Tank Feels Great Right Now

Nice job not engaging with literally anything I said. I don’t even want 6v6 back, what are you talking about?

Trolling with no provocation is the worst. And its misplaced. And you didnt say a word about anything else I said. And its lazy.

I’m guessing you only read that sentence, didnt bother reading anything else, and reflexively hopped on your trollmobile.

Ez ignore forever :wave:


Yes, but it’s almost impossible to fix a player behavior problem. DPS need to swap more frequently, but they don’t. And that puts all the pressure on the tank. There’s no way to force DPS to counterswap more. We still have Junkrats trying to fight Echo. So the only solution is to blunt the counters to tanks in some way.

This is when you typically get drowned out by the cacophony of 6v6 enjoyers, but I do think that there are other solutions.

All this said, counterswaping isn’t the only issue with tank. Since the mid-season patch we have the problem that the developers said they were trying to fix being way way worse. Some tanks like Hog, Zarya, or Sigma are much harder to bring down now. But characters like D.Va actually get taken down much quicker. Even Rein is slightly weaker overall. And that’s not a good thing. As soon as people figure out the new counters, which I’m surprised hasn’t happened yet, it’s going to be even more stark.

The other issue is that the developers keep making either Hog, Orisa, or Mauga meta. All three of these numbers tanks get that way because tanks like to live and they have some of the best survivability. But they are also the lowest skill tanks and the ones most tank players like playing as and against the least. We need like a year of these three being far far away from the meta. Mauga needs a small rework to make his gunplay more enjoyable. Hog needs more weaknesses to take a breather specifically. Orisa I think we just need a break she’s not as bad as the other two.


They just got a 25 percent crit reduction!

People on this forum have severe cognitive dissonance.

If they made it where tanks are immune to crits entirely you’d prolly still say they are weaker cause armor made them take slightly more damage from 5 or 6 characters.

Ok, what happens when a character doesn’t have armor?

Are they still weaker?

That’s the issue - characters without armor got a buff because they now have 25% crit reduction.

Characters with armor got a nerf.


The problem becomes then they counter you, you then switch to counter that and no ones enjoying themselves. :100:

Against some characters. Others armor is better now.

And the crit reduction was a universal buff to all tanks.

I guess if they made them completely immune to headshot damage you’d say they made them weaker.

Some tanks. Some get melted faster. The patch didn’t impact all tanks equally.


Someone do me a favour and insert that GIF of the blinking guy for me.


I can do one better:


Ok, that’s a valid argument, and it’s completely fine that you prefer 5v5, it has benefits over 6v6 I’m not denying that

But the argument of “there is no way back” is still flawed. Just because something is the way it is doesn’t mean it can’t change, even if it’s a step back. If we would apply that logic to anything else we would still be cave people.

So please start and give people reasons why you think 5v5 is better, and don’t just say the devs won’t go back to 6v6 anyway



It’s 4 non-tank heroes. Tracer, Sombra, Lifeweaver, and Reaper. Literally everyone else is better against armor.

If you are a very armor reliant tank, like D.Va, the armor nerf far outweighs the headshot buff. I would personally rather lose the headshot resistance for having old armor back.


It is better against Tracer, Sombra, and Reaper.

It is worse against: Widowmaker, Sojourn, Soldier: 76, Cassidy, Pharah, Echo, Hanzo, Bastion, Genji, Junkrat, Torbjorn, Venture.

It is neutral gainst: Mei and Symmetra.

That’s just of the DPS line-up, btw.


Leaving out all the tanks that deal less to armor. And you also left out a ton of DPS that deal less. Then you conclude “everyone else”.

The cognitive dissonance is real.

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Which is really bad for the tanks. D.Va is pitiful now.

Actually no, I didn’t. There are some where one fire mode is weaker but another is stronger. But overall heroes like Sojourn are buffed because rail gun is so much more effective. There’s literally only 3 DPS that truly do less damage against armor overall. Even Bastion, whose the closest to being on the bubble still is overall better into tanks now.

It truly is. Only your the one who has it and doesn’t realize it. As a tank, I want the mid-season patch to be reversed.


Bastion’s turret mode. But lets ignore that and act like its net more cause his primary deals slightly more.

He uses his primary more. And it does do more damage. Also tanks (most of them) do less damage against Bastion too.

Without going to 6v6 suggest a change that would make tanking better in 5v5 and be specific.

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Change armor back to 30% damage reduction. Don’t apply the headshot reduction to armor health.

Make adjustments to each individual tank to lower counters.


Yeah, against the majority of the roster, armour tanks are weaker.

Oh no, my Tracer who wasn’t isn’t even designed to tank bust can no longer tank bust, as well as my Reaper, Sombra and Torbjorn being weaker?
Good thing Ashe, Bastion, McCree, Echo, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Pharah, Sojourn, Soldier, Symmetra, Venture and Widowmaker do more damage to them now.

Oh no, Mauga, Roadhog and D.va are weaker against tanks?
Good thing Reinhardt, Sigma, Winston and Zarya are overall stronger with Orisa, Rammatra, Doomfist, Junker Queen and Wrecking Ball having the bulk of their damage be stronger.

Oh no, Lifeweaver is weaker against tanks?
Good thing Ana, Baptiste, Brigitte, Illari, Kiriko, Lucio, Mercy and Zenyatta do more damage.

Even the knockback reduction is a nerf to tanks in a few scenarios. For the most part it does it’s job properly, but in the case of Hog and Winston’s ults, it’s a buff.