Terrible teammates

The quality in teammate and teamwork have gone done the drain so much there’s no coming back. On console it’s usually two people in chat ( me being one of them) that are actually communicating. There is absolutely no reason for you to play a competitive game mode and not communicate.


calm down…


I am calm. Thank you :wink: . Just tired of having bad teammates


Some people find it easier to concentrate/play well when they don’t have people in their ear. Personally, this game tilts me about 90% less than it did before when I used VC. Less tilted and more concentration… I’ve actually been able to focus on my own gameplay and climb. I know a lot of people say the same. I know when i play support, I don’t even use match/team chat text because of how toxic people can be towards support. And I don’t wanna heal mean people so ignorance is bliss :slight_smile:


Yep, nearly every game has at least two players who are 1) RUDE, 2) Clueless as to what a team is, 3) Terrible at the hero they play, 4) Blaming the entire rest of the team for the problems. Nearly every time it is either a tank or a dps as well.

Avoid player is only a very VERY short-term (like 24hour) fix and can only fix 3 at a time. It is insanely annoying having to constantly remove/add players to avoid as you play games just to avoid playing the NEXT game with them.

The rudeness and cheating shows the DEEP frustrations of a terrible game with terrible game play, controls, and designs.

Overwatch is a game full of cheaters (including the smurfs there), the worst match making system known to man, and a development team who moves so slow to respond to any issues or reports that it is clear they don’t give two ****s about the game play or the players.

Been like this since the game was released and not one single thing they have done has made it better. Leaving the only choice to just not play or ignore it all and expect to lose 75% of the time.


Yeah, teammates always terrible, and you’re God. I heard this words so often. Stop complain about teammates and start seeking into yourself.


Oh boy, I can tell you all kinds of bad experiences I have while “talking” in competitive mode.

I am not talking about people calling each other names. That is basically a standard you get. I am talking about people talking with high amount of confidence about completely wrong stuff, causing maximum damage and mental sabotage to teammates.

For example, I had today people calling my positioning “trash” and for them, it’s completely fine that Phara is doing only high damage in the opposite team and she is killing me/us because I’m trying to get her down from the only position that I can do that and I’m getting zero heals and then I die and then I am doing zero damage because same thing repeats at least 10 times.

Then they tell me how I have to get back while they are NOT regrouping on the way, they stand still at the base and then they wait until everyone is in one spot while for that time, opposite team is pushing payload completely careless free to 75% to the next objective. So they have time to talk all kinds of things, doing pointless things only to blame me.

Funny thing is that they were so annoying and I constantly focused on the game play that the only thing I said to voice com is “Shut up.” and I think that was the only sensible thing that was said during that match. We won that match.

That is how effective voice coms are.

Its not just your teammates, you 98% win or lose on the heroes people pick.

And yet people still find a way to win and get out of whatever rating they’re in. Every person in Overwatch deals with this problem and everyone in higher ratings won their way out.

As a tip, don’t worry so much about comms. Whether people are in voice or not, people aren’t usually going to comm. Even when comms happen, people usually aren’t going to listen. Even when people are willing to listen, most comms are detrimental to the team more than they’re helpful.

Your posts are created for trolling purposes. Which is in violation of the forums terms and services. It’s a reportable offence and continue to post threads or replies like this will result in punishment


Yeah, that way is, ‘play an objectively trash game way too much’.
It looks something like: Play 100 matches, get 40 unwinnable and 40 unloseable matches. 6 couldn’t be carried, the remaining 14 are hard carried. Going up a whopping 200 SR… over 50 hours.

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I’d say there’s probably more than 1 winnable game per 5, but sure, the point is valid. Some games aren’t winnable. Climbing takes effort. The climb isn’t all the game is about though. If you don’t want to climb, you don’t have to dedicate your time to that. Other people will, though, and will climb anyways. It takes effort to be better at something than other people. That effort increases the higher you go. That’s kind of the whole point of a competitive game like this.

There’s about three or four forum users all yodeling this same song.

If I were y’all, I’d form a coalition where voicechat is mandatory in order to play.

I use lfg to make sure everyone has a mic. Then if I don’t like how we play together, I can kick whoever I felt was not contributing enough to the team.

You my friend have destroyed the nail with this!

You contributed nothing at all to the discussion. Your nerd rage to me means you are one of these people who never learned how to play overwatch correctly and hate being called out for it.

You also added context to the comments that was never ever mentioned in any way.

I would suggest you do the following:

  1. Grow up and control your nerd rage
  2. Stop trying to redirect blame to people calling out poor players vs the actual poor players.
  3. Stop changing the meaning of statements with false statements.
  4. If you can’t type out something useful, don’t type anything at all (and refer to #1, control your nerd rage)
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If I’m the only one in chat making necessary call outs that could potentially win us the fight or keep someone alive I doubt the problem is me. Just admit that you don’t join voice comm and go about your day

what if you are the one contributing the least?

this is one year old post why did you necro it

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because i really wanted to ask it, not that it matters anymore to

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