Symmetra's lock-on primary fire is a core part of her identity. I plead, please don't remove it

Maybe Symm will still have an LOS only aim needed beam. She’ll just burn whoever is in front of her with her straight beam that’s thicker and longer than Zarya’s long beam lol

Trasnlation: I cant aim, I really like the ease and simplicity of locking onto and melting a traget with little to no effort other then holding down my left mouse botton.


Bud, if you manage to let a Symm get near you because you don’t know how to keep track of other players and you can’t shoot her in the head immediately to get her off your butt, I’m afraid you are in fact the one who has to ‘git gud’.

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If you need a target lock to be effective with a hero…well…I trust we can all agree you where this is going. One side order of “git gud” coming up!


I think I recall them saying it will be a more forgiving Zarya beam. Zarya at high chrge is near-identical to Moira. This change should make her a more forgiving Moira, which would make her hitbox the exact same.

However, it suggests that it will no longer lock on around corners, or continue hitting when the hitbox falls off the target.

I think we should all wait until she is on ptr before coming to conclusions. They even said that the changes they proposed then weren’t set in hard-light.


It doesn’t have to be an active decision specifically targeting disabled people in order to be hostile to them. Taking away a low-aim hero is hostile to people with disabilities, whether that was their intention or not. There are a variety of heroes in this game requiring different skills, and yes some of them are ‘easier’.

Widow is probably the most difficult character in terms of pure targeting, but playing her requires absolutely nothing in terms of tracking your fellow team-members’ health and positioning statuses. You sit on a high perch and sometimes reposition for better LOS, and you have to keep an eye out for maybe one or two players targeting you.
Mercy, in the meantime - easiest for aim (at least for her healing beam), but if you do not know where all 11 other players are all the time you are boned. Mercies are usually the first to spy a Widow’s perch, to see where a Tracer is coming from, to notice a McCree sneaking up from behind to ult - because if they don’t know where everyone is, they die.

Symmetra’s main skillset is all about figuring out where your enemy is going to go and what they’re going to do before they do it. You can be good at that without being good at aiming. Absolutely no one here is arguing that Symmetra takes good aim - we’re arguing that taking away our ability to compensate for our crap aim with a lock-on is counterproductive, especially when we already have most of the cast as aim-heavy characters.

TL:DR - If you want to play something that’s all about how good you are at clicking the right pixel, play in the Widow Headshot Only games. Hell, those are fun even for me who can’t aim to save my life! But recognise that this game isn’t only about who can shoot the best or how good you aim.


ok not reading all that. I’m at work. Way too much time looking at my phone and not my computer to read that. I’ll just say a few things.

  1. What disabilities are you even talking about. There are a lot of disabilities many of which don’t even affect your game play so how about you specify what so we can better discuss this.

  2. You would have an argument if sym was the only “disability” friendly hero. I’m using quotes here cause I really don’t know what disability you are talking about. Anyway she isn’t the only one. Moira, Brigette, Winston , torb. There are many heroes in the game suitable for the mechanically challenged. If they changed all of them then maybe you would have a point. Maybe.

  3. He accused them of deliberately being hostile towards people with “disabilities”. Sorry but you need more than conjecture for people to buy that :man_shrugging:t5:

You are mad her gun is changing. I get it. But kill all that anti people with disabilities stuff. Its a dumb argument. Probably even an incentive one.


Brigitte’s primary fire does not require aiming. Maybe the OP should give her a try?

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I’m not sure if you play her but she is Mercy style helpless outside her potential burst. She has to play a reaper like playstyle to get kills and once she commits to a fight there it’s do or die.

She is the char that requires the most creativity out of any char (much like her lore says). Your focus on her aim requirements seem boring and pointless at best due to all the “no aim” heros in the game. This ain’t COD.

My issue with giving her a Zarya beam is that she is not a tank. Zarya can play the way she can due to her health and kit.

Maybe being able to drop a 30hp turret will help reduce your target’s movement enough for u to melt them but that still doesn’t change that she is a near one shoot to half the cast.

I think they are taking her flying barrier too, the one thing that gave her some survivability (and then it still was hard to use since it moves away from you)

It’s going to be rough.


Actually was originally designed to have orisa weapon so there is that

Exactly this - no lock on to out-dps and no PB to block damage means she’s going to melt faster than ice cream in hell. I like a lot of the reworks, but I’m not happy about how unsurvivable she’s going to be.

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Her survival will be effected by her ability to do more damage consistently which will end fights sooner while also increasing her range on her primary so takes less risk while doing so. Her secondary will also give her the dexterity to fire at range when her primary is not an option.

Her new weapon will INCREASE her survival because the risks she needs to take will be inherently lower.


Oh I play her. She was my first main and still one of my top picks even though I stopped maining her because she is so damn boring. I know all about sym. Trust me these changes are a godsend. She is going to do more damage at greater range. She will be able to deploy her turret behind the enemy. She will be able to teleport people to high ground and other parts of the map. The only thing I’m not sure about is her ult but only because it seems like it’s incomplete with limited functionality but that’s kinda what her ult as always been. But knowing me I’ll find use for it same way I found use for her m2 that everyone say is trash. Speaking of which that got better too minus going through shields which is a nerf but at the same time turns it into a really good shield break. The sky isn’t falling on sym. Embrace change. It’s for the better. Without her stupid auto lock gun that I have hated playing with as sym since launch they will be able to better buff her if she needs it. She is losing some cool stuff but getting a lot in return. Reminds me of how some Hanzo players were saying he would be bad. Well yeah if you can’t hit shots. Same thing with the new sym.

People seem to not understand that she won’t have to run at you in a straight line anymore to get in close to do damage so it’s really just an adjustment in play style.


Is her new primary out of range of McCree’s flashbang or Brig’s stun, for example? If it is, sure, great, I’d love to keep people at a distance, that will be a huge help.

If not though, then… it really doesn’t help, they can still stop me from firing long enough to murder me.

I do really like having more range, but having it be at the cost of being able to block stuns or stop myself dying to bombs or High Noons is eh at best. (Of course, if the tele is fast enough set down then we CAN still do that, but that’s a huge if, and historically similar abilities, like her current tele and Reaper’s teleport, take an ice age.)

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Every char has a way to defend themselves as Flankers are a thing in this game . The “strong offence is the best defense” argument seems flimsy to me.

She’s going to be a top priority pick (teleporter) with no reliable way to defend herself. Surely that makes sense. Unless she can use her teleporter like Sobra. One use for herself, one use for a dead person.

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Sorry about your physical disability, but I don’t think that’s how balance works. They don’t make Hero X for Disability A and Hero B for Disability Y. It’s just… not really how this game works??

edit: And I guess that’s a light way of putting it. I really don’t mean to be discriminatory, but if you have some sort of disability that locks you to a certain hero, you shouldn’t be using it as an excuse to prevent balance.


pointless comment aimed at simply ragging on someone


Sorry if you think that way, but that’s really not my intention. I’m just trying to express how the game (much like many other things in life) has limits in terms of how inclusive it can be.

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But the problem is that they had something that was clearly within the ‘limits’ of the game, and then are taking it away.

As someone mentioned earlier, having it be similar to Moira’s aim would still be a vast improvement over a wide beam, just in terms of accessibility.

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