Thank You, Aria Rose

I love this thread :slightly_smiling_face:

I admire your maturity. Cheers! A Jelly&Jam in the making.

No. There’s no reason to argue WW2 stuff here, bottom line cut and dry. There’s also no reason to compare people to one of the most destructive hate groups. If you couldn’t tell that that’s inflammatory, I can’t help you. Trolls are intentionally inflammatory. You are a troll. I will tell you this and stop replying.


Afew trolls crept in so I mean its already going down the drain.

Hijacking the 2018 elections boi.

Oh Nuuuuuu


My post explains the current state of the forums…

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Yeah, sorry. I’m not even sure what your point is now seen as how you’ve been changing it throughout this thread. That being said, the quote I linked quite literally proves that you weren’t being civil.

I will write my name under this one happily.
Thank you, Aria for fighting after we have lost our strength to continue. :slight_smile: You and Titanium are darlings.

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People with opposing opinions to you aren’t trolls sweetie I’m sorry you think that way though.

You are right about that👌

Listen to this, will help a whole lot,

Everyone just listen and chill, this will make anything epic lol😂

ty aria for being vocal about the faults of overwatch.

hopefully people start noticing the trend of bad blizzard games that’ve been happening for a long time now.

and also for how underhanded blizzard has been in general for the past few years.

The word troll is so over used,

If you need real help on the forums i will help u,

But when u get mercy thread after mercy thread that is extremely biased you treat it as such.

You are further trying to antagonize me whilst actually copying and pasting a comment i made about you… antagonizing me

Logic > You.

Aria Rose is pretty great. Dig her YouTube channel too!

Thank you Aria for addressing what some of us are too shy to say! :heart:

Thank you. I’m glad that even though some of us may not always have the same opinion on balance we can at least agree on this. :heart:

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I know we don’t see eye to eye a lot, but I appreciate this comment.


Can we please stop with this community division, please? Why can’t we all just get along?

I hate saying this, but this community has made me gradually detest this game. It’s a breeding ground for toxicity and negativity.

Respect your fellow players. This is a video game, not some sort of bound in blood contract. If it’s so upsetting that people are still annoyed about the state of things, stop playing because Blizzard literally is notorious for doing things like this. They do it in WoW constantly, they’ve done it in Diablo; it’s how they operate. This doesn’t need to be taken so personally, nor does it need to be a competition for everyone amongst themselves.

This thread is going to get locked, because yet again, this community likes to keep driving a wedge between all of us.

I haven’t given my opinion on this thread really so you wouldn’t really understand what I think at all :thinking: you obviously didn’t come here to have a discussion you are only here to troll and cause drama.

I don’t need to antagonise you. You’ve done a great job doing that yourself.

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