Thank You, Aria Rose

I don’t need to antagonise you. You’ve done a great job doing that yourself.

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Mercy for President! :innocent::us::tada:

Yikes alot of negativity here

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Why are you quoting comments i made ages ago then exactly?

This thread will be locked because of trolls as per usual.

insert Will Smith ‘tada’ meme

Ooooh, Xenoblade! Never played, but it looks interesting.

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this thread has been like this for like 30 minutes Image result for kermit typing gif


Looking at the posts and what were said it was clear the connection was made with the post

This thread is a day old

You are saying ‘On behalf of Mercy mains I want to thank you’

Mercy is my most played hero with over 170 hours and I view this person as the toxic side of Mercy’s fanbase.

Do not put every Mercy main/player in the same sack. It is your personal opinion you express with another few, not of thousands along mine.


Ages ago? Okay, we need to calm down a bit. The quote in question was posted 2 hours ago.


My running mate will be Pharah. Justice and Mercy for the people of America! If you vote for me, every American gets a free cookie!


blizzard started this community division tbh by corralling mercy threads and basically shutting down all talks about her for about a year.

That caused the dominos to fall and make the community dislike mercy mains even more.
I say even more cus the past SR exploit and people basically flooding to GM as mercy.

Please explain why this person quoted that random comment out of any comment here if it wasn’t to antagonize? Also Why are you speaking for the person? You aren’t even who i was replying too?

There we go let’s get things back on track talk about how cool Aria is.

That’s the whole point right👌

I’m down with it.

Feel like I’m going to start dancing lol😂

It gets locked because no one knows how to have normal discussions. People get irate just because there are disagreements. People like to blow things and what people say out of proportion and make others look like monsters.

And naturally, someone will say: “they’re trying to silence Mercy threads!” When no, it ultimately comes down to how toxic everyone is and the fact people keep having man-child tantrums about a topic 14 months old. And as a disclaimer, it’s both sides of this debate. Everyone is to blame here.

I’m going to kindly disagree. Things wouldn’t be getting locked and separated had the playerbase not done that themselves to begin with.


Why did u randomly link a comment i made 2 hours ago what actual context to it add to anything other to antagonize me?

That would be the op sir/mam.

that’s why.

Ok… So what exactly is everyone here arguing about?