Tanks DO NOT Need Buffs

The same people that wanted 6v6

Wait no you’re right I totally forgot about the survey they did befire they ever launched ow asking gamers how many people the game should have….

By the way….OW1 itself was a “survey”…that continuously showed them that nobody enjoyed playing tank…even with 2 of em


Have you played any tank in the current season?

Man I love exploding as Doomfist in the span of 0.1 seconds.

Sure they can. We have seen what happens if they let one role entirely to their demise. OW1 15 min DPS queue time, anyone?

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Well if there was in fact a survey, I would not have changed anything. The worst thing the devs did, to date, IMO, was buffing every single hero’s HP. It made no sense.

It makes perfect sense if the goal is to make it so that Winston and Rein are meta, or near meta.

This is from February 2020:


Sigma doesn’t need any help at all.

Ana will do way more damage against tanks (with armor). Actually, every support will do more damage against tanks besides specifically lifeweaver. How will supports struggle more?

How does adding a 2nd tank solve anything? Tanks would end up getting nerfed, so whats fun to play about a weaker and more reliant tank experience? Nothing. It feels like people wanting 6v6 back aren’t tank players, because theres no reason to want to be weaker. It doesn’t make sense.

I dunno, but there is no way I’m playing support anymore. DPS passive was bad enough.

Has OP tried shooting anything other than Tank? Like the Supports?

As if self destruct needed to be worse. just hide behind a wall, a lamppost, any shield, immortality field, suzu, and abilities like fade, translocate, and iceblock.

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It takes the focus off one tank thats the problem if you main tank the whole team just focuses you and with this dps passive you cannot do anything on tank its completely broken and ruins the game for all tank players.

also stealth nerfs reaper lmaooooo

very very very hard to do when a winston is constantly in your backline. winston is very strong and unless your running heavy shotgun comp to dissuade him from diving non-stop he’s kinda free right now.

They could go 2/3/2 and wouldn’t have to revert the tank changes from OW1 to OW2. Damage is the most popular role, give it another slot to compensate.

yea i think they know queue times are skyrocketing and no one wants to do the dirty job

only way to get people to play tanks is to make them raid bosses unfortunately. or every new hero from here on out is a tank hero

if i were them i just abolish role queue and you wouldnt have to worry about which role is more popular

Really? For me it’s consistently support (probably because it’s my highest MMR). Tank is pretty much always <1 min.

Is tank, by any chance, your highest MMR? That would explain it, like if you’re Masters or GM on tank and Plat on the other roles.

lol this change is overall worse for tanks. Calling it now. Most high burst damage dps got a negligible change to head shots AND an increase to the much easier to land body shot damage.

Tanks will still get focused melted quick. Tanks will still be playing the counter-swap game.
Tanks will still have a miserable experience.

yeah dont know what blud is talking about across allranks tank is literally synonymous with flex queue and usually under a minute dude has to be playing in new zealand or something.

Two tanks doesn’t fix anything, it just nerfs tanks and makes them weaker, so the only way to survive is with another person constantly trying to protect you and even that doesn’t work well most of the time if you even get a teammate willing to try to protect you instead of doing their own thing

two tanks fixes all the problems in this game currently one tank makes the games more of a landslide and coinflip all the pros agree 5v5 is terrible.

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