Tanks still continuing to throw their own games

Tanks still refusing to press w. Pick off 4 people, tanks still in the choke. nothing elaborate this time.


Play tank, record it, show the other tanks what to do, until then, don’t complain without trying to remedy the problem.


you make a lot of sense. I am glad you left such a great reply.


Am I wrong? Or are you just trying to vent frustration?


you are entirely wrong. When you are hungry does someone need to tell you to go eat food or are you that stupid and can’t think for yourself. i am pretty sure you can think for yourself if you see that if your dps already got the kills they would walk forward.

Again, I say play tank and show them how to do it, dont just complain here on the forums where I’m 99% sure nobody on you team will eve see this, give them an example in game of what to do.


One of the many reasons i hate Role Queue. At least in Open Queue, you can switch to a tank if this is happening.


What if he was talking about his own tank play? :smile:

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When a DPS is complaining about me not pushing in, I know for a fact they don’t have allied health bars on because if they did they wouldn’t be asking that question. Half the time I am mid respawn when they say it, that’s how poor their awareness is. On one memorable occasion a Genji tried to flame me for not pushing into a choke point containing both Hammond mines and an ulting Roadhog.

Also, 50% of teammates flame their tanks for not pushing in and the other half flame them for “being too aggressive”. You never know which ones you will get before the match starts. Frequently, you get both.


Tank players flame dps a lot often than dps flaming tank.


If you picked off 4 people why are you waiting for your tanks to push in ?


Cause then the dps would be out of position duh

Because if you push as dps agaisnt two tanks, you will die.


He didn’t specify which heroes were still alive lol and it doesn’t matter either way if you really want to get your team to push in that situation you either gotta go in yourself or use your mic.


I have honestly more often issues with tanks who dont push than with dps players when I play tank.


You can only control you in game if you spend time getting upset at what your teammates are doing in game you wont win


You can often control others by using voice chat.

I am not usualy upset, i will tell them what to do if they dont know. If then dont listen, then i might get upset.

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Passive tanks are absolutely a problem at the ranks I’ve played at (Bronze to Plat). There are games where the dps or supports aren’t pulling their weight as well… but tanks are just the issue more often.

I do think that it’s fair to cut tanks more slack than other roles because we all know decent chunk of tanks are support or dps mains that are avoiding long queues. But when you are being extra understanding of your substandard tanks and they flame everyone… ugggh… Bro, you aren’t having impact on the highest impact role. Stones in glass houses and all that.

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tanks and supports don’t have a brain most of the times. It’s rare to meet people who do. This has nothing to do with the players behind the role btw, it’s more that the roles have been easy and autowin for so long that people have lost the gamesense of playing them. Heroes like Brigitte, Moira, Orisa, Sigma require minimal thinking to win SOME games and as a result, in those games that are close, people don’t go the extra step of doing a good play of taking space when having numbers advantage and so on.

If tank and support was as hard as DPS to climb on, you’d suddenly see a rise in brain and skill level. But then you’d have infinite queue times in Plat and such because people would complain that the role is UP (it’s not).

You get bad tanks and supports in ranks as high as Masters these days. I’ve seen tons of GM players who were GM on like Lucio derank to mid Diamond or low Masters. Should be impossible but it shows how on autopilot people play and how they don’t consider win conditions.

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there are tons of how to tank videos already. more won’t fix stupid.