Tactical Visor is boring and lazy

This has been really bothering me lately… I see so many people saying “Mercy is boring as hell” and such. And this isn’t about her state of balance. I think everyone agrees she’s more effective now than she was before the rework, but we’re talking about “fun-ness”

Mercy’s kit is literally the same as it was before the rework.
All that changed was her ultimate was replaced, and she recieve an extra ability on top of her default kit.

Yet people are claiming now that Mercy, as a whole, is boring now?
I just don’t get that. The soldier ultimate reference I made in the title is for the sake of making a point:
An ultimate alone is a really stupid reason to call a hero boring

If Valkyrie is boring to you, then Valkyrie is boring to you. I could explain why it’s fun to me but I know a lot of people refuse to listen so I won’t go in to that. Fun is subjective, you do you. But like… Mercy is the same hero she was before

Guardian Angel is the same wild movement tool it was before, Her healing is still the most reliable and flexible of all the healers, she still offers utility in her damage boost and can significantly help your team in the ult economy,
and rez is still a risk and reward ability like it was before the rework (unless that is, you ONLY used mass rez to swing team fights in which case you were hardly playing mercy, you were playing “rez machine”)
But now Mercy also has the ability to fly in crazy locations, to mass damage boost, and mass heal. she’s a lot safer to use in the midfight due to her increased mobility…

Litrally everything that makes Mercy MERCY is in tact and unchanged. So how in the world is she “boring” now?
It literally does not make sense.

If you think Mercy is boring now, then you have ALWAYS thought Mercy is boring. Having an additional ability on top of her otherwise UNCHANGED kit cannot possibly make her boring

At least that’s my take on this. I know people are going to post counterarguments and such, but honestly I’ve heard it all and it always comes back to the same thing, ad it just doesn’t hold any water so I don’t really care

Mercy is a far better hero than she ever has been, and she’s been my secondary for a while now. And if I’m honest, I’m having so much fun with her she may be my main next season

Forum Moderator Note: I’m going to lock this thread. However, we encourage to continue sharing your feedback on the changes for Mercy in this topic. This is in an effort to consolidate feedback for our team.
Thank you!


11 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018