Tank diffs are (usually) a myth

At the end of a game, the tank’s scoreboard usually reflects whether they won the game or not. Not always because of how well the tank did, but because if the team does well then naturally the tank wont die as much and will be able to get more elims and damage. Saying “tank diff” based off what you see on the scoreboard is not the full story. Maybe the supports didn’t do that well keeping the tank alive. Not the tank’s fault


Its a problem tho when the tank doesnt swap to secure the win and they are just being hard countered. That is what a tank diff is you cant just stay on one tank and expect the map tempo to ever change.

as a ball player i dont even know what you just said


I see most people typing tank diff not because of the scoreboard stats, but because one of the tanks keeps feeding. Either the into a bad comp and gets destroyed over and over, or they are letting their 5 year old have a turn at the keyboard…

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i otp queen. you either diff the other tank or you lose. she offers little in the way of team support. its straight up aggression and mechanics.

Conversely people blame me even when my scoreboard performance is fine and potentially better than the other tank. It’s just… Whatever. Haters gonna hate!



And some people type tank diff because a game was played, no matter what happened during the game

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I’m a fan of the scoreboard, but one area where it can fall a little flat is not taking into account damage done to barriers. If I spend a lot of my time as a tank whittling down an enemy’s barrier, someone could think that I have not contributed all that much damage. In actual fact I have, but it’s simply not listed.


No way is queen a throw shes hard core brawler and her shout is often a team get out of jail free card you have to play corners more with her but she can be good in the right setup

More than 50% of ‘tank diffs’, id say about 75-80% that I see are support diffs.

Many if not most players in my games quick to spout ‘tank diffs’ are usually supports. Like a LW, Mercy or Moira. Meanwhile the enemy supports are Ana, Bap, Kiriko, Zen.

People don’t realise how much of a massive handicap your tank has if he is fighting an Ana, Zen, Bap with LW, Mercy, Moira, Ilari.

Eg. I see it every single time I have a great game on Ana. I got every sleep and anti at the right time that allows my tank to capitalise. I sleep the ulting dps to stop him from wiping my team, i anti the enemy tank while enhancing my tanks heals, my tank can then ult and get a team wipe and get potg.

Enemy tank had mercy/moira/ilari/lw supports. Handicapped.

End of game several people chime in ‘tank diff’.

Nobody notices the support diff except maybe the tank players. Nobody notices the 50 missed sleeps by a bad ana. Most people don’t even notice that mercy/moira/lw has no utility for the team and is a handicap for their tank. They fo sho notice and remember any and every teeny little insignificant mistake a tank makes.

Next time yall see a ‘tank diff’ pay more attention to the supports.


People are dumb. Pin to the wind my champion!

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They are of no value. It’s always the team with living supports that wins. If your dps can’t do their jobs and get rid of theirs first it’s over.

Its usually 90% DPS diff 8% Tank diff 2% Support diff.

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Found the OTP that blames the tank.

The nature of the game puts a lot of pressure on the tanks- which is expected, as theyre the space makers.

Naturally when theres a team diff, the “first” one to suffer is often going to be the tank.

Smooth brained individuals lack the capacity to reflect, observe, and acknowledge their short comings- The ol “I know IM a good player so obviously its not MY fault!” mindset.

Thus, “tank diff”- Regardless of whether or not it was or wasnt.

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Honestly a tank diff usually comes down to a support/dps diff unless the losing tank is just trolling on doom or ball with no idea how to play them. With that said, as a tank main its still fun to say “tank diff” when we stomp the other team.

Tanks level is how bliz make 50/50 win/lose ratio. End of the story . Good team that makes noob tank win the game is the reason of loosing/winning differ than 50/50

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Its a complex game. A lot FPS players will fail to acknowledge the learning curve here, and thus always remain in “elo hell” in bronze thru goldish.

Theyre always the ones saying “role diff” and blaming their woes on forced win/loss ratios and mmr and op heroes.

If someone feels compelled to say “role diff,” pity them, they most likely have a miserable time playing this game.

Not to brag, but wind is the number one victim of my charges. I pin wind more than any hero!

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Tanks set the tempo do they not they also provide the support i never once said its only the tanks fault but if your entire is faultering it requires the tank to pick up extra slack and make sure they arent being countered by the enemy team. I am sorry if my post came across as condescending it was not meant that way at all ive just been having a lot of tanks lately that dive too far and dont provide space for the team in order to hold or push. Its always a team effect not just the tanks just tank counters are a legitimate thing and it often requires adjusting to the enemy in order to make sure your not being shut down so hard.