And its often the same people that say, “she’s fine”.
We can state stats and facts and they will still say she’s ok and if we buff any part of her kit whatsoever, we’ll return to OP Brig instantly.
But I also second that, as a Brig main, they need to nerf/rework her peel, CC, and RP and buff her HP and barrier. Brig mains actually want her to be a brawler and not this mid-range peeler.
I swear, Brig is the only hero in the game that uses her abilities more than her primary/secondary.
I sometimes wonder if Brig feedback would be different if she was released as an off-tank, justifying her lower HP (200+50 armor) with her ability to party heal.
For starters, goats would not be something “unique”, it would be another flavor of the classic Quad-tank formation. Because that’s what she did, she replaced Roadhog in the quad tank formation.
Her OG Repair Pack would be equivalent to Zarya bubbles (protect a faraway ally for a few seconds), without a cleanse, but lasting longer.
Off-tanks having stun and pushes are less a problem for people than supports doing so, since people internalize that its the off-tank job to peel for teammates.
On ladder, people with the “222 is king” mentality would also don’t run Brigitte alongside two other tanks, nullifying the criticism that she was “good only as a third healer”
And none of that would be an issue if people didn’t got attached to roles and instead focused on individual hero strength and synergy, as Blizzard intended on launch. They repeatedly said that roles were just broad guidelines and heroes within a role are not interchangeable. You can’t swap Genji for McCree and just play with the team in the same way. But that’s me digressing.
I don’t see Mei as an off-tank with her current kit. Surely, she could be reworked into one, but it would be more complex than Brigitte. I also think Doomfist could be changed to a dive tank as well, like Winston and Wrecking Ball.
My point is that launch Brigitte was a mix of off-tank and off-healer, and the devs decided to place her as a Support. Which is a fine choice, but she could be placed just as well in the Tank role, but the community perception of her could had changed if she just had a different label.
I have a similar opinion regarding Sombra, that she should had been released as the second non-healing support, which would both prevent her from being compared to Tracer, and would strengthen Symmetra (1.0) position as a Support unit.
I was fine with tanks having knockback resistance, I remember asking the same for Orisa, and I’m really happy that it’s becoming a role trait on OW2.
As a Brigitte main, I agree. Although I love playing support, I love brawly Brig more. And if they reworked her to be an off-tank, I would take that over her current version. If we were tanky and only did light healing (but had low damage), I would love to see that work.
I just want that Paladin archetype for Brig. Part tank, part healer. You did have a good suggestion if RP had a cleanse. Maybe it had an instant cleanse and only added a bit of armor (maybe only like 30 or something) and the only healing she would so was Inspire. She could peel if she needed to, but I prefer a frontline Brig.
And I think, as a tank, it wouldn’t be OP because you would sacrifice damage and mobility when picking her. If you had a main tank already, then you wouldn’t have that additional damage you get if you pick Zarya, Hog, or Sigma; nor would you have the mobility of a D.Va or Ball to disrupt or contest. But you would have sustain and utility.
Brig honestly needs another rework because she’s in the Sombra situation of being held back by pros. She gives them too much value that isn’t found on ladder.
Even a month ago when she was “meta”, she was still the least picked support, with the lowest healing besides Zen, does less damage than Lucio, and only had an “average” pick rate in GM.
So no, even when she wasn’t absolute garbage, she wasn’t that good and only kinda worked sometimes in GM where team coordination is on another level compared to the rest of ladder.
She was picked on every map on contenders and if the enemy had a brig you had to swap to brig yourself in gm. Her coming and going with the meta is a sign of her being balanced. I agree with the rework thing though but they would have to scrap most of her kit.
I disagree, nerfing pack charges but buffing HP means she becomes even more of an Dive counter
With mulziple pack charges Brig has to choode between enableing Dps and peeling, whilr old Brig was just “Sit with your team, if they Dive your Zen press E”