Tank General Strike

Hello fellow tanks. Repeated nerfs in the face of ever increasing CC and power creep will not stand. Pro meta should not make the game suck for the rest of us. This is why we are calling on you to take part in a tank strike starting February 1st. Play QPC, FFA, arcade, etc. to your heart’s content but do not queue for the tank role in any role queue starting this February 1st. Spread the word.

By continuing to play but refusing to tank we are sending the message that we are invested enough in the game to care about change when we could just as easily switch over to one of many other games on the market.


oh hey I can use this to link back to one of my older posts


I tell you one thing. I’m not going to play Reinhardt, no matter how much teams ask. You asked them to delete the other two main tanks, this is what you get.


Two things:

Since 222, 5 tanks have been buffed, 2 have been nerfed.

I’m too addicted to Sigma to go without him.


That is by far the dumbest idea since #revertmercy. Sigma and Orisa needed those nerfs by a long shot. They are unfun to play against and outclassed every other tank.

If you don’t wanna play tank anymore, so be it but don’t try to tell people what they can and can’t do because your sad your main got a nerf.

Plus reaper, Mei and Doom have all been nerfed recently so tank is significantly more fun and less punishing.

This is how you deal with power creep. You need things that are to powerful.


The problem is that if every single tank on the forums took part in this strike, it still wouldn’t even be a quarter of the actual people that play the game. The forums is only a small portion of players.

Maybe if you tried to spread it around via Twitter or something, this campaign might be more effective, but in general, strikes like this never really go anywhere.


Look, it isn’t ok to dumpster half the tank roster just because people didn’t like to play into them.

We’re in a position now where there are basically two viable and accepted tank compositions for all ranks. There is Reinharst and Dva, and there is Reinhardt and Zarya. This is going to kill tanking, as there is zero variety available to the role. Not everyone likes playing Reinhardt and him being obligatory is not good for the game at all.


Including recent changes and current PTR

Zarya’s beam damage was recently nerfed ( Slight compensation buff to her ammo consumption and right click damage to be fair but still )
Sigma’s barrier was nerfed ( both HP and slight re-activation cooldown )
Sigma’s Ult can now be interrupted
Sigma’s accretion damage nerfed
Sigma’s hypersphere range nerfed ( REVERTED )
Rein’s barrier was nerfed ( HP nerf )
Orisa’s barrier was nerfed ( HP nerf + increased cooldown )
Orisa’s fortify damage reduction was nerfed
Orisa’s fortify cooldown increased
Orisa’s halt nerfed
Orisa’s LMB damage nerfed

Tanks have had it harsh the past couple of months and current PTR.


I honestly might just quit tanking after this. I don’t want to play Rein and I don’t know how else I can avoid screwing my team over. Instalocking Zarya only goes so far.


Fixed it for you bud


This along with the rumors of moving Hog/Zarya to the damage role. If Blizzard really wants tank to be a role that just gets CC’ed and beat on without having much agency then they should make it a bot role not unlike the payload.


They had to lower the max charge damage, they gave her and Sym a bug fix that functionally gave them a huge damage buff. They even let them be that way on live for a few weeks so they could check how much they had to nerf them. I think Zarya got net buffed by the bug fix anyway.

They changed their minds on that one. Him and Orisa are the two tanks who have been getting nerfed but I still love Sigma.

And they increased his speed to what it is when Lucio is boosting him. Net buff that broke the shackles of dependency, huge step forward for Rein. And then they buffed Steadfast :laughing:

Hog rose a whole tier because of the ammo buff.

Winston got buffed

D.va got buffed

Zarya got buffed

Rein got buffed

Orisa has had it rough though, there’s no denying.

Pick up Hammond as a main tank? I also highly recommend Sigma.

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As someone who plays tank, these nerfs were put in to stop Orisa and Sigma from being the only viable tanks in ranks where people play the game well. These nerfs mean that other tanks can be played without throwing.


Post nerf Sigma is worthless and in any case he is not a main tank after the barrier nerfs.


Fixed it for you bud.

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These nerfs mean the other tanks have to be played if you’re not throwing.

Going from mandatory Orisa to mandatory Reinhardt is not an improvement! Especially since Reinhardt wasn’t that bad before but Orisa is hilariously worthless now.


It is an improvement if they can’t figure out a way to make all of them be equally viable. At least switch up the must picks.

I fully support this tank strike. Don’t play tank in ranked.


Orisa was one small nerf away from being balanced.


Could’ve just left it at this. But count me in as I’m currently not playing anyways.

No interest while the role is the equivalent to a :poop: pile.