Tank Feels Good Right Now

Am I the only one who feels this way? I’ve always been a support main, but I play tank more than any other role simply because of que times. It’s very frustrating at times, but this season, tanks actually feel…. Good to play. The tanks are very well balanced against each other. Sure, counterswapping still exists, but I don’t care much about that, since I can almost always outplay my counter.

What made tanking last season unbearable was hog. As long as hog, Mauga, sigma, and Orissa aren’t the hard meta in a given season, tanking is actually fun to me


It will pass, give it some time


Feels good to be by far the strongest and most important character on the map, huh?


Yeah, that’s what tanks are supposed to be.

  • counterwatch is extinct
  • suzu / lifegrip no longer counter every play you make
  • ana is far from top tier for the 1st time in history
  • orisa got hard nerfed

but because you haven’t learnt to deal with mauga and can’t los, tanks are bad?

dps passive is not as impactful as the armour nerf or revert i should say.

yes because tank players don’t want to tank anymore, they just want to shoot and get rewarded for it

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(20 char)


Honestly, there is just no way you are consistently outplaying your counters if Hog made tank unbearable for you. I do not believe it. Especially with the throwaway Sigma comment. I could not even tell which tank you play with that information. Is it Rammatra?

Tell me you are rein main without telling me you are a rein main.

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I thought you were joking when I opened this thread up. Tanking feels awful stop trolling :troll:


Reinhardt has more tank counters than just about any tank. Orisa, Rammatra, Roadhog, and Doomfist. Perhaps Mauga depending on who you talk to (I do not believe this at all).

No other tank has that many counters. Heck, the tanks he supposedly counters are soft enough that you could realistically play Zarya or Sigma into him without much difficulty. It is not as if Dva mains swap to Reinhardt to deal with the Zarya or Mauga mains swap to Reinhardt to deal with Sigma. Or at least I have never seen it happen.

I tried queuing all roles in quickplay for maybe 20-30 games yesterday and got tank every time except once (got support). Clearly people are not lining up to play tank.

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In my experience, I get all of the roles an equal amount which is why I do not enjoy queueing for all roles. I just want to tank. I wish I was at your rank or region or platform or whatever nonsense that is giving you guys the golden age of all roles.

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Eastern US (so probably the Chicago servers or whatever they have now for central US). Granted it was pretty late at night, but I’ll bet if I queued all roles right now in quickplay I’d get tank.

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Hog was completely broken last season. Stop defending him because he is your main. His power level right now is perfect

i only enjoy playing tank when i have a team that can support me by

  • not standing out in the open trying to snipe the enemy with reaper
  • not jumping into 1v4
  • healing their tank when they need it
  • remembers that dive tanks need to reset and cant just hold space forever

other times i dont need it but in that case i am hard stomping so its not really fun either


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Hog has not been my main since his rework. I am a Reinhardt one trick in competitive which is my main mode. I only play that embarrassment in quickplay when I have a heal based challenge because I do not play want to play support.

ño *characters requiered


Lmao where? I want to live in the same reality you do

I still get counterswapped after the first fight


Yeah, counterswapping does suck. I only really get mad when it’s like constant counterswapping. Like they counterswapping me, so I ult and swap to something better suited just to immediately get counter swapped without them even ulting. I usually refrain from counterswapping and instead will mirror them if I can

I also am a support main, and I’ll meet you in the middle.

The tank heroes feel fantastic to play. But the tank role of solo tanking feels awful because it puts too much reliance on teammates who are incentivized to chase kills somewhere else instead of helping the tank secure objectives or clutch kills.

From a strategic perspective of supporting your team, which tank is supposed to do in a way, it was much better when there was a co-tank to help out in those tasks. Right now, tanking feels like you’re playing support alone without the ability to heal.

Ironically, tanks feel the best in any game mode except 5v5 role lock, even without tank stacking, because they don’t have to be in 3 places at once.