Here let me help you:
I am not a racist, but black people…
I am not a right-wing supporter, but the lefties…
Darling, you did say what I implied you would say. Feel better as much as you want and elevate yourself to the highest heights, I wish you luck in life and a happy week.
In GM support carry (with Ball Zen Brig Tracer rn) is usually when your support do perfect rotation and force fights in good positions.
It’s rarely about kills or heals, unless for some clutch ults or 1 play per game.
Right on the money of course, as statistics pulled out of the wazzoo are reliable. woopwoop
edit: information vs informations…look it up, much better than believing in statistics without validity or reliability…you may want to look up these words too…lol
My initial statement saying “low ELO players always call it a DPS diff…” has been my experience. When I smurf, group with someone almost 1,000 SR below me, etc. I see “DPS diff” a lot more often than when I play in masters/GM games. My hypothesis for this is because space, map control, positioning, etc. does not appear in the kill feed so it’s harder to quantify for players who have a lower understanding of the game. Understanding of the game correlates with rank.
So when you said I was condescending, I was clarifying that my statement wasn’t to condescend but to relay something objectively factual. Your ego just got in the way of interpreting it that way.
Then you once again misinterpreted what I said with your “only higher ranks get better” statement. I was referring to your statement that said “bronze that you think of is bronze/silver of season 2”. I said “the same applies to higher ranks”, meaning that unless a player who has improved faster than their peers, they’ve probably slid in rank. I know people who were masters/GM in earlier seasons who are plat now, diamonds who are gold, etc.
Because at that point I am being condescending but initially I was not. What do you expect when you twist and misinterpret what people say in order to make an accusation?
when I’m playing tank, even on a day where I go 80% win rate, I still think it’s sup diff 90% of the games.
It’s too easy for tank players to win when their sup are the upper part of lobby, as the healing enables you to get kills and do the dps players’ job. But when you have great dps, and poor support, it’s actually way harder to just stay alive. You can do everything correctly, but if you suddenly don’t get heals, you auto-lose.
When I’m on tank, I think everything is support diff. even when my team is significantly winning, the only thing going through my head is support diff unless the healers actually manage to heal me at least once every 30 sec.
But the problem typically is that there is only one healer actually healing, the other is doing dps. So I get heals until the enemy dive that support. if I peel for that support, then we keep winning. but if I’m busy, the good support player doesn’t get cross-healed, so then the good sup player cannot heal cause they can’t peek. then the tank dies.
You are only as good as your weakest link, and to be honest, one useless dps is way more carryable than one useless support or one useless tank.
One useless DPS gets complained about after a 20 min game as the reason they lost. But if the problem had been a useless tank or a useless support, then the game would have been 7 min long.