Tbh mercy was never fun

A poll that does not follow correct polling methodology produces only invalid data

The polls were good enough, and certainly outweigh your monotonous troll “opinions”. You are one data point, they are 1000+ data points. Even non-support players support a revert.

The End.

This appears to me to have been conducted improperly, and as such, I believe the results to be invalid

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Ana main here.

Mercy was fun pre-rework. She’d be even more fun if she were reverted to her old hps and ult but with small nerfs to her mass rez to balance it out and compensate for the addition of a new E and the bunny hop.

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It was done well enough to completely invalidate all of your arguments 1000 fold, which boil down to “because I think so”.

1500 people outweigh your 1 personal opinion.

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Our experience differs

In my experience, she is fun to play, balanced, engaging, and impactful.

Your experience counts for nothing against the experience of 1500+ people. But you can substantiate your personal Mercy experience by making your profile public.

Otherwise, I think you’ve said your piece.

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“Easy button”? The only ability Mercy has like that would be Valkyrie, which is just a “press and relax” button, since it pretty much makes Mercy a spectator cam that can heal, without much worty of death or target prioritization.

Mass Rez was more impactful and less “easy” than the glorified spec cam that her ult is now.


Give her Death Blossom then. You’ll be eating your words.

Factually, Polls are either run correctly or not, producing respectively meaningful or meaningless data.

I know of no correctly run polls at this time on the subject of Mercy

I personally do not consider providing ones genuinely held opinion on a matter to be trolling

I personally do not consider someone disagreeing with me to be trolling

It’s easy to claim that Mercy is all of the above when you have a private profile so we can’t even tell if you’ve played Mercy or not and to then say that she’s perfectly fine is an opinion that is only taken slightly into consideration by me. But as a Mercy player whose in the top 100 Mercy players on PC (and doesn’t have their profile blocked I might add). I don’t think she’s in the best spot she’s ever been in.

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Cool. Go ahead and substantiate your claims of your Mercy experience.

The polls were run well enough. And the mere fact that AriaRose’s proposal has been gaining so much traction (and so many upvotes) very well buries your “argument”

It is my understanding that a poll is either conducted using proper methodology or improper methodology.

There is as I understand it no in between state, no “good enough”

Go ahead and share with us what the “proper methodology” is, and feel free to make your profile public so we can verify your claims of Mercy experience.

And please let me know why we need academic-level polls to verify sentiment, when this has never been the level of evidence required for any other proposals in the history of gaming.


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Pre-Rework Mercy was decent in terms of fun, what she needed was some sort of E ability and changes to Rez to add more counterplay or up the ult charge to make it match the value. But instead we get the Moth Meta which broke the game.


It appears (to me) that you are drawing your 1500 figure from an invalidly collected set of data

My opinion is indeed nothing more than that - 1 opinion. I would not claim otherwise. But many others have said the same, in many of the seemingly endless sea of mercy-related threads

Yet the side opposite yours gets the most upvotes and positive feedback.

Again, feel free to substantiate your claims of Mercy experience.

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Factually, It is the right of every player to have their profile public or private. I personally do not see this therefore as a problem, tho you appear (to me) to be implying that it is.

You may of course choose to believe what you wish. I will not be furnishing anyone proof that I play Mercy, given that no one here is required to furnish such proof

My experience differs from yours

Have you directed software development at every company to ever produce game software?

Factually, your only argument has been “in my experience …”

Go ahead and substantiate your experience, or we can all just disregard your posts until you say something new.