Tbh mercy was never fun

Please go ahead and find me a single instance of an academic study being done on player preferences for an internal design team to decide on game balance, thanks.

One single instance.

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I am not sure what source you draw this data from, so I won’t question it’s validity just yet, but…a question: where does one downvote a thread that claims Mercy needs changes/rework/revert?

Like I said, feel free to substantiate your sole argument of “in my experience.”

Otherwise, there are special forums that will better entertain you.

“where does one downvote a thread that claims Mercy needs changes/rework/revert?”

You upvote other topics of interest. And guess what? Threads asking for mercy reworks or reverts have garnered more likes and shares than ANY other on these forums.

10x as much as those pleading not to nerf Doomfist. What does that tell you? Do we need a UN committee and a House special counsel supported by statisticians from MIT to confirm the obvious?

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You can choose, as can anyone, to acknowledge or disregard my (or anyone’s) posts as you deem fit

Feel free to substantiate your one and only argument.

I do not have access to said data.

I would not (and will not) however claim in a sentence stated as fact that such a thing has never occurred in the history of gaming

It hasn’t, period. And yes, we’re talking about public polls, so yes the data is available to you. You do seem to be of the specific cognitive subset to enjoy trawling through large amounts of numbers without context.

Also, feel free to substantiate your claims of Mercy experience.

I do not wish to put words in your mouth, and am instead only asking a question here: are you saying that folks have the ability/opportunity to upvote a thread but do not have the ability/opportunity to downvote a thread?

Lets not be autists. Likes and shares are a measure player interest and sentiment and they work.

Go and look at the anti-Mercy threads. They have about 1/5th the upvotes as the pro-Mercy threads. There’s your downvote.

WIth apologies, I cannot myself conceive of a means for anyone to know that such a poll has never been conducted in the history of gaming.

One would (as i see it) have to have detailed knowledge of the operations of every game software company and/or individual ever

Go ahead and substantiate your claims of Mercy experience.

Press the “make profile public” button.

With apologies, that does not appear to be the type of downvote I am referring to in the post you replied to.

I believe it has been generally established within the data collection and analysis community that human beings are on the order of 10 times (or thereabouts) more likely to voice displeasure than to express happiness

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And the people whining about Mercy players calling for a review of their class are expressing happiness?

It looks like you’re expressing misery, as well as autism.

With apologies, I honestly do not understand how anything I have stated expresses either of these

Mercy was very fun prior to her rework, and for a short time after, but has since become quite boring to play since Valkyrie no longer removes the cast time on Resurrect. I would like to see the return of Res as an ult that targets all downed teammates, and not a common ability

I think what people don’t understand about Mercy, and in turn Overwatch, is that she’s really supposed to not be super engaging. The basis of having a wide range of heroes is so that everyone, regardless of skillsets, personality, or past gaming experience could find a hero or two that they are comfortable playing as. I strongly believe Mercy is supposed to be played as a passive entry-level healer.

If you take away her passivness and back-line support playstyle, then, as OP said, you don’t have Mercy. I’m sorry to say this, but if you’re a Mercy main and can’t find enjoyment in her playstyle anymore, then it’s really time to move on. I’ve been in this situation before where I basically only played Mercy, and when I found her too boring I flexed off and became much happier.

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Mercy main here. This is ridiculous because before and after her previous reworks, overall she is fun for the players who enjoy her kit. Its not for everyone NO hero is. thats why we have so many!
This argument has been beaten into the ground because everyone wants something different and no one can agree to disagree and just leave mercy the **** alone.

you are
you bought the game

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Yep, deciding that character is not for you or that you find it’s gameplay uninteresting IS a judgement. You are entitled to have it. Although, it’s good to make a point of “I don’t find xy character to be fun” rather then say “XY is boring”.
I don’t find Soldier or Widow or Genji interesting. Are they boring to play? No. Not to many people. I just spent too much time playing things like that.
At which point - it’s a matter of personal experience rather then a property of the character.

Which, I believe was the predat0r’s point in a way. He can’t judge if she as a character is made well because even if it was, it wouldn’t be his style and he couldn’t tell a difference. Kinda like - if someone who doesn’t play RPGs would rate one. His opinion would kind of be irrelevant because he can’t really tell the difference.


this kinda thing makes me want to see mercy removed from the game