Tanks DO NOT Need Buffs

Why are tanks getting buffed? They just nerfed Orisa now by mid season she’ll be OP once again. A select few could use it but not every tank. Sure Rein, Sigma and Monkey could use them but the rest are just fine. Blizzard could you stop with unnecessary buff updates?


Monkey is already really strong these changes are gonna make him busted. Unless they revert his Tesla cannon ignoring armour that change makes no sense now with the armour revert


They’re being forced to do something because Tank is probably the most miserable experience in the whole of the game and people aren’t playing it. There is clearly a Tank issue and they’re trying to do something before it passes the “point of no return”…so to speak.

This is just the result of a beyond terrible format for the Tank role unfortunately.


Hitting headshots on tanks was always too easy and too rewarding for the damage they suffered from it. This kind of change should have happend since day 1 and the armor change, nerfs mainly the currently OP DPS heroes. All in all the tank changes are more than fair.


But every time I play there’s always a longer wait for the tank roll. Just bring back 6v6, problem solved!

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tanks dont need buffs but the tanks haardcounters should to go or back to 6vs6. but blizz should do something on the tank experience/

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I like Winston as a character.

I really dont like going against him though. Annoying and frustrating.


This game is finally fun. I’m enjoying support now that healing is nerfed. I can DPS and spot heal instead of being a healbot.

the problem is that dps and supports are getting fun while tanks are getting all cc and evertyhing on their face… tank experience is really bad.

almost every single match is about hardcounter the enemy tank and dont let him play the game.

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Instead of buffing tanks just add another. I don’t know call it “6 V 6”?


or start to removing/reworking tanks hardcounters mechanics/heros… anyway i think that back to 6vs6 is better.

Naw I’m good G.

I’ll play another game till overwatch can figure out what the hell to balance.

Tanks need a buff, but not like this. If anything this will skew the odds against supports and I want no parts of this sh-t show Blizzard and team 4 calls balance.

Blizzard can’t properly balance in WOW

Blizzard can’t properly balance in Diablo 4 or make a good game

Blizzard can’t balance in Overwatch 2.

What can blizzard do right besides harass employees?

Make it make sense

Just even buying or even playing a blizzard game is a L in general. Your expectations are already at the floor if you’re playing a blizzard game simple as that

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They can fire their HR and support staff like bosses.

That’s what I’m saying!


winston is the last tank that needs a buff

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Blizz just doesn’t get it.

With every possible change they make to any role, all it ever changes is the length of team fights that always play out the exact same way - blow up the enemy tank to win the team fight.

Focus the tank. Counter the tank. Debuff the tank. Tank dies, objective won.
If the tank is too durable, fine, pick off a support then go back to blowing up the tank.

There are so many kinds of ways combat could go in this game, but it all is shrunk down to saving your cooldowns to blow up that one, lonely, chubby little tank.

5v5 just does. not. work.


Community: Fix the game blizz….but also don’t change anything!!!

Blizz: um……sure


Soooo who exactly wanted a 5v5 but the devs? I’m not too sure many people back in the good old days of OG Overwatch were like, “You know what this game needs? A 5v5.” That decision was made only through the dev teams and not the community.

Edit: besides 6v6 might open queue times to open back up for tank rolls.


This right here. I just recently came back to the game and was a tank main. After a couple of days figuring out the role again I have stopped queuing for it. It is such a thankless role that is either you are a god or you are getting steamrolled.


Tanks definatly need buffs with the hitbox buff and dps passive you cant even play tank now i watched a baptist unable to heal his rein because the passive is way too strong even blizzard said it was too oppresive and people are not wanting to play tank because you just die in 2 seconds now it sucks. DPS just do too much damage.