Turrets are literally THE ONLY part of Symmetra that has been left unchanged, its her identity.
Its her entire point, to be a control hero. And the micromanagement, and strategy, and slow and methodical playstyle, unique ONLY to her.
Whats the point of playing Sym without her turrets?
She would be just a really bad Zarya on high heels then with a stupid taxi ability.
Whats the point of playing Symmetra, if she isn’t Symmetra anymore?
Turrets arent dragging Sym back. Its her teleport… the slow, clunky, 12 second cooldown taxi ability that is dragging her back.
Sym without turrets is like:
Torb with his turret
Tracer without blinks
Sombra without hack
Mercy without rez
Dva without her mech
Genji not being a ninja
Hanzo without his bow
Widow without her scope
Mei without the ice
Reaper without the edge
Zen without his orbs
Lucio without his speed boost
Brig without her shield
here is an idea how to make them better I made a while ago:
They hold her back. and they will never be buffed. I play at gm where they are next to useless. I would love for her to get something else.
Also Symmetra’s most iconic thing is her teleporter. She can create anything. So why doesnt she create something actually useful instead of her braindead gimmicky useless turrets
Her turrets are not what makes her “her”.
When I think Sym, I don’t think of turrets. What I associate with turrets, is bad design.
You act as if Sym’s symbol is her turrets. I associate her more with teleporter or shields.
I want turrets gone, and for her to get her old throwable shield back.
Her turrets don’t make her a control hero. Her turrets were thrown in to her kit so she had a way to defend her teleporter/shield gen. That’s why she was a support, not a defense character. They were not made to guard flanks, or to make a kill gate, they were put in to guard her teleporter. The true symbol of Sym.
Blizzard does not consider it part of her character either. It’s not in her lore, or any of her highlights.
Funny thing. The only thing that makes Symmetra relevant at the high end of the game is her teleporter. She’s a bad hero, but she has atleast that going for her. Yes it does need looking into.
But she could just be so much better without the turrets. They’ve been dragging her down since launch. Since the nerfs a few patches ago, they are actually bad.
She could have a real ability that actually is useful in fights.
Pretending that turrets are what are holding Sym back is downright insanity. Specially if it goes with a ‘‘they are useless’’ line.
What is holding Sym back is the potentially gamebreaking basic skill on demand team TP, and to a lesser degree al the cheesey combos you can do with TP.
Turrets are just the newest target of the aim elitist brigade and little else. Any Sym player that asks for their removal is either on some really heavy bootlicking or actually believes the ‘‘but muh aim!!!’’ bandwagon.
Removing them wont make Sym suddendly in line for inmediate buffs. Because they have already been nerfed for zero compensation.
How about we remove team taxi gimmick before removing the only reliable damage that Sym has.
whether turrets have a place in sym’s kit essentially comes down to what you want sym to be.
I agree with @Kinks that without turrets, you basically turn sym from being a zoner to a budget zarya, BUT I also agree that turrets can be sacrificed in balance for the rest of sym’s kit in the name of balance health (putting more control into the sym’s player hands).
without a rework, what’d make most sense would be to lower turret dps and buff her weapon + tp, i.e.
turrets and tp make her a zoner primarily. take 1 aeay then she eother can’t claim and access valuable areas, or she doesn’t have the threat factor to zone.
I’ve mained Sym since launch and want them replaced with something better.
Her turrets are far from “only reliable dmg” Sym has. They last 2 seconds at most in fights. Dealing damage to shields 90% of the time. Her only consistent dmg is her beam right now… Heck her orbs are far more consistent then her turrets.
This isn’t about aim. I want the new ability to be good. I don’t want some crappy ability to replace the weak turrets. The whole point is to get something actually good.