Tank Feels Great Right Now

Funny enough, these two were by far the biggest winners of this patch.


If wow classic came back 6v6 can come back. One was a Herculean task compared to the other and came back when enough people started complaining. Same thing is happening in OW2 and is growing each season.

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The thing with Mauga is that you can kind of brute force your way with brr brr minigun. Ramattra? Brr brrrrrrrr stop when shield brr brrrr cardiac when punchy robit.

I love having fun with him. It’s always fun

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Sigma eats him alive especially if your got a zen and ana.


Yeah no that’s true. But the thing is in bronze and qp, people play Sigma like Spedma or whatever other funny haha joke.

But you do have a point

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Also a very fair point.

in my best trump impression voice: WRONG

Thought that was pretty self explanatory when they said "out of combat " healing

For someome who doesnt play the game you are on the forums daily not really adding much.

I play Junkrat a lot, and the crit change and the armor change only benefited me, and I still think 5v5 is stupid.

How do I like this post more than once ?

That is an excellent question and now I am tracking this post for an answer.

Naw, Hog was the biggest winner imo. So much so that they had to hot-fix nerf him. And he’s still very strong even with the nerf.


It literally heals for much more than the support innate, of which there has been no end to the labelling of it as OP.

I like it too. I finally have a large enough stable of heroes I can play confidently into any situation. Swap me, I’ll swap you back, lol. I don’t even have to counter the entire team, just their carry.

Why are you 5v5 enjoyers always so angry and defensive?

We can have it back RIGHT NOW, if we set it up in custom games. You go make the lobby and I will join it. 6v6 is available for everyone, it just takes some initiative and willingness to balance the teams.

requiring someone else to cover for you is a massive issue though. like I cannot stress hard enough how if you cant do something yourself, then you’re probably out of luck. so, yes, countering on the tank role is 100% as bad as it seems. you are not only at the mercy of the other tank but your own team too. its awful.

wouldn’t be too bad if the counters weren’t so extreme but as it stands, its counterwatch and its not fun to play for any role when the tanks spend the game swapping so much they never ult.

So what? Staying out of combat waiting to heal doesn’t win you matches.

Has nothing to do with ti.

The base game format started with the idea of one Tank per team, if any at all. Tanks were intended to go up against four or more targets at once.

It’s not the hardest role. Damage-role is; it’s the whole reason season 9 had those changes in the first place. It’s the whole reason why the game switched to a 5v5 format, and why Role-Queue was introduced in the first place.

Except this is false.

Junker Queen isn’t taking more damage from a headshot from Hanzo or Widowmaker.

Roadhog isn’t taking more damage from Reaper or Tracer, but Tracer and Reaper are doing less critical damage against him without using TAB.

You really truly do not understand why they made armor changes, and you’re just following the same false logic these forums perpetuate.

115 vs. 84 on the 30% reduction. Same number of hits, overall.

Against armored this barely a difference, against non-armored it is a massive improvement.

So they aren’t doing any more or less damage then.

No, this is false.

210 vs. 225. It is not a notable difference.

D.va still has the highest KDA in the game; and it’s not trending downward.

Reinhardt is trending upwards.

Mauga’s not even close to being the most played Tank. Nor is he really low-skilled.

It’s interruptible, stunnable, Biotic Grenade, Sleep, Rampage, and so on. Plenty of counter-play.

Many Tanks are completely immune to critical hits
 temporarily. Orisa’s Fortify, Roadhog’s TAB, Wrecking Ball’s Ball form, Reinhardt’s Barrier, Doomfist’s Powerblock, Ramattra’s Barrier, and Nemesis form Block, Winston’s Barrier, Sigma’s Kinetic Grasp and Barrier, Zarya’s Particle Barrier, D.va’s Defense Matrix, and so on.

No, they didn’t.

6v6 isn’t likely to come back, especially with Role-Queue. 6v6 as a standard, free-for-all format, likely would as an Overwatch “Classic”, which would mean GOATS becomes dominant again, and the Damage-role largely irrelevant.

Soldier is 14 to 13
Lucio is 13 to 13.
Genji is 22 to 19
Genji criticals is 57 to 60

Wrecking Ball’s damage is halved.
Sojourn’s damage is halved.
Torbjorn’s RMB damage is halved.
Mauga’s damage is halved.
Doomfist’s Handcannon damage is halved.

It’s not a binary improvement for some heroes, and a reduction for others. And it never has been. You really need to understand this.

210 vs. 225 on a 1.4 second recovery

Primary fire damage is halved.

No real change.

No real change.

No real change.

No real change. Primary fire is 12 vs. 11.9.

No real change.

No real change.

No real change.

Slight improvement in damage from all sources.

No real change, RMB damage is halved.

No real change.

70 to 49
Critical damage 105 to 105

Again, wrong.

30% reduction critical damage: 137 to 25% critical reduction on armored targets: 141

Tracer IS the biggest problem to Tanks, and always has been. No hero was designed to be a tank-buster. Pulse Bomb does more damage now against armored tanks.

Except none of them do more damage, they do about the same.

Junkrat doesn’t critical hit. However, since he’s the only one with multiple cooldowns dealing 100 damage or more, and his ultimate hits for 600 damage, he actually does see a real improvement. Knockback resistance does affect him, though.

Yep. But active triage is still powerful and still needed, plus it gives Supports opportunities to charge their very powerful ultimates.

Team game with a focus on teamwork is not an issue. It would be nice if Overwatch didn’t have such a heavy focus on teamwork and teamplay, but that’s not really an issue given the way the game was designed.

You heal so long as you don’t take damage. Has nothing to do with being in combat.

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First off, there being only 1 tank has everything to with why tank feels like rock-paper-scissors now. With two tanks this was not the case, but that had a host of other issues attached to it.

Secondly, if you said dps was the hardest role before S9 then yeah, thats a valid argument. But now we’re in S10, and thats not the case. At all. Not even close.

Youre living in the past a bit here mate.

That wasnt thier point
 they just said the out of combat healing helps
 ofc it doesnt help in combat

Thus the out of combat comment.