Tanks still continuing to throw their own games

main tanking = responsibilty.

a lot of players try to avoid it at any cost. in EVERY game that has tanks as a role.

most of them just want to chillax and frag some people :roll_eyes:


youā€™re comparing hunger to tank roleā€¦that is the worst analogy Iā€™ve ever seen in my life. eating and tanking are not synonymous when youā€™re hungry you eat thereā€™s no one stopping you but when youā€™re tanking you donā€™t just press Wā€¦you need a TEAM yes a TEAM to help youā€¦you know how many timeā€™s tanks have made room and no one followed throughā€¦and I agree with Brettā€¦play tank and see how ā€œeasyā€ it is to press W


It can be tricky especially for MT because you have to play so differently game by game. An Ashe or Brig will play roughly the same regardless of team comp but a strategy that works when you have a Zarya Ana on your team is suicidal next game when you have a Winston and a ā€œmain healingā€ Mercy. Or one game you have an Ashe frontlining and the next game you have an Ashe that wonā€™t even see the enemy until they walk through the choke.


On MT you always get the people who moan that you arenā€™t telling them how to play their hero. ā€œMT should be leading the team!ā€. Iā€™m not their mother. If they donā€™t know how to play their hero they donā€™t deserve to win. This nonsense is why nobody wants to q tank and those that do donā€™t want to MT.


Heā€™s trying to take angles on the most likely tanks left on point and unable to actually get on the point without dying. While two tanks and two supports are at the choke

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i wish there was a was to pin this reply because i have said this for long. i am glad their are some people like you that have really noticed this problem.


it doesnā€™t matter what you playā€¦suck is suckā€¦if a person sucks and theyā€™re on your team you automatically think that all players of that role suck tooā€¦no one ever says theyā€™re the ones that suck because everyone thinks they belong in GMā€¦

I agree that it feels like thereā€™s always something lacking when you get a team that just canā€™t follow through on anything but saying all tanks suck or all dps suck or all healers suck is generalizing.

Iā€™m telling you just play for fun not SRā€¦this game isnā€™t meant to be played competitively because too many people donā€™t have that mindset.


you sound like one of the tanks i described so please ignore this fellow right here

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OP what role do you play? would care to link a few games where we can review how your matches are going.

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The problem is compared to dps which is far easier to play. More players understand the role and less players understand how to properly tank.

In plat and below only ten percent of tanks are actually reliable. Applies to diamond also really.

Be nice to your tank players. We have a crap job.


where is this number coming fromā€¦where are the stats to prove such a numberā€¦how do you even calculate what ā€œreliableā€ isā€¦these are legitimate questions I really want to know


shhh, hes an npc, blizz fanbase nowadays is full of it. He cant take anything lightly and his main arguments are: YOU SOLVE THE PROBLEM OR DONĀ“T EVEN OPEN UP YOUR MOULTH or YOU ARE WRONG AND I AM RIGHT, Ventcard, Misogynistcard, Muricacard. Gosh im glad i left this game so long ago, these people should be sterelized, Nah, lobotomized.


I use it based in experience at the ranks.

Not over extending and dying. Knowing how to push and use cover. Not sitting at a choke growing a pair and taking space. Actually being on the point at the correct times.

I play tank support and dps so I understand how to play all roles.

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Such a stupid comment, sorry. Tank and Support players have no skill and no brain? AHA! Having skill is more than just shooting and aiming, you know? This is just so LOL. No words.

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at no point did I imply DPS have superior aim than tanks and supports. In fact I didnā€™t mention aim at all. Tanks and supports also have aim-intensive heroes such as Hammond or Ana. And DPS have heroes with very lax aim requirements such as Phara, Torb or Bastion.

Actually what makes most Tank and Support players rly bad players is their inability to read the killfeed, their inability to interpret whether if both teams are down 1 person, which team has the advantage and got the more valuable pick, when using ults can lead to WINNING THE TEAMFIGHT (even in masters people greed for 5 man ults and then I see them commit ult into 100% lost fights always because they didnā€™t get the 5 man grav and after you are down 3 they do a desperation grav), and positioning.

Iā€™ve seen a ton, Lucios beating what started as a 4v6 fight with BOTH DPS already dead only because the enemy Nanobladed, Anas Nanoing you after the enemy already got 3+ kills with their own Nanoblade and you need to clutch with Nano in a 3v6 situation, Mercyā€™s using Valk when you are down 1 systematically (in their mind they can Rez more safely in Valk, or they could use Valk earlier and prevent the death altogether with amplified healing!). Brigs dashing in 1v6 pre-fight into the enemy team.

Anas staying out IN THE OPEN (what is using cover?) on 1st Eichenwalde defense vs Genji + Echo, suffering TONS of poke and when I point out that she could have avoided her death, she tells me ā€œyou should have gone McCree and killed the Echo then I would have livedā€.

Eichenwalde 1st defense is so good for Ana as well, tons of positions you can play from and tons of cover itā€™s rly rly easy to get value as Ana there.

At some point I even wonder if these guys throw on purpose when asked to flex off their 1 trick. These are stories btw from low Masters elo EU donā€™t think Iā€™m telling you some story about Silvers.

Most of my games lately are lost due to bad supports who either play with no sound, or have super slow reaction timeā€¦ Idek.

yea but that doesnā€™t count for 100% of the gamesā€¦Iā€™m sorry but just spewing statistics based on 1 persons experience.

47% of people world wide live in poverty thatā€™s based on my experienceā€¦do you see how ignorant that sounds

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Maybe dps and supports trying to tank because of wait times . Drives me bananas ppl playing a role in comp they donā€™t know at all or barely


I feel like I have had similar observations. I feel like people queue for tank, donā€™t know how to play tank (or worse, canā€™t be bothered to learn the role), then dismiss the role as impossible, and this continues the mindset that tanking sucks.

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I have played enough games in those ranks to know you will rarely come across a good tank and if you do itā€™s most likely a Smurf.