Tank Changes Feel Great

The changes to armor and headshot dmg have made tanking way less defensive without making them feel overpowered.

Props to the devs.

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Yeah, they’re great.
So long as you’re not being damaged by Reinhardt, Ana, Soldier, McCree, Widow, Ashe, Junkrat, Hanzo, Zenyatta, Baptiste, Illari, Sigma, Venture, Genji, Pharah, Echo, Brigitte, Moira, Zarya, Mei, Winston, Bastion, Orisa, Sojourn

They realistically only help in situations against Reaper, Mauga, D.va, Tracer and Sombra. Everyone else however is doing more damage or was unaffected by the change lol

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The tank changes were one step forward and two steps back.

To be fair, anybody doing headshots is only doing about 5% more damage than before to armor and beam characters are still at 30% reduced I believe

And again, that’s to armor. All tanks that don’t have armor are just straight up tankier than before.

that vaguely sounds like praise for the devs…

is that pitchforks i hear?

They nerfed crit dmg on tanks by a considerable amount and then you listed off about 20 heroes that crit focused. :rofl:


Everyone was crying the tanks weren’t survivable enough so they do that, you still complain, and can’t even give a reason.

Yes, cause they’ll never let 5v5 go. They can’t admit when a change happens that is good for 5v5.

I’m happy you’re happy, now we need that fun for supports.

And all of them do more damage to armoured targets than they did before :smiley:

25% headshot reduction is less than the previous 30% armour damage reduction lmao

Ah, but you see, it isn’t a good change. It buffed the best tank busters like Ana and Zen and then nerfed the worst tank buster, Reaper

Tanks are broken as hell with 25% headshot reduction, ruined the game.

I am not going to lie. Today was not a good day. I just went back to DPS because I felt like a human pin cushion and only won my last game by getting their DPS to just focus me. If they just decided to leave me alone, I likely would have lost. That just felt bad, man.

I do not want to be a beta, but this Reinhardt life is so tough. Every game is 3-5 hard counters and everyone blaming you for the loss. :pensive:

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  1. Armour still reduces dmg. It does not reduce as much damage, but you can’t calculate it as zero. This depends on the hero dealing the damage, but if Ashe hits for 150 minus 5 damage the armor still takes away 3.3% dmg. The crit reduction takes 25%. 28.3 vs 30 is not a giant difference.

  2. Tanks all got a massive boost in passive healing. Even if some tanks take slightly more damage from some heroes under some circumstances they can still back off and heal back way faster without the need even for a support to heal them.

  3. Not all tank hp is in the form of armor. Ok, so a tank will take 2.7% more damage than before from an Ashe headshot vs the portion of their hp that has armor. The portion that does NOT have armor now takes 25 percent less dmg from that crit.

  4. Virtually every single tank does less dmg vs armor now with Maugass being by far the most important one. The only 2 that got a dmg buff vs armor are rein and sigma.

  5. With the rest of the cast I looked at every single effect the armor change has and I’d gladly trade off not getting shredded by a cheap af bastion turret while taking slightly more dmg from soldier and a bunch of supports on the armor pool.

Overall this is a massive buff to tank survivability. Focusing on a couple situations where tanks may take a little more damage to their armor health pool is just being disingenuous and you know that.

Why are you forcing Rein at all?


Because rein is an amazing hero and is incredibly fun when you can actually play him the way he is intended to be played.

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Does it sound like Buddha’s having fun?

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If you can’t play him this way because of counters or teammates that don’t follow you then he and is as miserable as every other tank.


There you go. You found it eventually.

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I clearly have unresolved mental issues.

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Pampered and catered to. This is what it looks like to be a recipient of this. Blissfully unaware of what the changes actually mean for the game.

No, they don’t. 5v5 is killing this game for good.

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Ah, yes! Exactly the reason tank players queue up!