Tank Changes Feel Great

Unarmoured tanks feel better while armoured ones feel as bad or worse for me so far.

I was already defaulting to Zarya more than Ram before mid-season. Now I hardly play Ram at all.

Welcome, friend.

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That’s because it didn’t make things better :sweat_smile: some Tanks are worse off, some are better. And the more that Tanks become “raid bosses” - so the stronger they get - the more counter swapping becomes prevalent to stop these really strong Tanks just steam rolling over you.

This is a tweet from Eskay …


And I fully agree with what she said here.

I said this before these changes, if you just outright buff Tanks, making them stronger and stronger, the more counter swapping becomes mandatory, so the worse Tank feels and the other roles feel.

Nah this can’t be, they fixed tank. Everyone’s queuing for tank and everyone is having a great time. OW2 is saved!

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Yeah, silly me! God I’m stupid! :tired_face: :sob:

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The majority of the roster does more damage or was completely unaffected lol.

Ana, Sojourn, Ashe, McCree, Bastion, Sigma, Reinhardt, Winston, Moira, Illari, Baptiste, Widowmaker, Soldier, Mei, Symmetra, Junkrat, Hanzo, Pharah, Orisa, Brigitte, Kiriko, Zenyatta, Lucio, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Zarya, Genji, Venture, Rammatra and Mercy all do more damage than what they did before.

The only characters actually affected by the change are Tracer, Sombra, D.va, Mauga, Lifeweaver, Wrecking Ball, Reaper and Roadhog.

Doom, Rein, Sigma, Junker Queen, Orisa and Rammatra were completely buffed or had their main forms of damage buffed.
Meanwhile Winston and Zarya’s primary fires are unchanged. Zarya’s bombs and Winston’s charge shot got buffed, while also Winston’s ult was buffed by the armour and knockback changes.

You will still be shredded by Bastion regardless, but also Bastion’s artillery, grenade and recon form will do more damage as well. Not to mention those who have been buffed does not just include Soldier and a few supports.

OW community needs to find what they want to complain about.

Do you want the tanks stronger or weaker?

You can’t have it both ways where when they do one you just whine and complain for it to go back the other way.

We want two tanks so they’re not required to be broken or will end up in the dumpster lol