Thank you for removing the noose

I think it’s understandable to claim racism when that’s all you know. I’m guessing some people really have no clue what it is used for.


if you get ofended by that you are the problem simple as that…

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This is false. The hangman’s noose has been consistently used as a symbol of hatred for many years.

You might disagree that it matters, but whether or not it’s a prominent hate symbol is not up for debate.

Ooooof , here comes the fun police

In all these discussions on racism on the Forum it is important to understand the context. McCree is a cowboy from the Wild West, which is an important part of his storyline. This has nothing to do with the lynching of African American.
Feel free to correct me if I get this wrong. I would like to be proven wrong about that.

The hanging of criminals was a common and " powerful " death penalty at that time. And so the noose is one of the best known symbols for this time.

The Wild West

As the United States began to expand west, most new states favored the death penalty, and hanging continued to be the most popular means of execution. In addition, disregarding the trend set by many northern states, these states would hang criminals for offenses like robbery and rape. Because of the abundant lawlessness and crime in the Wild West, judges were strict, and hangings were commonplace. If a judge was particularly ruthless, he became known as a hanging judge. Isaac Parker, perhaps the best-known hanging judge, sentenced 160 men to death by hanging. However, of those 160, only 79 were actually executed. The remaining 81 either appealed, died in jail, or were pardoned. Though at the time, these judges were criticized for issuing so many death sentences, a few modern scholars maintain that most of the judges were honorable men trying to establish law and order in the wild American frontier.

Of course Blizzard would not include such a spray in the game as a reference to lynchings.

The only reason why the spray was removed is because there are people who cannot or do not want to understand the actual context of the spray.
And it is a shame that development studios let themselves be taken hostage by such people.
Even though I am not a supporter of the death penalty, i think this spray was pretty cool and it is important to give development studios the freedom to choose what they publish as content.


I did say morals are screwed up a lot recently. What is fact will be seen false = Feelings > Logic. It’s not a symbol, but more of an executioner overall because you forget United States aren’t the only ones who uses that method in the past. Other countries did it as well executing their prisoners.

The reason why people see it as a symbol of hate though it’s not is because of self guilt of what their ancestors did in this country.

I wouldn’t say taken hostage, but also share that mindset as well meaning their own company was infiltrated and common sense went out of the window. Overall third world countries knows this country is mentally weak right now. If they were to strike right now we would lose due to how sensitive people are these days.

So this means they can do whatever they want for whatever dead-obvious reason they want while being (in your view) immune to all criticism just so long as they don’t state the reason directly? Why didn’t companies figure this simple trick out years ago? Just stay silent and you can get away with anything.

Not immune to criticism. You can defo ask about it but the problem I have is demonising specific groups of people based on stuff you don’t know. Other than that, yes. It’s Blizzard’s game. It’s their domain. They can do whatever the hell they want.

You’re moving as if they did something devious. Look, they’ve removed a lot of things in the past before. People only suddenly bat an eye when it’s a noose spray.

The hangman’s noose as a symbol of hate is not a thing of the past. Look up the Obama effigies that people hanged when he was elected for president. Why do you think that hanging a doll of Obama was the first response of racists when a mixed black president was elected? Black people are still terrorized and threatened with hangings today so your idea that it’s only an issue due to some guilt over the past is, again, false.

This is why I qualified the statement with “while being immune to criticism.” What’s with people these days taking qualified statements, ignoring half the sentence, and acting as though they were absolute? It’s like a plague spreading all over the Internet.

If they did remove it in order to censor it, which appears logical in light of recent events, then yes, they very much did something devious. If they did it for some benign reason that has nothing to do with recent events, they should come out and say it because that’s the conclusion everyone not playing devil’s advocate will logically draw.

Well said. It’s sad that Blizz bends the knee to fake outragers. Cancel culture wings again :nauseated_face:

And I still responded to that. You’re complaining that I quoted that part out when I address it anyway.


We don’t know their reasoning. There are multiple reasons why they could’ve removed it. I can easily say that they removed it because it’s reference to Wild West culture wasn’t strong/clear enough. Hence the replacement which has a much stronger link to cowboy imagery.

You’re not any more correct than me.

Notice how you’re basing this off of:

It’s almost like this discussion is completely pointless unless we can find out specifically why they removed it.

No, they don’t. You’re not entitled to a reason for every decision they make.

Everyone playing devil’s advocate is assuming it’s to stop racism. Logical people would look at this whole situation, notice that there wasn’t a specific reason stated and discuss the replacement spray rather than malding over the removed one.

Maybe I’d have much more respect for your online justice campaign against censorship if there was actually a problem with the new spray? :expressionless:

But we are.



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Recent times with different names. Just because another group use it as hatred doesn’t mean it’s overall meant for that. As again it’s execution meant for criminals / prisoners, but unfortunately was used for innocents on a specific race. I mean should we bring cops into this saying they’re a symbol of hate in disguise with the stuff they get away with?

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OP: “Racism is bad”

Congratulations, You are a normal sane human being along with billions of other humans on the planet.

Have a cookie and get over yourself.
You aren’t special or revolutionary for holding a common sense belief that virtually all others hold.

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say it with me

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or just a meme which you overreact, check your head aswel tho, we are at 2020 now

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Spamming a hashtag is good and all,
But I’d rather vote for people who will actually change systems for the better such as quashing qualified immunity.

Don’t be a backseat slacktivist.

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There is nothing racist about a noose. It’s an execution method that has been around for centuries. It’s not exclusive to lynch mobs. Quit being so darn fragile.