Just tried him out on the PTR.
Literally going to main him.
Just tried him out on the PTR.
Literally going to main him.
WRECKING BALL IS FUN Y’ALL. Let’s get some carrots in here for the big guy! Welcome to the crew, Hammond!
Ugh, more knockback abilities.
Only things though about him. I feel like he’s a little too overkitted. Why does he need that control ability for example?
I’m really excited about his primary weapon and ultimate, and of course his grappling hook!!
He does look really fun. I can guarantee you the Brigette mains are gonna complain about him because he’s a mobile character that isn’t made Z- Tier by Brigette.
The only tank who doesn’t have knockback is Roadhog and, arguably, Winston (counting Halt as knockback here).
Yes, I know.
Still too many knockbacks imo.
At least they’re not full on stuns.
True, I am happy about that.
Aww man D.VA is dead, Hammond do everything that D.VA does but better, i hope blizzard give her a buff because if they don’t then there’s no reason to run D.VA
Hammond is very high ceiling. As a Dva main, I’m not worried. And he’s got no peel or mitigation whatsoever as well.
I’ll take a Pale Ale and Hogs Ribs please! Lets all welcome the newest TANK WRECKING BALL! Lets roll over those pesky Genji and Tracer mains!
I’ll take a Hammond meatball special please. And nice place you got here.
More like roll over Brigette mains amirite?
Death By Hamsterball.
Brigs: “Shield Bash!”
Us: Thats cute… Hammond go! Pile-driver!
Reinhardt, charges for glory with the hamster off the side of a cliff. To find out, the hamster grappled his way out of defeat. When falling to his doom…
Reinhardt, needs a beer after being defeated by a hamster.
It’s finally nice to have a tank with high mechanical skill requirements, yeah we had Orisa but this boi.
What have you guys got for salads in here?
Someone on PTR see if Hammond can Grapple onto a charging Rein or Boosting D.Va please! That would be legit