Tanks need weight

Specifically related to weight, nothing else. Just referring to their resistance against physical CC.

To which, yes, he’s basically tossed around like a soap bubble.

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But for Orisa and D.Va it is, this is absolutely testable too.

When firing, their resistance is buffed to crap man. We’re talking being shifted a fraction of a meter here. As opposed to Rein or ulting Hog which are tossed around like a leaf in the wind.

Rein suffers from this… sometimes I get more height from a junk mine than I do on junk with 2. Hog does as well.

Also keep in mind jumping increases knock back effect which is something tanks do more than dps and suppot. Jumping makes you an easy target but isn’t that important for tanks because of big hit boxes and wanting to keep focus off teammates.

“Cancerous”? They made a comp, which lost to you, that synergizes well and it’s “cancerous”?

Who would win,

a 550 pound fat man

a boop

He’s decent normally, but he turns into a balloon when he’s ulting.

Yes, absolutely, one hundred percent yes. A comp that concentrates and prioritizes abilities that are almost unanimously labeled “unfun” to play against? That is the very definition of video game cancer sir.

Yes it does. Cryofreeze negates all damage over time stuns like Endothermic blaster.

thinking outside the box…they could just make the boops more powerful on the lighter weight characters

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Any character that has 400+ Base HP (which should really be only tanks) should have the boop resistance. Characters with 400+ with a shield deployed should not be boopable

So smaller tanks like Zarya and Brig still get full knockback. And characters like Rein cannot be booped while defending with shield

And future characters won’t have these issues :slight_smile:

haha I had a game like that last night when I was playing as Rein.
I was getting thrown around by junkrat, hammond, doomfist and lucio. I feel like reduced knockback for tanks is surely not a bad idea for them to consider.

Hog and winston though.

I play a lot of Rein so sometimes I just feel like a volleyball going every which way. In those times I know I’m going to die no matter what so just drop the shield and start swinging in any direction. lol

Yeah, but the Orisa and D.Va situation is considered a bug. So, one day in the distant future, D.Va and Orisa will be randomly nerfed in an obscure patch note.

I think those should be features personally and I think it should apply to Reinhardt too. Honestly, I agree with the OP and think it should apply to all tanks.

And i hate that to a point where i just want to quit the match. Beeing stunned i don’t even care but i hate getting a junkrat mine to the foot and flying across the map for no reason.

Did it get worse?!?!?! I’m flying now.

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Sometimes the knockback is way more than it should be

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Rein should simply be moved 50% less while holding shield or charging. In all other scenarios, he should receive full knockback.

They need to decide on whether they’re going to remove D.va and Orisa’s knockback resist while shooting or not, if it’s intended, rein should take less knockback while shielding, if it isn’t remove the resist while D.va and Orisa are shooting. You’d think Blizz would acknowledge something like this a lot sooner, huh?

Oh lord please no, anything but this. I beg of thee don’t change this.