Tanks need weight

Is it me or do tanks get bounced around farther and more often than other characters. Playing rein which I used to love to do, is thrown across the map and so often. I rarely complete a charge with getting completely bounced. I don’t mind the mechanic, but I think tanks, since they are a much bigger target should be affected less. It’ll make for playing a tank far more enjoyable.


Rein takes full power boops while slowed by his shield, while Orisa and Dva boops are reduced by the speed modifier applied while firing their weapons.

The extreme boops are a uniquely Reinhardt problem among the tanks.


I think it could be intesting, but I also feel like certain heroes wouldn’t be able to properly function right anymore. But I guess that’s really something for blizzard to figure out. It could be really good for someone as massive as D.mon. So you have my vote :blush:

The Orisa and Dva things are bugs though, right?


If they are, they’re taking their sweet time fixing them.


It takes them years to fix certain bugs, yeah.

Remember the whole healblock-cryofreeze thing? People were barely aware it was a bug, due to how long that was in the game.


I would argue that there are too many boops in the game period. I played against a comp so cancerous a few weeks ago I seriously considered never playing again. It was Doomfist, Hammond, Pharah, Lucio, Winston, and like… Mercy or something. The entire game was like living inside a bouncy house and after the game (which we won) I just stared at my screen for several minutes thinking, “is this really what I want to do for fun?”.


Missing out on having a Junkrat in there.


I’m bummed that the D.Va/Orisa knockback resistance is being claimed to be a bug. It makes sense that they have less knockback because they have less time to react and move to things.


Funny thing is, I thought they fixed it on the PTR once when they were messing with air control.

True i bet Rein Orisa Hammond and D.va weight at least about 1000lb if not more, Winston and hog probably much lighter but still, Zarya though is a different talk.

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This is a bug. They aren’t meant to have reduced knockbacks.


It’s just sad to me because it makes sense; they could have passed it off as a feature and it doesn’t make either of them too strong. Anyone know if they fixed that bug where sym turrets slow stacks weirdly to Rein, Brig, Orisa, and D.Va so they’re slowed to a crawl (like, crawl as in basically not moving) yet?


Because it wasnt a bug. It was a healing ability and anti stops that. Bliz only claimed it was a bug even though cryo never had some sort of cleanse.

You’re talking about this, right?

I just tested this one PTR and they are still slowed down to not being able to move at all.

But is this a bug thoug? The slow of their abilities/barriers is being stacked with the slow of Mei’s freeze or Symmetra’s turret.

The funny thing is that players thought it was a buff even though it was a known bug for over a year.

Also, Mei’s Cryo-Freeze did cleanse debuffs, just like other invulnerability abilities in the game. It could remove Widowmaker’s poison. But unlike the other invulnerability abilities in the game was Mei’s Cryo-Freeze the only invulnerability ability that couldn’t remove anti-heal.

I feel like rein should get knockback resistance while he has his shield up (not stun resistance though). And maybe Orisa’s fortify cooldown could be a second or 2 faster.

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Ugh, it’s so gross

I don’t know, I think it should be fixed. It feels awful and is very, very jarring. If i go past a choke as rein with my team and sym turrets are on the other side, my team will just… Pass me. Lol. I shouldn’t have to lower my barrier just for that; it feels crappy

Don’t forget hog being thrown around like a balloon when luring, but fairly immobile when normal.

I think Hog overall is the best example. He’s really heavy overall comparatively, all the tanks need to have his overall resistance and end this “grounded when firing” D.Va and Orisa and feather-like Rein.

D.Va and Orisa are way too overpowered and Rein is underpowered. (Weight only)

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Most picked hero in game. Clearly underpowered, right?

I wish people had thought that way about Mercy, when her pick rate and her win rate were both lower than Reinhardt’s stats are right now.

The knockback resistance isn’t that steep. Like… Why don’t we just give it to the other tanks lmao.

D.Va and Orisa being called overpowered in my2018 y’all

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