Syms Turrets should not slow

You fixed her beam. Thumbs up now you actually have to track. Then you gave her an ult that covers a map and cant break through like every single other barrier in the game and automatic tracking turrets that slow with health now. Yes little health but they have it and you cant clear the beaming turrets that are roasting you before you die. Keep everything you have done to her except the slow movement effect. That’s my opinion.


Then triple their HP.

Symm is trash and you want to make her kit worse?


they have always slowed and it’s your dumb awareness for running into the trap she placed anyways, only difference between old turrets and new is they shuved the slow power of 2 turrets into 1 and reduced her max of 6 to 3. if u take her slow away we get 6 turrents back… and then u just get baked alive instantly.

message from your local black sheep Symmetra main


So bring back mass rez along with 6 turrets :wink:

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give me back my piercing orbs so i can destroy goats pls.


”Avocados are useless”


“Excuse me, but I shouldn’t be punished for rushing blindly into an obvious trap” -Op, apparently.


People like you are why the devs ruin hero’s

Just git gud


I don’t think the slow effect needs any changes, and Symmetra can’t afford to take a nerf as she is.


distance sombrero im the backround

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I’ll gladly accept the removal of slow. Heck, I’ll be okay with dropping turret beam DPS to 40 too.

As long as…

You make turrets capable of hitting ALL targets in range.
Turrets ignore the penalty for hitting armored targets.
Turret HP buffed to 50.

Pick two of the compensation buffs and you got a deal.

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With all the respect to Symmetra and her mains, I don’t think she should be nerfed. But I fail to see how her traps are “obvious” since she can now place them anywhere distantly. So, any place that Symmetra have seen and you didn’t can possibly contain a turret. Tracking her position is no longer as informative as it was pre-rework, so you either monitor her line of fire 100% of the time, or a turret can be around every corner.

Sym is not trash, quite fine. But doing what the Op says will make her trash.

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“wooooooooooo THUNK hmmmmmmmm…” - Symettra’s sentries.

Contrary to popular belief, those sentries aren’t silent: they’re loud when they fly, loud when they attach, and rather quiet, but still can be heard once set. Also, when an enemy has a Widow, you don’t peek or saunter around in the open, if they have a Junkrat, you don’t rush into a choke, do you?

So if they have a Symettra, you don’t rush blindly into a room, without checking the corners first. It literally takes one second to destroy a turret, it’s not that hard.

Also, there is no “any place Symmetra has seen, but you haven’t.” Unless you’re new to the game, you’ve seen the maps as well (unless OP is complaining about getting trapped on a map he played for the first time, which I wouldn’t put above these forums). You should know the corners, the rooms where certain comps like to set up. If you get bopped by a sentry nest, that’s on you, not the Sym. Either study the layout of maps more, or pay more attention, both better use of the op’s time rather than coming on the forums to whine.


Woah there buddy, I still don’t see any logical arguments as to how are they “obvious”. I play my share as Symmetra, and I know what I’m talking about.

Again, I never said she, or her turrets, are OP or anything. But if you place them smart (using corners, bushes, decore elements and engangement windows) they are by no means obvsious.

“Obvious” is the word that you used and it has it’s meaning. Ulting McCree is obvious. Symmetra turrets in their current version aren’t until they start shooting.

After attaching to a surface, Symmetra’s turrets make a low booping sound (similar to ambient sounds in a sci-fi space ship)

You don’t hear them if they are your turrets because why would you need to have a sound to communicate their proximity?

It’s fairly obvious if the player pays attention to their environment. If you have music blasting in the background or are just not as attentive you’re going to get beamed.


Sounds like natural selection at work.


If the turrets are losing their slow, what are they gaining in return? Symmetra is already in a really bad spot right now, so if she gets nerfed she’ll become 100% useless instead of the 80% useless that she is right now. Now, if her turrets get a buff, for example
Massively increased range (2-4X)
More health (20->50+)
Burst damage instead of DoT (1 pulse of 40 damage every second, with the beam only being visible when it pulses)
No outline (outline as in the red outline around enemy players and deployables)
Much faster setup
Much faster cooldown (10 seconds per turret=30 seconds per full setup, are 3 turrets equal to 1 resurrection? IMO should be like 5-8)
Hitting multiple heroes within range
Applying a different status effect (reduce healing? increase damage taken?)
Less noisy (seriously they’re crazy loud)
Damage amplification (like her primary fire, 40->60->100 or something)
Ability to detonate them to deal, say, 70 damage in an area around them?
Less obvious beam/effects when hit?
Allow primary fire to lock on to targets being hit by a turret?
then removing the slow might be okay. Besides all that, Junkrat’s Trap->Mine combo deals 200 damage (80 trap, 120 mine), one-shotting most non-tank heroes, and yet that’s balanced.

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Wow. Didn’t think anyone would have a problem with her new turrets. As it is the slow effect stacks but each turret only adds -20% to move speed "used to have 6 of em and each one applied -25% :slight_smile: . Unless they have all three out and your’e unable to track and kill them "not a hard task, they have a measly 30 health :smile: " and are out of cool downs I really don’t see what the big deal is. The only change to her turrets I like to see would have each one apply a non stacking -50% to movement speed. She used to be great for slowing enemies down so your team could hit them. Can’t really do that now :frowning:

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The only changes I’d like to see to the turrets is to give Sym 4 rather than 3, and share their current hp/slow/damage out over the 4.

Mostly because 4 isn’t symmetrical dammit it’s right in her name.

Also make them invincible until they hit their target, and change the CD to work like Torb’s so that they’re basically always available unless they’ve just been destroyed or fired on a target.

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