Tank balance changes on PTR

Zarya buffed! Beam weapons damage now only reduced by 20%. Is a tiny buff at no charge and a small nerf at max.

Orisa buffed, sort of, small increase in movement speed while shooting from 50% reduction to 30%. However, counteracted by knockback changes.

D.Va nerfed! Now knocked back fully while shooting and using other abilities.

Wrecking Ball Buffed! Can now use Adaptive Shields in Rolling Mode.

Long live Rein and Zarya, our Tank Overlords.

Seriously though, why keep buffing Zarya?

Full notes here:


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Where did you get this information? Are there any patch notes?

Updated OP.

Its odd that they buffed Zarya lol

The knockback changes were bugfixes not nerfs. But yeah they’re going to feel like nerfs as it’s been there since launch.

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Like the armor buff, it’s a systematic change to the game that just happens to buff her (although actually this should just overwrite the armor changes for Zarya).

They need to nerf her though. Like, a lot.


Thank god they nerfed D.Va. I couldn’t believe it when I heard that OWL team fights are won 94% of the time if you kill the other team’s D.Va, and those record damage totals were crazy.

Oh WAIT that was Zarya, the hero they’re BUFFING AGAIN.

ffs why do I even bother supporting or playing this game. They are utterly clueless.


Functionally, they are nerfs.

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I hope an addendum comes before this ptr hits live. Zarya needs nerfs and some heroes are still neglected.

At least in the stylosa interview jeff says they need more changes to get rid of 3/3,which is probably a priority for them bc of OWL. So we’ll see.

Lmao Zarya needs MORE damage

You know, I always used to roll my eyes when people made “There’s a [x] main on the dev team and that’s why they stay OP/Meta!” type threads.

Now? not so much.

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pretty sure Halt is going to work a lot better now though. I think it’s an overall decent buff to Orisa.

The damage boost change was clearly designed to make Baptiste’s amp field work correctly, but imo it also sands down another bit of Mercy’s skill ceiling.

There used to be a rhythm to damage boost with projectile heroes (Pharah in particular) where you had to pay attention to shots fired if you wanted to maximize healing and damage output. Now all you have to do is tap to the rhythm of your target’s fire rate.

A simpler system, yes, but Mercy does not need more simplification.

But is this really a buff for Zarya?

How much damage does armor currently reduce from her primary fire?

It varies based on charge, but she does 20 ticks a second, each one reduced by half or 3 depending on if her charge has the ticks at 6 or less. There is no stage of her charge where this does anything but increase her damage significantly against armor.

EDIT - I think I worked this out incorrectly, it’s not doing as much at high charge as I thought

Basically a Zarya buff to kill tanks, especially D.va that can’t shield against it

In all fairness, it was silly how it worked before and unintuitive. Now, you need to maintain the rhythm still, but that rhythm is at least tied to a predefined fire rate, instead of predicting when projectiles will land.

Zarya actually got an indirect nerf to armor this ptr.

Zarya [is] roughly the same at low charge and deal less damage to armor health pools than before while at high charge.

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Acknowledged in that very thread, and corrected in the OP.

However, I’m now inclined to feel the knockback and slow changes are bigger nerfs to Hammond and Orisa than the buffs they got.