Syms Turrets should not slow

While I can agree first point of Junkertown is a hellscape on Attack with Sym, she’s fairly good throughout the rest of the map (because Widow gets worse the further you progress).

There are only a few maps she is near unplayable on. Gibraltar Attack is one, and Blizzard World is another except the very last choke.

Sym is just a good scapegoat, and more often than not is not the actual issue. It’s easy for people to think she’s the problem when people turn into quite the little choirs to blame Sym players for their own shortcomings.

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Rule 1: It’s Sym’s fault if you lose.

Rule 2: If you won with a Sym, you carried her.

Rinse and repeat.

Hammond ignores symm turrets because he has so much speed he gets out of the slow range before he even gets slowed. I should know, I play symm a lot. If there is a slow hammond has to watch out, it’s mei’s freeze, not symm’s turrets.

Tracer on the other hand just blinks through your nests and ignores everything lol. And in a true pinch, she will just recall and blink away and can kill turrets from every angle she wishes while never being in any real danger.

If symm turrets did not slow, which they have done since eons ago, they should be doing least double the damage and then everyone would whine about the autolock beams killing them. The slow is the only thing that helps keep people in their range so they can be useful.

Oh and stop walking into my turrets 4head. The hanzo can be excused because he got surprise melted, the widow and bastion not so much.

The turrets slowing are the only way Sym can reasonably kill people. That’s the entire point of the turrets. Old Sym had 6 turrets and smart higher level Syms would spread them out like a spiderweb – because it wasn’t the damage they were after. It was the slow. It allows her to land her abilities, which are timegated.

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Symm doesn’t need turrets nor the slow to kill people, even if it helps but it’s not required.

The reason symm spread out the turrets was for anti-flankers and sensors. If the turrets found someone sneaking around, they were activated and destroyed. One turret slow effect was pathetic and it didn’t disrupt anybody.

The slow effect only came to play with 6 turret killgates.

Boi i got news for you Mei slow people even more than her turrets and even freeze, has 250hp and movable too. If Mei doesnt get nerf dont expect her turrets to be so.

They slow your walking movement, not your aim, it’s not hard to do a complete 180 and shoot’em.

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I can get behind giving up slow for 6 turrets… if you also throw in a 3-4 second cooldown for each turret. And some other minor buff, like doubling (or even tripling) the range on them. Easy CC is strong, especially in the case of Symmetra, since she can slap you with 180 damage balls much easier when you’re slowed down. Seriously, the 1 turret+fully charged ball combo is pretty strong; it’ll kill most heroes. Anyway, this has been my TED talk about why slowing people down is pretty nice.

Orbs do 120 damage. Not 180.

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They do? Wiki said 180 (120 impact 60 splash), and I’m just now realizing that the impact number probably means it actually deals 60 and the splash is the other 60. Or perhaps I should just test it.

tbh sym turrets and mei primary arent that good in most situations, they’re just annoying as hell to deal with

60 direct hit and 60 from the splash so if you don’t get a direct hit it’s really not that valuable.

I have actually thought this many times, walking into them as like Genji around a corner or something, you can never kill them before you die if your dash is down.

I don’t think Sym is OP, but I really don’t think the slow is good design.

I think it should be removed then buff her some other way to compensate.

How can it be dumb awareness if they are behind a blind corner? That doesn’t even make sense.

Unless your saying I should stay in base to not run into turrets when there is a Sym on their team. It is pretty inevitable you will run into some.

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They make a lot of sound. If you know they have a Sym you should be aware of turrets. I don’t think I’ve been killed by a turret nest since 2.0 - and that was bc I didn’t expect them to have a Sym… and the turrets dealt more dmg in total.

But they don’t make sound until they are hitting you. The guy made it sound like you should never walk into turrets.

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They do. You can’t really her your teams turrets, but enemy Sym turrets are LOUD and make this… uhh… «wobwob» sound.

Huh, never noticed. I’ll watch out for that then, thanks.

They would need more range if they didn’t slow.

tl;dr you suck at the game and constantly fall for the most hilarious tricks.
play moira, or mercy