Tank diff too much of an issue

I totally agree with that.
We were being crushed today on a hybrid map. The enemy team won the first round with 4’15” to spare. All of them had a score around 20/1 and we were like 1/8. Moira from opposite team said “Ezzzz win”. I started to notice how many of them had the title Diamond Challenger. I was thinking with myself “no way. I’m a humble Gold5. Is it the MMR thinking I’m a God again just because I happened to win the last 3 games?”

Well, let’s go back to the “Ezzz win”:

My whole team got infuriated. People took their time to reply back to the petulant child who provoked us. Then, all out of a sudden, 3 teammates turned their mics on and said: let’s crush that MF.

We had so much energy! We had so much good will! Our communication was great. We even had a great widow maker in our team getting a few HS and opening space for us once in a while. We fought together. We sweat. We bled. We… lost miserably.

…And the petulant kid laughed at us again.

Moral of the story: don’t put gold players that did well in the last few matches against diamond players who did poorly in the last few.

You won’t fool me Blizzard. Later on when I play a lobby of silver/bronze and crush them, I won’t start to feel great about myself again.Not anymore


If tank dies, I just try to get as many picks I can with DPS while retreating unless we get the upper hand. Pretty much the same with support except I try to keep everyone alive smart enough to peel back.

Pretty much ALL DPS have huge carry potential now, only in probably Masters and above does loosing your tank ACTUALLY Matter, any games below if you’re a good DPS player you can easily carry the game if you have a weaker tank

Everything about this is many levels of wrong DPS is the least impactful role in the game.


Last night I had a rein tank on Coliseum that every time they spawned they basically yeeted into the team 1vs5 and died (despite us both supports asking them to play with the team), in the what 3-4 minutes game they died 15 times or something. You can’t do anything but lose when something like this happens.

If your tank is bad you lose, if one of your support is bad it’s probably 50/50, if one of your DPS is bad the rest of the team can carry. Having your rank up/down be based on win/loss with the above is frustrating for anybody but tanks.

Having one tank only forced with Role Queue can only lead to “tank diff” issues since a bad tank or a tank player picking the wrong hero can lead to insane steamrolls.

As long as they force Role Queue with one tank only, this will keep being an issue where you can’t do anything to make up for a bad tank (since you cannot swap roles with the tank and cannot compensate for it with a DPS or support hero).

Most people on these forums (me included) have been pointing out that problem for months now. One of the many reasons I won’t play Competitive until it’s fixed / rebalanced).

Restrictions are not Competitive-friendly on a game like Overwatch in my opinion.

Yeah I’ve seen a few games that looked like a tank diff but upon closer inspection there was a healer or a dps badly lacking. Everything looks like a tank diff to people who aren’t paying enough attention.

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Happen a lot to me recently , seem much worse than in S1.

I play a few unbalanced game and I get annoyed and just close the game. Not rage quitting , just so annoyed by this that I dont feel like playing anymore.

Rince and repeat every day so far since S2.

I know it’s not a simple solution, specially for people who work and have families, but playing with a friend in a different role (specially at lower levels), dramatically reduces MMR disparities inside a team or lack of game awareness.

I played a good 10+ games yesterday with a random dude that accepted to join my party. He was slightly less skilled than me (not that im good). But we communicated a lot. I played as Orisa or Zarya and he played as Symmetra mostly. It’s incredible what some good communication can do.

Im pretty sure he would be that bad DPS player with negative K/D ratio in a random MMR selected game.

I know it’s unlikely to always play as a Duo and have successful days… :frowning:

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They said in a interview in s3 they will try to make sure tanks are the same rank because having a gold tank vs a bronze tank is just pointless.
Till then, good luck

Gotta vent my frustration about not being able to have a group select tank but also a check to make sure at LEAST someone is a tank. We’ve lost many times because they were either too scared or too dim to take space and I’ve just said “Screw it”, force myself to have the tank role and we won more consistently. Not saying I’m good, it could be a change in MM or being a tank in a group (albeit of 2-3) but games are noticeably better by a wide margin.

wow, who could have predicted that 5v5 would be poorly balanced, esp when only a few heroes got real reworks and most of the tanks didnt.

They did say something about this if you’re interested:

Article in the post: Overwatch 2 developer blog: Matchmaker and competitive deep dive, part 1 - News - Overwatch

The quote(s) referring to the issue is: “We’ll try to find pairs of similarly rated players in each role when making a match.”
“For support and damage roles, which have two slots, each player will be paired with one player on the opposite team. There will still sometimes be matches with a large range of differently skilled players, but in these cases, the two teams will be more like mirror images of each other.”

Personally, not sure if they will succeed this very much, but it sounds like it is a good idea to pair between roles.
One of the comments on the actual post from “Ordo” makes a good mention that SR is not accounted for in the MMR system:

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Tank diff is the best part of this game.
Just be the diff and it’s always fun

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I’m thinking for Competitive, almost every single competitive gamer in the history of games would simply like matches created randomly based on RANK.

The should gradually rank up or down based on RANK. There is no need at all for some hidden rating to make matches, when you have RANKS there.

Instead, Blizz wants to hide everything and use some ridiculously over reactive MMR to force you into matches against people two ranks higher than you, or lower.

It’s no mystery why people can’t stand this matchmaker. It’s trying to do things that don’t need to be done, and it feels so fake. OW feels like you’re actually playing against the matchmaker itself, and that is NOT right.

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Yeah, at first you don’t really know. It’s like being on a kayak on a coast near the ocean.

You don’t feel the riptide while you’re close to the shore, and for all you know it’s not even there. Then you forget to check, and you find yourself farther from the shore than you remember - so you paddle back. You think, “Huh, that was weird. Must have been my imagination!” and think nothing more of it. Your mind drifts again, and you get pulled out even farther this time. You think it must be a riptide, but there’s no way - you didn’t feel anything.

But then reality sets in. The waves get bigger and bigger. You’re floating up and down on top of 10 meter waves, and the coast is getting farther and farther away. You try to paddle back, but your human strength just isn’t enough to stop yourself from drifting out into the blue. At this point you can barely see anyone on the coast, and it’s even less likely anyone else can see you. At this point, there’s no denying the riptide. But it’s far too late.

About an hour later, a small speedy boat skids by with a searchlight and drags you onboard. Shivering and cold, you tell the Coast Guard it must have been the riptide that got you. With a smile and understanding they nod and tell you not to worry, it’s always been the riptide all along.

You are given some hot coffee and donuts to warm you up and restore some energy. Then you slowly realize the nice people who just rescued you have weird, squared faces, and their name tags all resemble usernames. Oddly enough, the dark blue of the ocean seems to fade into a diagonal pattern of blue and white, and your coffee and donuts transform into text. You were never on a boat. There was never a riptide. You were always here. Suddenly, a bright light obscures your vision. Your eyes refocus revealing what looks like the results screen from the end of a competitive game.

You look around yourself. You see your monitor and keyboard. A mouse. Suddenly, coffee and donuts seems like a good idea.


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Tank diff is an issue but its not as bad as it was with two tanks. I cant just be oppressed into being useless by two op tanks. You cant nerf tanks so just have to play around it.

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I played a match where my tank was basically afk doing nothing the entire game. Then my supports who were doing fine rage quit and we got other supports and suddenly my tank started to shine and we won. It made me think that there are other things at play besides the numbers on the scoreboard that allows your teammates to do more.

For example, constantly healing the tank – tank takes too much damage and feeds and then those ults and used to wipe out the team.

Compare that with sustaining tank a little and he runs away then healing your dps and they deal damage, then tank comes back and finishes off those kills

Sometimes tank diffs aren’t entirely one person’s fault

if the tank dies your anchor is a wall corner…

Well, let’s just hope no one has any kind of mobility…