Tank diff/dps diff

Always tank diff or dps diff, but never support diff.


Because low elo players are incapable of recognizing Support diff.

It tends to be a more passively carry, unless you have Zen or Lucio dropping frags.


As Shadowsan already explained: Support carry is usually when a Support does something Clutch, Zen/Lucio Frags, Ana huge anti nade.

Low ELO players always call DPS diff unless it’s a Hog popping off then they might say tank diff. The kill feed is the only concept they can understand. Space and map control aren’t quantified or measured so to them it doesn’t exist, but really it’s a precursor to your team being on the left side of the kill feed.


Pretty much.

Nah its the same in GM. I’ve had games where I’ve played really poorly as ana but my tanks got the blame because a tank without the proper support will get out tanked 90% of the time.

The tanks can claim supp diff but they will just get shot down as being in denial.
I admit my mistakes but a lot of other will happily just let the tanks take the blame.


Sometimes when I get blamed as support they call it a “healer diff”.

The hero we need but do not deserve :relieved:

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They say it, anyone telling you they dont has no idea what they are talking about.

every game for the last year has been decided by dps diff


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm


The funny part is, you can play zen and play as dps, and never cast heal orb, and no one notices.

Maybe in Bronze. People will catch on pretty quick elsewhere.


Pelvic gap.

Well, Mr condescend, Bronze and Silver have got an eighty percent smurf / alt player base and they DO understand the difference. On top of that, the Bronze that you think of, is the Bronze / Silver bracket of season two. But, git gud, as you are somethingsoemthing

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Where do you have these numbers from?

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Not trying to condescend. But you aren’t in bronze and silver because you understand the game at a high level. Getting auto blamed as dps is annoying. It’s usually a team diff.

And the same applies to higher ranks
 diamond now is masters or low GM from a few years ago. People get better and only the dedicated players remain at this point.


Spot the mistake or, better, the condescend
only higher ranks get better? Really?

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Your reading comprehension is apparently bronze too.

I said the same is true of higher ranks, referring to your comment of bronze players now being season 2 silver players. Meaning that on a relative basis, a given rank is better than that same rank from a previous point in history. I didn’t say, imply, or otherwise that this only applies to higher ranks.


Be the last one to die or better yet don’t die at all die a very minimal amount of times, that can make a huge difference and one of my pet peeves is being the last one to die as a DPS or tank, especially if the other team had no dive characters, I shouldn’t be dying last especially as a tank considering could usually hide behind the tank worse comes to worse.

There are some game changers like Transcendence, beats, baps lamp, you could cancel some ultimate break brings rally also wins team fight, nanny’s nanos n’ nades, mercy rezzes. A bunch of other stuff but like someone else said these are mostly passive things and it’s hard to notice your team likely won’t at all you might, so long as you see that you’re performing well that’s usually the diff happening happening.

Nothing is you just don’t have much offensive diff as most other characters usually baring some sick bap, zen, ana kills but you don’t want to come straight too much on those either and get your team kills cuz you’re not supporting. Most of your gift comes from defensive plays, tactical plays, uptime, and awareness. It can be frustrating when you need to make a offensive diff because you’re usually in the worst spot to do so especially when your team is also reliant on your healing and doesn’t give you enough time to do so.

However just try playing a game and not healing at all, I’m pretty sure you’ll see a difference somewhere