is a noose racist?

Blizzard is sketchy AF tbh, this is basically a product designed to teach kids how to gamble…

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You know who also used to breathe oxygen?

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Are you actually a for real? We should ban fire cause it was used to burn “witches” too…

You don’t say. What else are you gonna do with it, especially when you got huge-headed “cute sprays”. But people were doing it on ANY spray.

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Wait a sec. did they actually remove the noose? For what cause? We are playing a game that shoots people.


I am 1/16 witch on my dad’s side.

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Someone need to check his head for overreacting to memes in 2020.

You’re absolutely right!! I’m so glad Blizzard took the time to remove such a hateful symbol out of the game.

I only wish they removed the reaper skull spray. I think of suicide a lot of the time, and I’m sure others do as well. It’s very insensitive to post such a negative theme of death in a game. I wish blizzard would act on this.

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This is super interesting. It’s so obviously not racist here that it’s geniunely interesting to see it got removed. Even ignoring how it fits thematically into McCree’s super cliched cowboy motif (spurs, boots, hat and all), but the spray itself is a direct reference to the most famous spaghetti western of all time. Like it’s made to look identical. That it could get removed for internet brownie points opens a lot of interesting doors for what might happen in the future.

A couple things I’m curious about how would be if shooting in spawn will be allowed. The justification I see here is that it was used on black characters sprays more often. Never really saw that but then again I’m a McCree main so I don’t play with a whole lot of McCrees. I mostly just used it on a wall and sat up against that wall so my head was in it lol. Anyways if this was actually happening presumably these people would just fire at them in spawn. Not something I ever see playing Baptiste or Doom (I don’t play Lucio) but hey maybe it’s a thing? In that case it would be interesting if they locked shooting in spawn

With this level of ‘protection’ I’m curious if tactical crouching will be in some way prevented in the future. After all many sensitive players describe it as literally sexual assault (I really hope they never find out what sexual assualt actually is it isn’t fun lol). Happy Activision, one of the kindest companies in the world, is showing it’s true colors with this exceedingly timely support.


how is a noose racist?
Is a Machete racist? African tribe use it to kill each other all the time.
What about a katana? Japanese use it to murder millions of Chinese, Mongolian and Korean.
A gun?

America is hardly the first, much less the only country who use hanging as a capital punishment. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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Cancel culture strikes again. It’s an endless cycle of appeasing the current trend.

Just be glad no one complained about the Fiery Junkrat themed skin early this year. You know, the Fiery Australian skin? If you ask me that’s more offensive than the noose, but hey I’m just a different perspective.

Just promise not to remove the Police skins Blizzard and I’ll not worry about all this.

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You know… I don’t think you are right.


Yeah, but, sadly the world is not the context of a “western trope”.
It was placed in the game in that context, and removed in a different context.

But, like, both contexts exist.

no one is going to remove the police skins chil