Talking about Brig gives me Ba Sing Se vibes

I really do not believe 1 in 5 is a tank main. Us absolute alpha chad units are far more rare. Ssr, for sure.


Brig hasn’t even been dominant on PC for about 2 - 3 months and is already bad in lower ranks

I think its technically about the brainwashing they did at Ba Sing Se.
Pointing out people are kinda brainwashed thinking, “Brigitte is Fine”.
“There is no war in Ba Sing Se”.

Nerf after nerf after nerf.
Brig as the least picked support and one of the least picked heroes in the game.
Low healing, low damage, high deaths per 10, and not considered fun to play as anymore by many Brig mains.

But, “Brigitte is fine” are said by people on repeat on these forums.
Some content creators like BTC pointed it out but most people are drinking that Ba Sing Se juice.


Thank you that was exactly my point…

There’s a lot of that juice going around

They don’t even have to do anything, I would just like people/devs/players/anyone to acknowledge it.

Off-topic its been so long since I’ve seen BTC mentioned here I remember a while back a bad take was made and he practically vanished from relevancy on the forums.

I can’t say about Brigitte distribution, but the ladder distribution is close enough: 3% Masters, 1% at GM.

It’s weird when people can’t look beyond the status quo, or much further past it.

As if “Brig isn’t meta right now”
If a meaningful reply to “Brig wouldn’t be meta if they did the kinds of changes to tanks, to increase their usage by 30%”

I think the point others were trying to point out is that you’re kinda falling into the same trap that the devs and pros are when it comes to balancing solutions.

So hyperfocused on preventing her from becoming meta (which, imo, shouldn’t even MATTER i think any character should be able to be meta, and any meta brig is in doesnt ever last long aside from the one meta everyone cant look past) that the end result is something that isn’t fun and still wouldn’t be played. Brigitte isn’t fun because she can glaot about her healing numbers, or because she can shield bash slightly faster than normal,

And thats probably why most just want her in the tank category and/or with limited healing because the fixation on her non-peel related support is sucking the life out of her and the players.

So far Brig was the most fun before the rework, and I dont think it was because of her actual power level.

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On the contrary.

I’m hyper focused on the buffs to Tanks that would be needed to fix queue times, not causing a high durability meta.

Brig just happens to be an obstacle in the way of getting there.

And from my perspective, anything that’s an obstacle to fixing queue times, needs to get out of the way.

If there’s a good way to get there without upsetting Brig players too much, or an alternative hero design they would prefer. That’s fine.

But the idea that the devs should not fix queue times, or spend 6 months focused on a Brig rework to delay fixing queue times, because 0.01% or 0.001% of the playerbase might quit. Makes no sense, when the status quo with Tanks is probably making that many people quit every week.

You’re assuming that Brig is stopping tank balance when tank balance is stopping tank balance.

We’ve have tank metas before brig came out, and we’ve had tank metas after 222 that were not brig related. So I fail to see what that character has to do with any of that.

So yes I do see it as being hyperfocused on her.


Yup. Because after probably 300+ hours looking at ways to solve queue times and tank issues. Unless you put in some huge gimmick with major negative side effects, there really is no way to fix Tanks that doesn’t involve making DoubleBarrier vulnerable at close range.

Even if they went with that 800hp Rein barrier from the BlizCon trailer, you’d still end up with a DoubleBarrier problem.

More like narrowing the issue down to:
Change 2 unpopular heroes, Mei and Brig
Change 2 overly stacked heroes that should be popular anyways, to deal with ImmoField and Accretion
And for good measure change specifically “ranged” knockbacks

I.e. Unmatrixable AntiDive on heroes that aren’t offtanks.

There will be negative side effects to fixing queue times, and changes like this would upset the fewest amount of players.

I’m sorry but deleting brig or whatever you planned to propose for her would not solve any of that. All of their balance aside, Brig isn’t even played enough to warrant any significant change to the tank category even if she wasn’t in the game. Otherwise either she would be more prevalent, or more players would be playing the role.

Again there are way too many assumptions.

Also saying “make the game more fun for some people by making the game less fun for some people” is dumb sorry. Thats basically a failed rework right there.


Making the game less fun for at least 0.01% of the playerbase, to solve an issue that can’t be solved without negative sideeffects that could easily cause 5-20% of the playerbase to quit.

That’s pretty unavoidable.

Also really, repeating back the status quo, with no significant Tank changes, isn’t really a compelling argument.
Because that either shows you’re not understanding, or acting like “Fixing Queue Times” is optional, and “Making sure High tier Brig players are happy” is mandatory.

Tbh, from my perspective, any solution that involves “Well then, just don’t fix queue times”, would be economic suicide for this game. And be a sure-fire way to make sure OW2 launch crashes and burns.

Are you talking about how role queue was implemented to remove goats for the pros and made a large portion of the playerbase quit, and created a queue issue that is running 18 months long and counting?

Because it sounds like it.


No what im saying Brig and the Tank Role are not mutually exclusive even though you seem to be trying really hard to say otherwise.

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I think if the niche heroes that were actually good (or at least, in theory) at shredding barriers were more viable (e.g. Symmetra, Bastion, etc), then it wouldn’t be less of an issue.
If Symm could survive on the frontlines and had her piercing orbs back and if Bastion could survive to destroy barriers, then double barrier wouldn’t be an issue.

But besides all of that, my main issue is that Brig isn’t fun anymore. idc if she’s meta, I just want to swing my flail and be a paladin again.


To me, after looking at dozens of solutions to solve how Tank buffs wouldn’t cause a high durability meta. I don’t see a “only upset a few players” method besides giving doublebarrier a close range vulnerability.

And it should be blindingly obvious that Brig is good at preventing close range vulnerabilities.

It’s it possible another approach exists? Sure.

Is it likely anybody in the entire community is going to come up with that solution any time in the next 6 months, compared to the guy that spent 300 hours looking at this issue? Extremely unlikely.

So unless you got a working solution in-hand, that just comes off to me as “blind optimism” with no real meaning behind the words.

I think you missed my point man ._.

But aside from all of this im glad we have parts of the community that will think up solutions for different things here… compared to the EU forums which is mega dry

I guess at this point launch Brigitte to what we have now goes to show how grossly powerful she was at release and how bad everyone was with such a character until more people got used to playing her.

People were getting better with her at a rate of her nerfs until eventually the nerfs took over and now generally only good brig players make her work.

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