Tank Doom is NOT Working

GetQuakedOn had me pretty excited, but now that I’ve been in the driver’s seat for a few games… no, just no.

I have over 400 hours on Doomfist on my PS4 profile, I’m hoping to really get into the flow of PC gameplay now and have done well with DPS Doom on my PC version so far. Side note, cross progression… please.

I played quite a few games as tank Doom, and comparing him to DPS Doom, live DPS Doom is a better tank than Tank Doom.

DPS Doom may not have the Tank health to start, but he gets it via shields. More importantly, as DPS Doom I play the role of tank BETTER because I can draw aggro better. A Doomfist dive DEMANDS an answer, which means I am drawing fire away from my team. I can punch to knock a brawler character away or interrupt a CC effect, saving an ally. I can Slam-Uppercut to pluck a problematic enemy out of the herd and force them to deal with the sudden burst of damage. I can perform complex rollouts (which need Uppercut) to surprise enemies mid-push, creating space. I’ve always considered DPS Doom to be a DPS-Tank hybrid because he has always made space, demanded attention, and had survivability. That’s why I wasn’t too worried about the swap at first.

However. Tank Doom is a sitting duck. Uppercut is vital to getting above the horizontal plane where the enemy team is. If you can’t get a clear exit with Punch, you are D-E-A-D. With Tank Doom, you never have that exit. Because of the size, new Seismic Slam is clearly the best engagement tool. It draws aggro and displaces enemies, all good. However once you’ve used it, you’ve got Punch to escape, and that’s it. Worse yet, new Slam almost always places you BEHIND the enemy team, which is even harder to escape from without vertical movement.

If you Power Block, you become slow and remain vulnerable to CC effects. So you just end up pinned, or hooked, or hacked, or slept, or naded, or discorded, or any combination of all of these. The damage reduction doesn’t matter if you come out of it vulnerable, and 450 HP is nothing against 2 DPS. You can’t even rely on new Slam to escape, because you have to FACE the enemy team to absorb damage, then you often have to turn around and find your escape route from a totally new perspective if you want to Slam out. This isn’t even bringing up how unreliable and hard to control new Slam is. Punch rarely works to escape as well, because a) you still have to turn around, b) you have no verticality, and/or c) you were surrounded while you were slowly holding Power Block and end up punching an enemy behind you and stalling in the middle of the enemy team. Basically everything Tank Doom does that’s supposed to protect him or his team just makes him a sitting duck and even more vulnerable.

I’m not one to complain without giving suggestions.

Lower Doom’s damage as much as you want. I don’t care. Just give us the DPS kit, keep the Slam huge, and put Power Block on a separate button. Console controllers have buttons you aren’t using, namely the D-Pad. Or for that matter, you can even get rid of Power Block. Just please let me protect my team by drawing aggro, plucking out enemies, and being an actual threat instead of CC fodder. I was already regularly saving allies and making space as a DPS, Tank Doom just makes me less capable of it. The cycles of Doomfist let me be a constant threat that continuously draws enemy and attention. The cycles don’t really exist on new Doom. It’s just forward and backward, over and over, hoping you don’t get stalled out in the middle by a CC effect, or even just a classic Doom bug stalling your Punch or Slam (has happened to me multiple times already).

I have so many hours on Doom for a reason. He is fun. He is why I play Overwatch. There is no other character like him in competitive FPS games. Please do not take that away to give him a half-baked shielding ability.

I also want to bring up an important controls side note, the controls menu needs a per-binding force-override option. Every single one of my characters has customized controls, and none of them have the Ping button bound because of it. So to assign Ping, I have to do it to every character individually. Please just let me hold the button to prompt a query, “Are you sure you want to override all custom bindings and re-assign this key for all characters?


Honestly he would work fine as a tank if they weren’t changing the game to 5v5. He would make a great off tank :frowning:

I think its kinda a huge loss going 5v5 overall when it comes to tanks Synergy. Zarya bubbling Rein charge and Winston leaps etc. I’m really gunna miss that synergy.


Console and PC Doomfist play the same but at very different paces to get used to. I have 700 hours on PC and he looked good to me. Especially with slam cancel.

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I kind of agree, the Zarya-Doom combo and even Rein-Doom was brutal.

I watched Quaked for an hour or so last night while he was duoing with Kephri.

They were like 1-7 at one point and Kephri kept railing on him about it.

Good to see toxic POS’s suffer together.

That said, by all early projections I can say I saw this coming and that Tankfist would become Trashfist.

Too little uptime. Limited range. What CC does exist is a problem for him.

You should clarify if you mean Tank Doom or DPS Doom, when referring to Slam cancel.

I believe you are saying DPS Doom’s kit was fine as a tank, and the Slam cancel experimental card made it even better. Is that accurate?

To me tank Doomfist still plays exactly the same but just takes longer to eliminate others unless it’s environmental. His environmental kill potential has sky rocketed since he can punch back multiple people at once, he can “fight” against pharah and you can get back to fights faster than before because of Winston leap.


Personally, I have a problem with how long it takes to get elimination on Doomfist right now. I can play Reinhardt, Wrecking Ball, or Orisa is stomping the crap out of healers and DPS, but on Doomfist, it just feels like a wet noodle fight of hiding and running; if I have no one to help me kill two people.


honestly you make plenty of good points however if its only been a few games it will take a lot longer to be able to adjust to that so i would give it like 20 matches, i have heard mixed things about doomfist as a tank i have heard he is pretty much useless but i have also heard he is OP so hard to tell right now

He needs more damage


Seriously how is cross platform progression not a thing? I’m worried they wont do it, even though all the promotional cosmetics were given to both my PC and Xbox account so it’s doable. Game looks like a jagged mess on Xbox One yet beautiful on PC but I’m not willing to start fresh nor buy a $500+ Xbox Series X to keep my progress. Overwatch is the only game I’ve turned my Xbox for since mid-2017

May we get a TLDR… man I just don’t have time for all these manifesto posts…?

I would wager most Doom players don’t understand yet what tanking is. It is not just running around trying to pad your elim count… that is old Doom.


As someone who doesn’t play Doomfist I’m very happy with it. Not because I wish anything bad on the character, but because I think both his burst damage and his extreme mobility were not fun to play against.

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i agree its a very different playstyle, that said i am not saying if doom is a good or bad tank because i dont have a clue but it takes a lot of adjustment to figure out if he is good or not at tanking imo

Add to this his damage and you pretty much summed up all of his problems. I havent played tank doom due to being a console player but some of these are glaring issues.

Slam and Power block have really long cooldowns and RP depends a lot of PB in order to be better so this limits his ability to engage.

All of his abilities are close ranged, evenhis primary fire is useless outside of close range and yes, you do have a lotof mobility to get close but we get back to the uptime problem

Damage is pitiful in some case, charged punch doing the same damage as a default melee?, Tanks do good damage within their close range but even in his range his damage is, best thing is slam being AoE but it does just 50… ball´s slam works the same and does highe damage

Last but not least is the CC interaction… who actually thought it was a good idea to let him get slept while power blocking?

Like,i thinks this could work but those numbes need some serious reviewing

There’s a reason for that…Because he doesn’t belong in FPS games.


Nah he’s fine just gotta learn him


What you’ve stated here is actually a big part of why a lot of people don’t like Doom. DPS Doom’s shield generation existed because the hero design literally didn’t work without rewarding with him a bunch of free health just for hitting people - the hero design itself required a crutch just to function, just like Reaper with lifesteal.

Having a DPS hero randomly fly in with a bunch of CC and one-shot moves that grant shields enough to turn him into a decent tank was pretty much impossible to balance; either the enemy players got frustrated getting dunked on repeatedly, or the Doom player would get frustrated because the hero didn’t have the survivability to do so.


If you’d take the time to read my “manifesto”, you’d see I described how Doom’s kit should and does work as a tank.

Honestly I feel the mechanics of his current kit are pretty good.

I just feel he largely needs some number changes.