Symmetra's lock-on primary fire is a core part of her identity. I plead, please don't remove it

I wasn’t happy about the removal of her photon barrier, but I was optimistic. It was a newer addition and we lived without it before. The changes to her turrets had me concerned, but I was willing to give Blizzard a chance. They still functioned pretty much the same, but possibly better. I was excited about her new ultimate, and changes to her teleporter.

However, her primary fire being removed from a lock-on is not something that can be done and she can still be called Symmetra. Symmetra is her lock on weapon. This is essentially deciding to change it so that your favorite hero suddenly just has a different weapon. She won’t feel anywhere near the same.

No other hero in this game has ever had their primary fire just removed, and replaced with a different one. Because they are known by their primary fire. If you gave Soldier’s primary fire to Reaper and Reaper’s primary fire to Lucio, those heroes would be essentially dead. They wouldn’t play the same, they wouldn’t feel the same. They would essentially be just brand new heroes.

I don’t want to play a brand new hero. I want to play Symmetra.


No it’s not. It needs to go because it is holding her back from actually being good.


You are right, I can’t aim. I have a physical disability that makes it difficult for me to play most other heroes.

So yeah, thanks for bringing that up.


Go play brigitte, rein, winston, to some extent


If you think her lock on is a core part of her identity then I really find it hard to believe you even understand her identity in the first place.


That’s unfortunate but I know people with one hand who are pretty sick with the sticks.


Okay, but only if you agree to also stop playing your favorite hero.


Surley, i pretty much don’t have a favourite one: I have favourites :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s nice to have a backup plan with this game where anything can happen any second :slight_smile:


Was going for the obvious joke…but it’s not like mercy’s lock on where you don’t have to be looking at your target…if you can move around to stay locked on than you can probably play the new one…

They’ve made no mention of how big the hit zone on the new beam is going to be…for all we know it might massive and still be pretty easy to do damage…

So I would just curtail the doom and gloom until we see what they’re doing with her


I agree that destroying the primary fire of a hero will drastically change who that character is. It’s like removing Mercy’s Rez, Torb’s Turret or even Hanzo’s Scatter Arrow.

It’s not always a bad move gameplay wise, but it’s sort of like making a new character instead of altering the old one. The fact Blizzard put so much money into the lore of hero’s with the comics and animations stuff like Hanzo losing Scatter is pretty harsh.

Again not saying it wasn’t a good gameplay decision and on the road to balancing the hero but it does make people who care about hero’s less attached to them.

Not to mention Sym’s lock on beam was unique in the game, no one else can truly lock on like that other than Mercy’s heal/boost beam. It was also a nice counter to high mobility hero’s. Now that they are removing Sym’s lock on, halfing her turrets and constantly talking of Nerfing Brigitte I worry at the ability to deal with the Tracer and Genji’s of the game.

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I don’t think he meant it as a personal attack against you.

I want them to keep the lock on but give it the Sombra treatment, as soon as it is our of range or cut off, end the damage immediately.

You can’t have good range and hard lock-on.

It’s one or the other.


It is the only way to have more range on your character.

So it no lock or being yet again excluded from the meta.

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Also if you can play Mei (your second most played hero) you will be able to play new sym. Not really buying the disability thing. You play Ana too :man_shrugging:t5:


It is in no way like any of those things. Mercy’s Rez and Tob’s Turret are a core part of their character. A more accurate description would be removing her turrets or teleporter. Things that actually are core to her identity.

And Scatter was not core to Hanzo’s identity it would be like removing his wall climb or dragons.

Symmetra will still counter Genji, she will still have a laser and it will be longer range since she has to aim so idk why you’re being concerned.

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I could say the same for you. I don’t understand how you are alright with them just giving her a different weapon, after years of having her established. Most other Symmetra mains I know are really not alright with them going through with this.

Yea and no offense but most Symmetra mains are worried by the fact they have to learn how to aim.

My top 3 most played heroes are all heroes who require no aim with Symmetra being my favorite and most played (by far) and I am still completely fine with them removing the lock on. Because it is unhealthy for the game and impossible to balance if she’s being moved to a DPS role.


They can tweak it to their hearts content. I just don’t want them changing the shape of it. From it going from a lock on laser to just a straight beam like zarya just won’t be the same at all.

I’ve mained sym since launch and since launch I’ve been asking for a new gun. Her gun is what is holding her back from being made good. I wish you saw that.

I think you are shortsighted then. It is part of her strength, and if you think that they can’t tweak it within it’s architecture then I don’t know what to tell you.

And is it a bad thing to have a hero that doesn’t have to aim? Not all of us are the best at aiming, or have disabilities that prevent us from doing so. You seem to be trying to insult us by saying that we just need to ‘git gud’.