Talking about Brig gives me Ba Sing Se vibes

Heavily nerfing or removing nearly all sources of AntiDive Peel on heroes that DoubleBarrier would have access to, then a few Dive buffs would do that though.

Heck, mostly just nullifying the AntiDive on ShieldBash, Whipshot, RepairPack, Accretion, ImmoField, Ranged Knockbacks and putting Mei into the Tank role.

But the vast majority of that is just Brig.

And the other changes are relatively straightforward.

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Just SHUT UP. Nobody likes your ideas.
You just shout stats and subjective statements then claim they are objective. Brig has NOTHING to do with tanks being bad. Literally NOTHING.
5-20% based on what? They haven’t gone yet and this has supposedly been an issue for years.

My whole point was giving the character pure stats to carry her survivability and making her stupidly easy is no good.

Brig players are about 1% of comp players
Masters/GM players are about 4% of comp players
Comp players about about 50% of total players
Masters/GM Brig players are about 0.02% of total players.

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Ba Sing Se

Anyone insightful fill us in on who this is?

Like how do you imagine that? Your rework suggestions until now where all “We dumpster every part of Brigs kit, but we give her 50 more HP so she is 100% fine”

How do you imagine an Brig rework solving this issue without making her broken or trash?

Like this.

Balancing to solve "Rein or Lose"

Should be plenty to triple her pickrate in Diamond through Quickplay.

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It gives me conniptions

BAsed on what?

Based on what?

Based on what?

Based o nwhat?

Your numbers come from literally nowhere. Then you claim them as fact.

Jeff on Comp rank size distribution
Jeff on Game modes usage distribution

But really whether it’s 0.02% or 0.1% it’s still negligible.

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"Brig, 200hp+50armor, and a bit more self-regen on Inspire

No Stun
400hp, up from 200
40 damage, up from 5
10m range, you from 7m
5sec cooldown, down from 6sec


Blocked by enemy Barriers/Matrix
Heals 10% more, but at half the speed"




How does this fix the Issue?

1.: More healing and sustain means you get Rally way faster and Rally is a instawin against Dive

2.: You completely ignore whipshot, despite it bein one of the most usefull abillitys against Dive

3.: You completely ignore Rally, the 2. best ult in the game wich is even better against Dive because it gets effected so much by Armor

4.: You buff her selfsustain and Shield while a undiveable Support hurts Dive

5.: The pack changes hurt Dive a lot. Packs are great enablers for Dive dps and nerfing it is also a nerf to Dive dps

Sure, you make Pack and stun weaker wich helps dive a lot, but you also increase Brigs sustain, let her charge rally faster and buff her shield wich is bad for Dive


YOu in the end just dumpster half of her Kit and give her 50 more HP and then think you have a reason left to play her

Correction: 36% of all played games are ranked games. Ranked players tend to play the game far more then Arcade and quickpaly players

36% of all matches bein ranked matches doesn’t mean 36% of all players are ranked players

Also don’t forget that people playing Hereos wich are unpopular like Brig and Moira have more likely their profile on private wich effects the Overbuff stats (Not that much, but still wanted to mention it)

What is Ba sing se brochochos?? :smiley: And what even is a Vibes, these tik tok zoomers i swear.

Ba sing se is a city in the Avatar animated series that is known for its strong walls. The Op is saying that even with nerfs Brig still stands like the mighty walls of Ba sing se.

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  1. If Rally is too much, then just adjust the Ult charge cost. Honestly hadn’t thought about that, so good point.

  2. Didn’t ignore it. It’s covered in the section where all Ranged knockbacks get reverted to 2018 style

  3. I don’t really have a problem with offhealer Ults offering big peel. I.e. Zen and Lucio. Heck, it’s mandatory so that DoubleMainHeal isn’t meta.

  4. She herself would be hard to kill. But there’s a lot of supports that are hard to kill. But she’d be nearly helpless to save a teammate against a Dive.

  5. Changing packs/stun is more of a benefit to Dive, than a hindrance. Especially since a single-hero dive, isn’t really the spirit of “the entire team jumps in together” I.e. That superGenji patch which had DoubleAnchorTank “Dive”

Outside of OWL and the highest portions of GM, she has literally always been fine outside of launch. You all just are obsessed with pros for some reason.

Brig is the most impacted by Rank than any other hero.

The lower you are, the worse you will think she is due to the lack of teamwork.

Kinda ironic how this topic turned exactly into what was originally described despite being self aware.

I dub it, the Brig Effect.

There is a difference between being strong and being a low risk fight win

Sorry I missed it, but if you do that you need to give her more conpensation buffs. Your version has no utillity at all and is only a healbot at the frontline. Why not playing Bap instead of Brig then?

First of all:

In Dive your Dps have to take different angles and expecially against stuff like Brawl you spam a lot before Diving. Brig enables Dps to do that, there is beside harmony orb no better enabler to dive Dps

I also think you underastimate the peeling of your 30hps packs, I dont think it would help dive that much as you think

Also dont forget that your chabge isnt changing that much:

Inspire+pack does 70hps, with your change 45hps for double the time

Beside a full Dive you cannot outdamage 45hps + Baps selfsustain anyway and a full Dive is not viable for years now

I just sont get why you would dunpster every single abillity in Brigs packs to make her a bit more surviveable, do you thinkbBrig is more fun if you have no usefull abillitys at all? The most satisfying thing with Brig is that your abillitys feel so impactfull, your change ruins it

Which sounds like it would be right in that sweet spot of Dive vs AnchorTank+PeelTank at high tier. With Dive being the most optimal if you have the coordination for it.

And “Pick your favorite BarrierTank+PeelTank” for Diamond and below.

With no high durability bunker comps, and no high durability brawl comps becoming meta.

And of course, that’s assuming Brig lands a repair pack before the matrix/domes to up.

Tbh, that’s something that would probably need to be addressed later.

A calibration, after a rough adjustment.

If anything, a healer that can stand on the point while under attack, is a non-standard way to win. I.e. A utility.

Or a healer that is somewhat immune to headshots and AOE ultimates on-demand.

The issue is she’s a healer. Even at their worst, they can still do better than an equally “balanced” DPS or Tank. So it just adds a layer of smoke and mirrors to her balancing act.

imo she’s OK. She could use a buff or a rework to how she heals. Her fragility would be fine if Inspire was less cumbersome or safer to keep active.

imo one dream iteration of mine is:

  1. Inspire activates by dealing ANY damage (Shield Bash). Also, if an ally is 50% or less HP within 10m of her, LoS required, Inspire activates. She’ll say a line similar to using her Repair Pack to audibly alert her allies that healing is happening. If her own HP is 20% or less it activates, but it’d probably be too late vs an actually-decent enemy. This version of Inspire lasts for 4 seconds. Otherwise, Inspire’s duration drops to 2 seconds per “hit” or completed activation condition for a maximum of 8 seconds. The healing from Inspire itself only lingers on an ally for 1 second after they leave the AoE or if Brig dies.
  2. To compensate for Inspire’s far easier uptime, her healthpacks will revert to 1 use on a 6 second cooldown. The projectile speed is 80mps and can travel up to 40m away from her. It burst heals for 45hp along with 15hps over 3 seconds.
  3. Rally is reworked since armor is dummy-annoying to balance but it’s clear Blizzard isn’t going to budge on that aspect of her. So… Rally lasts 6 seconds and has a 0.5 second cast time. Gives her the speed boost as usual. AoE is now 15m. It gives 100 armor per second as if it was healing instead of by ticks, and caps at 25 armor. If a character is inside the 15m AoE and 1 point of armor exists then they are impervious to critical hits and enemy damage that originates from outside the AoE will have their damage cut in half. The armor stays for 24 seconds after leaving Rally’s AoE and the special effect persists if Rally is still happening. If Brigitte dies or Rally ends, the 2 effects end immediately. Essentially, it’s a short anti-burst/anti-range ability that greatly compliments Brig’s melee niche/frontal assault shtick. But now it’s easier to balance since armor is just the “flavor” to keep Brig’s precious armor aesthetic that Blizzard won’t let go of.

1+2 = easier Inspire and Repair Pack now becomes a saving ability when things aren’t too intense or when there’s a 1v1 with the enemy being a chip damage dealer.

3 = bypassing armor’s annoying way of balancing and just turning Rally into a standard team saving Ultimate for the duration. Except it’s only against ranged characters, who for the most part, tend to do way better than their closer ranged counterparts. A Widowmaker at 14m can still deal full non-crit damage, though. Genji’s still dealing crazy damage per swing. Though the 100aps does act like a 100hps heal, even though it caps at 25.