Teamplay? Good joke

“Learning English in order to engage on an English language forum, which I do so willingly, in the English language…no thanks”, yours is truly a once in a generation mind.

To submit my thoughts, google translate is enough. With minimal intelligence, you can compensate for translator’s mistakes.

Although some especially stupid individuals pretend that if you write the t1xt l1ke th1s, then its meaning will suddenly cease to be clear.

How i can read this 1??? what are you doing dangerio??? CANT UNDERSTAND PLEASE HELP ME T.T

Wrong. It’s is not my problem.
It is a problem for those that think “If we have a Bastion, we HAVE to play around him”. That is what loses matches.

You are right about this, because, after all, I do go to the game with the sole intention of onetricking X character.

But still, it does not mean that you can report a onetrick. It’s even stated on the report system.
And Bastion sentry mode is the way to go. The team does not need to pocket you, and you are basically a Soldier that can erase shields in a couple of seconds.
In low ranks it works wonders and it is fun. And that it’s all that matters.

If you already have more than 10 penalties, it doesn’t matter if I give you a tip.
I don’t think that you are going to change what you do to get so many penalties.

It’s not that your text is unclear, but rather that you’re using it to convey ideas that are almost too asinine to be believed, while simultaneously failing to understand even incredibly basic statements like “being reported and penalized ten times, but still able to play, underscores that reports aren’t meaningful”. You’re blaming translation for things that have nothing to do with clarity of text.

Will ignore you have a nice day


what are you talking about homie