Tank Feels Good Right Now

Thing is, they will even counterswap the mirror smh


I felt that way too when I first started. The thing about tanks is that it takes some time to acclimate to their baseline. You start off pleasantly surprised at how much you can get away with and wonder what everyone is so mad about.

But eventually, it become your new normal. When you’re not going 30-0, you feel ashamed of your performance. You start to realize that you have to sweat every game, because every game comes down to you making the right decisions quickly. Your teammates “chill” attitude starts to annoy you, they’re not taking it as seriously as you are. And when a perfect match gets robbed from you because someone is just goofing off on torb, it gets under your skin so much more than when you’re playing other roles.

Then the insults start coming in when you make mistakes and even when you don’t. Tank diff this, tank diff that. Your team starts micromanaging you. You have to make rules to not lose your mind at these people.

At least thats been my experiance.

The heroes are fun. The psychology is not.


Yep… (I’ve almost choked)… Sure, obviously I want to say. WHY NOT !?

no it isnt

they are still strong abilities

she still has sleep and anti

they were slap on the wrist nerfs, shes not as good but the go to pick as soon as our team starts doing well

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you’re missing the point, tanking is way better than it used to be. compare season 11 to season 8 or 5. if you think it’s anything comparable then you are a lost cause

yes it is

they aren’t used as much which is my point, meaning you can make plays

she isn’t played anymore, if you think she is still a problem than you clearly didn’t play tank in the early seasons

she’s the worst tank right now, nobody is playing orisa

I’m loving Ramattra and playing a lot more tank this season, and then Kiriko and Illari on support. People keep whining about Pharah but I’m not doing so hot on her this season—ironically my lifetime winrate over 3000 hours on her is 58 percent and pretty much always has been, but now suddenly it’s a problem.

This season though I’m at 45 percent on her idk why so I’m just annoyed at dps right now and figure that enough people are crying they’re going to nerf her back into struggle mode pretty soon and I’ll go back to never being able to play my favorite hero without an uphill battle again.

Support feels bad. I noticed the tank diffs really ruin games. They have too much power for only one player.

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Ram is kinda hot garbage and especially in omnic form, so that’s a first no.

Then when you mirror, support picks alone decides the majority of outcome unless you hard diff the other tank, so even more no.

Tank is still unfun as is when the reliance on the team performance and comp has been at an all time high.

Nothing will ever feel good again till I see patchnotes murdering Pharah

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It most certainly isnt. I face counterswaps majority of my games

If youre a rein player, sure. For every other tank nothing changed

Shes still good and played very often. (Not trying to downplay that shes not hard meta, but just saying i see her just as much)

NOW we’re talking

This is more of an fps than it is a moba. 99% of the people that downloaded an fps game want to pew pew. I dont see very many people sticking around on tank if we turn tanks into big slow bullet sponges with no damage


It barely changed for Reinhardt. Suzu still invalidates Shatter, it just requires a bit of timing now. And honestly, Kiriko are decent at timing it. I know everyone wants to downplay their skill expression, but they tend to understand their hero relatively well.

Absolutely. Even in quickplay. Albeit, I have noticed less counterswapping from the enemy tank in quickplay. It’s definitely more fun at the moment strictly because of that.

Yep. About the same as ever.

I swing my hammer, but yeah… Same idea.


Everybody who said tanks feel horrible to play are actually just not people who would typically play tank. Solo tanks are in a much better spot now than when we first started with OW2.

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They’re not Chads when they get diffed hard. Makes the game suck.

Yeah, no. You don’t play the game whatsoever lol.
I play Doom, win first point then all 5 players swap to Sombra, McCree, Zenyatta, Ana, Orisa.

I’m a tank main and the only thing keeping me from uninstalling is Blizzard saying that they’ll address 6v6. The game sucks and is horrendously balanced, especially around tank.

name checks out for the joke of a title

it’s been 11 seasons, you have to swap sides

they were played in every game before, not so much anymore as supports want and/have to play other hero’s

being a tank requires positioning, because that’s how you deal with counters and difficult situations

being here instead of there, you can’t play winston where you would play soldier so you can’t think like soldier

being a tank isn’t about being a bullet sponge, it’s just that blizz constantly nerfs tanks to prevent brawl tanks diving the supports which is why supports got so strong from season 2 to 8

they have driven me away from ever playing this role again. it disgusted me. even though it might feel good in some scenarios now, counterwatch is still here and no I don’t want to play a powercrept role.

see y’all in 6v6, if not, farewell…

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I dont know what game youre playing. Counterwatch is worse then ever. If you globally buff all tanks then the favored matchup becomes more favored. Also maybe weaver isnt great right now but kiri is hard meta.

And giga buffed the armor changes and headshot reduction make her even worse to play into if countered by her. Its just that theres bigger evils then her currently.

Yeah you mean controlling space? In 5v5 you cease controlling space the moment counters come out to play let alone that half of the tanks arent designed to frontline.

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Some folks are just miserable because they choose to be.