Thank you for leaving Brigitte alone! 🥰

They’ve already nerfed the healing and armour. She feels a lot weaker than before, but she feels perfect.

I don’t feel like they need to make any changes to Brigitte. Sure, the shield is quite weak but she’s in a very good spot.

She’s not the OP monster dueller that she used to be, she’s perfect.


A small victory, but one that’s worth it.


Love your name :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


I don’t get why everyone says this. She has similar output to lucio and she actually has to swing to do it.

Her armor stat isn’t accurate because It doesn’t show how much of that armor decayed and how much of it was used. If sound barrier had a stat they’d probably be around the same “healing”.


So which changes did go through?

Everyone except Brig.


It was a nice surprise. Experimental mode is a fantastic way to test changes.

Thank you for not ruining Brig’s combo.


Oh yay ! So no bash duration nerf ?! :heart::heart:
Edit I see now ! That’s so nice to hear :grinning:

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I ran duo with an Ana, and I had about 35-39% inspire uptime. I was putting out 15-19k heals per game. when I play with a Moira, I only get 12k heals but I’ll beat the Moira sometimes. Brig can put out a lot of heals. It is hard though, and dangerous trying to have inspire up so much.

Put armor on top of all that heals, and you’re looking at way more sustain than Lucio can bring to the table.

I’m not advocating for a nerf to Brig’s heals, but I am saying she can heal a lot if done right. The problem is that Brig can be a feast or famine sometimes, and really needs top coordination with the team.

Other support don’t need the same level of coordination compared to Brig.


Even though this 2nd stun duration nerf didn’t go live,

remember that Tracer/Genji/Doom can still use recall/deflect/swiftstrike/uppercut between getting bashed and getting whipped if they’re fast enough, due to the previous stun duration nerf


The thing about brig though is that she needs support to do that. She only has 10 self heal per second and 70 dps per 1.2 seconds, any dps can take her in a 1v1 except maybe genji.

I very rarely outheal a Moira. It can happen, but only with a Zarya pocket, the other team ignoring me, and Moira cleaning up more than healing.


They didn’t nerf Brigg for the septillionth time in a row?!:sob::sob:

Oh it’s too good to be true!


She herself no longer is. But now her repair packs make everyone else on her team an unkillable dueler. Brig removes the entire concept of 1v1s as she can simply give a pack to the tracer in the enemy backline from an uncontestable range. This is the most frustrating healing mechanic in the game. Lucio, bap, moira or mercy doesn’t have the range. Ana stops healing the moment LOS is cut. Zen has only very weak heals for that reason, and that’s his only healing resource.

She has a higher output to lucio (22 vs 16hps) with a more than twice as large AOE. It stays active for 5 seconds even if brig is dead.
According to the stats, brig has a heal output higher than lucio anywhere higher than diamond.

They should nerf the heals because it’s so annoying to play into, because it’s so extremely powerful on squishy heroes but without being in range and putting all your focus on one hero like with mercy. Also it makes heroes very tanky.


Thank you :heart_eyes_cat:

cheeky forum tip: type <likethis> to add characters to your post without it appearing in the final message!

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She’s an awful healer why would they nerf her further


How is she awful, 55% winrate, highest out of all supports in every rank, pickrate good enough to get banned.

Tell me why she is awful.


Poor sigma though :frowning:


She has a higher winrate in the lower ranks due to the accessibility of her kit.

If you look at her GM statistics, it’s in line with what a balanced healer looks like. Her winrate is only 2% higher than Ana’s but is picked 33% less.

If you look at her Diamond statistics, her pickrate is quite mediocre but she has a decent winrate.

She doesn’t stand out as anything more than balanced, unlike Ana.


I mean unkillable is a strong word… she gives to another hero more survivility for a short time and thats it, and you have to sacrifice the heals of the repair packs wich is risky because she cant activate Inspire like before.

Yeah, and she has to stay ALIVE in melee range to do that wicht is not easy nowadays with her, the tradeoff is fair. Lucio doesnt need to stay in meele range to activate his heal, he actually doesnt have to do nothing to heal, just stay in range with his teamates so I would say she is perfectly balanced.


Highest winrate in every rank, I’ll say it again. 55% average. That’s not awful.
Kit is accessible? Look at mercy. Look at moira, they are not like that.