Tank Feels Great Right Now

You expect too much out of DPS.

ALL of this. I’m trying to move the payload, but the Widow is taking the supports out. Of course, I have to swap to Winston and go to her, casue DPS ain’t gonna bother, or, at best, they’ll go Widow to try and out-Widow her and fail. It’s never DPS diff, oh no, I mean, it’s not like they have the single biggest hero pool in the whole game to swap to and adapt to the enemy team. No, I have to cover for the DPS shortcomings, move the payload, make space and peel for supports…

Most BRUH post I’ve read this week.

Tank feels miserable. Everything that makes it even remotely viable, is skill-less changes that cater to brain-off benefits. Tank is so boring.

If we’ve learned anything from their monetization, they pander to sales for whales before they go for volume in sales for the average joe to have expression in game with skins and stuff. Maybe they would float even in a dead game state.

And then your Supports won’t swap to support the dive…

I know how this goes.

Eh, Damage is still hard. Not sure about hardest (that’s probably Tank) but Damage is hard in a completely different way compared to Season 8 and before.

Now your effectiveness on Damage is almost entirely dependant on your positioning and aim. Before, your gamesense mattered a lot. Now you just pick the good heroes and shoot good.

Tank feels worse after this patch. The 20% heal reduction on the DPS passive is such a gigantic nerf that it far overshadows these weird power-neutral changes with less headshot damage but far worse armor.

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I wonder which employee this is.


It’s gotten so wild with these Overwatch perma bears that they do a universal 25 percent nerf to critical damage on tanks and they do a single armor change that:

  1. Only applies to tanks who have armor.
  2. Only applies to the portion of their hp that is armor.
  3. Shifts power away from all the tank busters like bastion and mauga to adding slightly more damage to others who have some of the slowest dps in the game to tank’s massive health pools (oh wow! Widow does 15 more damage every 1.4 seconds to armor with a crit now!)

And still say that the patch made the tanks squishier.

Btw, I’m looking at the leaderboards right now. 4 of the top tanks main DVA. You gotta go to 17th position before you find a single tank that does not use DVA in their top 3.

Also every tank in the game is played in top 500.

The facts that people are arguing now are easily disproven.

We get it. You don’t want changes that’ll improve 5v5. You want 6v6 and there’s nothing they can do that will make you enjoy 5v5.

But when you say something is wrong like the tanks are venerable to damage and then they universally reduce criticals by 25 percent which even with the armor changes is going to benefit at least SOME tanks and you guys go “naw, they all are getting exploded even harder” its clear that you guys dont even accept basic facts that are obvious.


Is Zarya squishier after the patch?

If I main Zarya who does not use armor am I now dying faster?

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Didn’t you already do one of these threads?

(yeah you did - 2 days after the patch and nothing’s changed since except you can buy gold weapons)

https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/tank-changes-feel-great/ 11 days ago. Who are you trying to convince Mei?

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So, you no longer require healing, good.

Wasn’t healing before. That’s why it feels good to at least be able to get some limited self healing.

(In b4 someone comes in telling me that’s a nerf).

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This is a wholesome Tank main thread.

Single handedly defending against the legion of 6v6.

Main Tank Diff !

I haven’t played in a while but seeing a post saying “tank feels great right now” must mean that Blizz terabuffed tanks so they are stupidly OP.

This game will remain off my SSD.

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According to everyone else the tanks got nerfed into the ground.

OW haters can’t even pick what they want to hate about.

Because only some tanks feel good, I guess.

Happens with supports all the time - “supports are strong now!”
Me, looking at pathetic Mercy: wut?

Its kind of crazy that one guy is saying DVA got nerfed into the ground. I get on the tank leaderboard and DVA is most played in the top 4. Btw, only the 5th place guy in ten highest positions does not use DVA as their main.

You gotta go down to place 17 to even find a tank that does not have DVA in their top 3 most played.

It’s still nowhere near enough. The dps passive needs to be toned down again but more severely. 12% is a healthy number to land on. Also, abilities that hinder tanks severely need to be heavily tuned to be less effective. Like still strong but not the end all be all. Anti nade springs to mind. Im already suffering majorly with 20% reduced heals for 70% of the game. I don’t need that to jump up to 100% all of a sudden every 12 seconds. We gotta find happy mediums here because we’ve gone from a game where there was very little debuffs and was very fun and engaging to a game where everything is a debuff and its incredible stressful to play the game. It’s not really a game if i can’t even have very much fun even when i am winning. I want to go back to what we had in season 8 please

the change to armour means they get deleted by burst damage

youtu be/qH8wpw3JGas?si=SuGwH22lVi0SMLV6

youtu be/KxF4TuSN_A0?si=dQx_RsVJe0BaxAC6

Rose tinted glasses much?

Thank god, people on this forum have brains!

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Its not supposed to help you in combat anyway - its entire point is to not have the tank sit in a corner counting his prayers on who will each him first, the enemy or his own supports.

Which is useful

Additionally, this also takes a little bit of ult charge away from supports - thereby down the line reducing the ultimate clutter around OW has.