Tank diffs are (usually) a myth

If you saw how hard my tanks feed in my games, you’d change your mind :frowning:

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You see rarely a DPS outperforming a tank, that’s because tanks dictate how well a team can do.
Doesn’t mean you can’t overcompensate, just that tanks is the most impactful role

How they do this is all dependant on the support they get from their team no support = tank cant do anything

Stats dont always tell the whole story.

Impact does not equate strength, arguably Supports are most impactful because theyre the ones that allow tanks to do their job.

  1. Enemy picks Phara+Mercy
  2. You don’t
  3. You’re on tank
  4. ???
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usually? lol have you played in a game whereall DPA and supp for in a team fight against enemy team (including enemy tank) but teammate Mauuga is extremely off-positioned and nowhere to be seen? Or, what about a D.va chasing an enemy healer near spawn while the remaining team (in group) literally EXTERMINATES you and your teammate team…? and no, these are not isolated instances. They happen quite often.

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Yes and no. It changed a bit after season9, but tanks are still the ones who dictate the game.
I say it as someone who rocked 70%WR on Ram in over 50games in unranked in season 9

They don’t but tank stats always correlates with DPS stats, that’s consistent

They are only allowed to do that… if they have the right support from their team…

Thats unranked, we all know how unreliable matchmaking and game quality is there.

Its fairly easy to statpad as a tank so of course you can have similar/better stats to your DPS