Thank you for removing the noose

Yes. Put Bad Luck horseshoe on top of Doomfist. OH NO! I can construed it as racist.

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Don’t you mean a lasso?

Not really. As you said it was supposed to be in reference to movies. Yet multiple players in these threads and just in general have used the spray to hang people. They’re twisting the meaning of the spray. You could easily argue that this is why they replaced the spray with something that better showcases McCree’s cowboy roots.

I mean, if you liked it because of its link to Wild West, legit what’s wrong with a spray that better portrays that?

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In my entire time of overwatch, I never once saw this noose spray as something racist. All I could see ( and I still do) is a method used to hang criminals in the wild west ( you know, something that MCCRRE IS BASED OF).

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Honestly there no point in making paragraphs long responses as these people are forever gonna be stuck in their woke culture is killing everything! mindset. Ya cant fix stupid or persuade people to stop being stupid


Indeed. So they replaced the weak reference to a movie/culture with something with a better, stronger link to Wild West imagery.

What exactly is the problem here?

You’re insisting that this is censorship for the sake of removing “nasty” things but what proof do you have to support that besides an assumption?

I mean the noose - criminals and outlaws facing the noose is a classic part of westerns.

Yet multiple players in these threads and just in general have used the spray to hang people. They’re twisting the meaning of the spray.

A noose is for hanging people.
That is its purpose = there was no twisting of its meaning.


If even one person who is engaging in this discussion as an outsider read it, and understood my point then I think I’d have done a good thing.


You and I both know that it’s a lasso. He’s a cowboy. Not an executioner.

It is also a lasso that is a staple in Wild West cowboy movies.

Supposed it is genuinely a hanging noose. So what? They could’ve just removed it because the link to cowboy culture was just weak. The horseshoe better represents what that noose was supposed to represent.

Let’s just pretend as if that is totally what it’s supposed to be referring to. A huge game company totally wanted to make a hanging spray and totally wanted you to use said spray to hang heroes with.

We all know there’s no proof of anything because because Blizz haven’t said why they removed it. You know this, and if you want to play that game then go ahead but I can only debate this with people who actually want to debate it. Saying “There’s no proof” is just a cop out argument.

Exactly. :clap:t4: Why argue over it then?

It really isn’t. You’re playing devil’s advocate by making arguments based on mere assumptions. I’m just pointing out how unnecessary and pointless that is for everyone.

Well, your not wrong. Let’s hope people learn a valuable lesson in how to not be stupid on these forums.


The interesting thing is that it’s Blondie who shoots the noose at the end of the film which grants him the title of “The Good”. He learns to show compassion towards his enemy.

“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” is a movie about morality and the hero, of whom Mcree is based on does a good act at the end. He doesn’t start out that way. He starts out morally questionable by leaving his buddy “Tuco” to die in the desert. He learns. He evolves. He grows as a person. He becomes “The Good”.

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Because I’m a human being capable of lateral thinking. I don’t need “proof” in this situation because I’m able to make the assumption for why they’ve removed it. If you want to play this game then go elsewhere. I’m not biting. :yum: It’s the weakest argument I’ve encountered yet and it’s insulting that you’re even trying to pull me into it. We all know there’s no proof. We will debate it regardless.

Trying to shut down debate for that reason is rediculous.

If this was the case we wouldn’t be arguing right now over a spray.

And this is what I’m calling out. You’re creating arguments and problems over a mere assumption. You’re not Blizzard. You don’t work in Blizzard and yet here you are so confident in knowing the reason behind the removal. Like what?

Being this argumentative over a spray is not healthy.

Fine then. I can’t control what you say so I’ll leave it there. But don’t you just find it hilarious how the guy insisting that the spray is absolutely referencing Wild West culture won’t simply just accept a spray that better portrays this.

Talk about projecting.

Have fun then. :v:t5::sleeping:

It’s amazing how in the 21st century people are so easily offended, look at how far we’ve come to be discussing things like this in an electronic game and I think that here in Brazil there was freshness.

I am arguing against censoring fiction. I create narrative based games so I care about the subject.

It’s referencing a specific movie. Not “Wild West culture”.

I don’t wanna waste anymore time on you. All you bring to the debate is that “You shouldn’t be debating it because you have no proof for why they removed it”. Your entire purpose here is pointless and you waste both of our time. :woman_shrugging:


Yeeeeeeeeee!!! the noose was our only problem about hatred and racism… now we are a safe community and a happy game… jez… stop fooling yourself with lies…

Oh you don’t need to tell me again. Anyone arguing from a bunch of assumptions aren’t going to be arguing in good faith. At this point I’ve done the most I can to put a stop to such an overreaction over a literal spray.

You can continue your god awful arguments about nonexistent censorship in Overwatch. Imma just sit and watch. :wink:

Well, it’s an assumption that most of the forum share, so I’m in good company. :sweat_smile: The debate isn’t “Why they removed it?”, the debate is “Was it right to remove it?”

Oh good. Toodles.

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Sorry that you’re a child that needs extra parenting from video games companies.