Tank General Strike

Its 73 dps.

A Reinhardt will just smash his face in.
Same with almost ever tank really.

Sigma ain’t off tanking :poop:

In double barrier, Orisa is the high dps, immovable tank, she is the off-tank.

Next you’re going to tell me that Accretion is the exact same thing as Hog’s Hook.

Like I said before, I dislike running him with Reinhardt or even Orisa (but especially Reinhardt).

Sigma is much better alongside a Roadhog (that actually shoots barriers) than a Reinhardt.


Zarya, Hammond are out of the Picture. They are fine in their state. Orisa Sig was dominating. Two tanks with large Shield health and both who can absorb Damage very well AND CC. Your argument is hurting yourself. You mean to tell me Two tanks with good Damage, CC (Accretion and Halt!) Damage Resistance (Fortify and Sigmas Sheild Conversion ability) and 900 + 1500 Previous Shield health to equal 2100 shield MORE than a Reinhardt was good for the game?

you know, that the forums is a minority, and even if every tank player on the forums didn’t play that the tank role would still be just fine?

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Have you tried him on ptr? I wouldn’t. I play sig because I like the character and don’t care about sr. I do the same for mccree it’s why win or lose I have fun. With that being said nows not the time to “pick up” sigma. Learn hog instead or zarya

Nah, I used to try ptr but matches are too hard to find.

Still, I’ve got confidence in Siggy, now is a great time to pick him up.

I am confused.

I mean if you try to learn sig now before the patch comes through you are gonna get the wrong idea on how to play him.

I am still gonna play him for sure and dare people to say something

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The patch is about to hit live, if it hasn’t yet

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I’ve played a bit of PTR and only played Sigma on said PTR.

He feels… alright. Not great, but pretty okay. The ult will take some getting used to, and a small buff in the future wouldn’t break him, but he’s… alright. Good Sigfolk will make it work and still clap many cheeks.

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this is why i dont play tank. i only play zarya. what happens if the other takes zarya or other tank? its a mess.

This toxic mentality is part of the problem.

I can guarantee that most of your teammates in-game have said nothing on the forums or the internet about nerfing stuff. They didn’t ask for this.

Also this strike will be woefully inadequate and will not make an impact. You’re basically the new #revertmercy crowd

If tanking continues to be a bad time people will eventually just leave rather than protest.


Yes please! I want 1 sec queues :slight_smile:

I mean, even if I was willing to play Reinhardt, I detest his playstyle and as such I’m totally awful at playing him. Not willing to put in the hours either (again, since I hate playing him).

That’s the problem with obligatory heroes - they force out anyone not willing to play that hero from the role.

I totally agree. I agree that you can play whatever you want. I just take issue with the justification you provided.

I know it wasn’t entirely serious, but I do think that mentality hurts the game and community.

I dont see how any of those links are spam. Unless those users have posted over the same subject multiple times, I dont believe its against the forum ToS.

A bunch of us tried this for Mercy in the day. Didnt work

The problem is I can’t play whatever I want. Orisa and Sigma are useless trash, Winston is just as bad, and Wrecking Ball is a situational hero you just cannot play all the time. I now have to play Reinhardt, or be a bad tank. Or stop tanking, which is likely to be the one I pick. Doesn’t help the game much though.

I mean, it’s a huge problem. If the other tank picks an off tank now, I’m totally screwed.


absolutely not

I’m going to queue for tank more than before

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To be fair Blizzard didn’t entirely gut Orisa’s damage, they are listening apparently.

I mean, I get what you’re saying, but you are allowed to pick whatever you want.

I don’t think Orisa and Sigma will be useless trash, but only time will tell.
Depending on your rank you can definitely play a Winston. I see them a decent amount in platinum and they get results.

If you aren’t GM or Masters or something I’m nearly certain you can get away with playing basically any tank.

I get you though, I dislike shield tanks and when I click the tank queue I pray that the other tank chooses an off tank. They usually dont though so I’m forced onto Reinhardt.

The thing is, I don’t hate Reinhardt, but I understand those who do

I know this is overused, but … not all heroes wear capes :wink:

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