Thank you for removing the noose

The people who want to find something triggering in every day activities, games and other stuff are the problem.

Not a noose icon in a game, for a character that was copied from the good the bad and the ugly movie.

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I care because of the lack of explanation. But mainly because of removing something that already exist is wrong in general. We cannot buy a properly remaster version of the original Star Wars Trilogy. Because George Lucas personally hates those versions. So he/Disney forced fans to reconstruct those versions themselves.

I don’t like that Sym’s shield generator was removed, or the Level 3 turret.

You said that it wasn’t a hate symbol and it is. You not taking it that way doesn’t change how it is used, and saying what it’s meant for means nothing when that is what it’s used for.

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I liked because of the joke.

Your content is wrong but real respect real.

Yes you are right and Swastikas symbolize peace.

It’s a executioner for criminals / prisoners. However here in the United States people used their hatred powers and abused it which is why you guys view it as a hatred symbol when it’s not overall. This is nothing more than self guilt due to their ancestors doing wicked things on innocents.


Your assertion that it is some sort of guilt due to actions from long ago is false. Like I said, when Obama was elected they hanged effigies of him because he is a mixed black man. People still leave them up on the properties of black people to threaten or intimidate them. Several black people were found hanged after the BLM protests began. These things can be easily confirmed by a simple google search.

It’s not a thing of the past. It is a current and present hate symbol that is still being used today. It’s basically a swastika for black people. You not caring about hateful imagery used against black people doesn’t change that.

In the sense you’re talking of, killing is also a symbol of hatred. Which is basically what Overwatch is about as far as I know.

and soon dva’s and brig’s police skin will be removed

because police is a symbol of racism apparently

i don’t understand why people has to put some forced hidden political agenda behind everything

more often than not

it really isn’t what you think it is

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I pesonaly don´t care, if that spray is in game or gone. I am just genuinely surprised, that in game, where killing is a thing and you are literaly asked to get headshots to be the best, is any “sign of hatered or violence” seen as “something bad”.


People really do seem to like picking one thing, one potential, one outlook, one possibility, one reference, one implication and run with it. Not only having but expressing that you have an open mind seems to be a rare occurrence.

I mean you’re fitting the statement of what I said in my first post in this thread. I can say United States probably the only country that made it a symbol of hatred because they kept using that noose on innocent people. Other countries didn’t label it as a hatred of symbol. We know the purpose of what it’s used for, but due to people with big egos abusing it made it so a “symbol of hatred” though overall it’s not.

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Okay, so you’re saying in other places besides the US it’s not a hate symbol. Even if that’s the case, what about it? Blizzard is an American company. If Americans were to complain about some foreign-made game removing hate symbols that are used to threaten and terrorize a large portion of their population then people would be all “Uggggh Amerikants only think about themselves and dont respect other people or cultures”

Why is it we can only look at the noose in this one light? Don’t the rest of us deserve to use it in the context it was meant for? It was not a symbol limited to lynching, and in fact, that is a very limited association at best.

This cancer of limiting ideas and things based on one contextual association has to stop (and eventually it will). It was a method of execution, and in context, that’s its meaning. You need to broaden your perspective beyond just seeing things in just racial terms. Maybe check yourself before finger wagging in everyone’s face.

If someone abused it in game, then report them. I guess next is “Time to Kill” because someone put the spray against Lucio’s head?

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I mean it’s oddly accurate in current days now just in a different variation.

Yeah, that was exactly the point.

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He never said that. That’s neither cool nor clever.

And if you are mad about a noose in a game and think it resembles hatred and racism then you need to get over it and go check yourself.

Lynching is a reference to the old western what McCree is based on, get over yourself.

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Imagine thinking a noose was made strictly for just lynching and being the symbol of racism.

How easily offended do you people have to be. Mccree is based on a COWBOY in WESTERN TIMES. Holy crap you people are something else.

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Insanity at it’s finest. It seems everyone in agreement with the removal has some sort of guilt. Perhaps they’ve done some racist things in their life & feel this is some sort of repentance :man_shrugging: