Talking about Brig gives me Ba Sing Se vibes

Have you noticed the flaw in your argument?

In GM you played totally different comps then in low elo, ofcause differemt Hereos are good if Low elo sticks with Rein/Zarya 24/7

No way, in a Dive/Spam hybrid Brig gets more value then in Rein/Zarya, what a surprise

Using a Elo for balamcing wich plays the same comp 24/7 is kinda pointless

3th placed Support NA region, 2th KR region

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This only illustrates my point. She’s only picked in GM and pros.
And now, by no one at all

I still think they should gut repair packs, change inspire to not last for ages but heal a bit better while it does last and make her a bit more tanky. People want to play her on the frontline and not have to worry about healing as much, like Lucio. Not babysit Ana while throwing out Repair Packs and booping people just to proc inspire.

I mean its cus she is fine.
her stats in low ranks are skewed.
Brigitte is a very hard to character to learn. Easy to master though.
This makes he terrible in low ranks because nobody plays her correctly. They just run in and die because they think melee weapon go BRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
When in fact she is a counter pick to dive heroes and she peels or survives or denies positions. She can’t do this when all you know is damage and healing stats. he value isn’t in numbers it’s not quantifiable. This leads to low ranked players believing she is bad.

I played a ton of Brigitte and went from plat to mid diamond because i took the time to learn her. She is good.

Another issue she faces is brawl. Brawl is the easiest and strongest comp in lower ranks. Brig sucks vs brawl. Espeically rein since she can’t displace him or go anywhere near him. So that’s another reason she struggles in low ranks.

Her niche is simply countering dives and peeling. She is good at that and we don’t need to buff her into something she isn’t meant to do like frontline brawling.

If her niche is preventing there from being more than one strong AnchorTank a time, because that would cause DoubleBarrier.

Then that niche doesn’t need to exist.

Fixing queue times is far more important than if the 0.02% of the playerbase represented by Masters/GM Brig players is happy.

Double barrier didn’t have brig in it for a long time.
Anti-dive capabilities should not only be restricted to one role. Every role should have counters to other characters.

And Sigma is not a main tank. he is an off tank. I think you’ll find double barrier consisted of the main tank Orisa and Off tank Sigma.

Your queue time ideas quite frankly suck. and I wish you’d stop spamming them everywhere like you’re right. All you do is say we should gut Brig bap and buff shields and gut the kit behind them. NOBODY wants to play that.

Nobody wants a crappy kit with all the power in the shield.
Nobody wants Supports to have no dive counters.
Nobody wants immortality field to have some crappy threshold for damage that blocks barely any burst.

:eye: :lips: :eye:

“Moira is fine/op”
“Reaper is fine/op”
“Bastion is fine/op”
“sombra is fine/OP”
“Sym is fine”
“mei is fine”

notice what they all have in common? they are branded “ez heroes” so when they are bad it means they’re “good” to most people as they aren’t in their games. :roll_eyes:

When Reaper had the 5.5 and was so much worse than before, people were saying he is “OP” etc or trying to tell us he’s fine :eye: :lips: :eye: and now with the 6 people are saying he’s busted, but his pickrate remains extremely low…


Agreed, they switched to Brig immediately after Mei wasn’t good enough to fulfill the “basically an offtank” function for DoubleBarrier.

And plenty of people across all ELOs think this “Rein or Lose” meta is intolerable.

And if Peel focused Brig players all quit the game entirely, we’re talking about losing maaaaybe as much as 0.1% of the playerbase.

When compared to the dramatic risk posed by bad queue times, bad matchmaking, and bleeding away existing Tank players. Who cares about such a miniscule player count loss?

Anything, that gets in the way of fixing queue times, doesn’t need to be GM tier viable.

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maybe you should incude, orisa and winston on that list. from what i saw on that most played heroes owl vid was that was a superstar but i wouldnt mind if she had a comeback

Wow being in the backline, spamming repair packs to allies 30 metres away and whipshotting around cornes is not braindead?


What are you talking about? It’s always been the same Joo Dee.
rock gloves away

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Nobody says Dva is fine though, which is actually a bit weird given how viable she is. Most Dva mains complain about how bad she is and everyone else wants buffs just so that one tricks stop ruining their games. Lul.

1.: Procing inspire consistently on range is way easier said then done, you have a 4s CD on it and inspire lasts for 6s -> If you miss 1 time your selfhealing stops. If your selfhealing stops its much harder to proc it again, because you are more vulnerable

2.: That you think that you stay in the backline 24/7 shows that you dont know how to play Brig. If you dont play against things wich can treathen your 2. Sup you obviesly dont have to waste your time peeling for him. You have to track the position of every flanker to know when you are allowed to Brawl more and whem you have to peel more

3.: Pack Management with 3 packs is much harder then with 1 pack. With 1 Pack you always have to save it for peeling if you play against Flankers, while with 3 packs you only have to save 1-2 packs for peeling and can use the other packs to enable Dps

4.: Enableling Dps is not that easy. You have with doublepacking the abillity to make thibgs like Tracer and Genji near immortallity for 4 seconds, in order to do this you have tp keep constant track of your Dps and read their bodylanguage to know when they go in

5.: You need to ult track every ult to know what to cancel, what to save bash for, how aggresive you can go, how much peeling your Sup needs…

So you have to keep track of all these things at tte same time: Position of every enemy flanker, Position of all your Dps, Position and health of your 2. Sup, ult charge of every Hero, the pace of the fight to know how aggresive you can go…

There is a reason why many people thought the Brig rework was a nerf, while it was a big buff to her. Old Brig was doing her job fine by staying at the frontline and enableing your team to Brawl, while new Brig has less HP wich makes her less forgiving and has to choose constanzly when to go in or peel

If you think the new playstile is so braundead I want you to send a single replay of you playing Brig



Let´s hope so

why is this monstrosity still played.

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So anything below Masters is skewed? ok

And Brig mains want to actually use her primary and secondary more than her abilities.

I don’t want to. Don’t act like you speak for all Brig mains. This is your opinion, not the opinion of all Brig mains

Just the plurality if you actually look at some polls.

Show the polls pls (I dont say they dont exist, I would just like to see them)

idk when but they were on the BrigitteMains subreddit.

I’m not saying the majority want brawler Brig over boring peeling Brig on live. But it seems like the plurality does.

I’ll still play the hero because I love her design and identity. But because of her playstyle, I’ll only play her for a match or two and that’s when I stop playing OW.

I hate spamming RP and relying on WP for Inspire. I just want to be a Paladin again -_-

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The poll was pretty close

Why would you risk making Brig unbalanced again because there are slightly more people who want a different version