Im a gm sym main with hundreds of hours on her. Iv been a gm sym main since season 7. I feel new symmetra overall is better then old sym but still far from being good, balanced, viable or even somewhat good
She doesnt fit into a team comp well. When you factor in TRASH DAMAGE you realise sym doesnt do very much impactful dps. Many high tier sym mains actually regard her as utility support. She cant fit into a team as a dps because she doesnt provide enough. But she is not going to fit in a support slot.
Symmetra is also as vulnerable as zen no joke. She is easily divable and flanked and is not scary to fight at all. Shes flimsy and weak which limits what she can do. How can she provide dps to help her team and protect the supports when she can’t protect herself?
Her best value comes from tp. The issue is that 90 percent of the time your team wont use it properly. So it only works 10 percent of the time. But you dont even get to use your tp for your team often anyway because you need it to run away because your so flimsy
Shes hard to integrate into a team, is super vulnerable and her best value is rarely ever achievable. Shes just as bad against dove but worse agaisnt deathball.
She cant shred barriers because she cant get close enough to beam the barrier because she is so vuonerable. Its like telling zen to frontline to hit the barrier. He doesnt want to be that close and neither does sym. Because shes so vulnerable she can’t really be in the middle of the fight. She doesnt want to be in the brawl.
Her primary is also terrible . Look at mei. Meis secondary fire is good at mkd range. But its not that good in closer ranges. So her primary fire covers for her secondaries weakness. It is good at close rnage but useless in mid ranges. See how meis two versions of firing cover for each others weaknesses. One excels in mid range but is bad at close range and the other excels at close range but sucks at mid range. They cover for each other. Thats why multiple versions of firing your gun exists.
But syms orbs are good at midrange but not too good at close range. Especially agaisnt flankers. She isnt going to win close range fights with her orbs too often. So you would think thats where her primary would come in. Well no. Her primary is arguable WORSE in close range and useless anywhere else. This is just bad character design. Nearly all sym mains say never to use the primary fire. You only use it maybe 10 percent of the time and thats actually a lot for a sym main because it has pretty much no use. Sure its good once charged but as I said above she cant get in range to charge it off barriers and it is impossible to charge it off heroes besides tanks ( which again she cant get near to) because you need to have a weapon accuracy of at least 60 to be able to charge it up. And btw thats the accuracy of pro zarya players. And thats the bare minimum accuracy you need.
She has glaring issues and they need to be solved
Also new sym has a worse pickrate then old sym
Right before sym got reworked she finslly broke and stsyed at a 1 percent pickrate because of shield gen and its synergy with brig
Guess what
Thats gone
So here is how to fix her
Her base damage of the first stage needs a buff
Her dps should be 75 to 120 to 180. This will make her more scary in close range while still making her balanced as remember you can only get this dps with 100 percent accuracy
Then make it possible to charge yoir beam off heroes. Dont make it easy but make it possible. Make her gun go to the next stage after 1.5 seconds instead of two
Then make her tp deploy faster
Finally give her 5p extra shields so she has an effective health of 250 sp she can live a bit longer. ( this would still be worse then old sym as old sym had SG)
Edit: apparently pharah is getting some buffs so thats ANOTHER nail in symmetras coffin. Way to kick a hero while shes down.