Symmetra vs. Echo

How much damage does echos beam do above and below half health exactly?

Ya im definitely not wasting 3000 credits on echos gold forearms lol

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Just want Devs just to talk about it.

Not avoid it.

Why would Sym get a golden glove when she literally has a gun? Moira, Sigma, and Echo get them because primarily they are using their hands… Sigma just having two golden balls would’ve been the worst golden gun purchase ever so he needed more.

Yea, Echo is busted AF. That fly on a 6 second cooldown is absolutely ludicrous. She’s basically better than Pharah at being Pharah, and has a lite Tracer ult for a secondary fire (and don’t get me started on her ult, which was definitely not playtested by the folks at Blizzard). I feel like she’s going to out-DPS most DPS characters because she’s the definition of power creep.

One more time for Blizzard - UNHEALTHY POWER CREEP

To OP: I personally believe, aside from the much needed attention, that Symmetra could in the very least get a golden gauntlet.

sym’s gloved hand is used for her melee, turrets, tp, and ult. sigma gets a golden glove for his shield and melee hand, on top of his weapon and other hand. echo uses her hand for some bombs. not even her weapon. that’s like giving ashe a gold arm because she throws dynamite with it. NO, that’s dumb! gold guns are super inconsistent and saying “it’s exhausting to repeat, it won’t be changed” is dumb because it should be changed.

It won’t be changed.

Echo is a better version of sym. Is what sym should have been. I’ve stated this so many times in the forums and posted these stats. its ridiculous how almost similar they play like.

Echo is the way way way better version of sym. Its a bigger F you then when sigma came in with her new and improve photon barrier that makes up most of his kit.

But instead of turning her into a healer, they prefer reworking her as a test dummy, giving her incomplete assets and reworks with no thought put into them.

my healer concepts. / support sym concepts

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You pick Sym over Echo if you want utility and if the enemy has good hitscans.

However utility is falling out and not many people would actually switch to hitscans, so yea.

Even then I am more worried about Pharah. Since I cannot find many reason to pick Pharah over Echo unless you are better at Pharah.

Your first point is moot. However what is relevant is echo’s sticky bomb AoE damage, it has no drop off damage decay. This is exactly how Symmetras orb splash damage should have been from day one. As is Symmetras splash damage is functionally useless to utilize. If you are hit by Symmetras orb splash damage it should ALWAYS do half the total amount it was charged to. For example a 70 damage for a fully charged orb. Right now you are lucky if it even hits for 30-40.

Symmetra was dead meat thd moment the 3.0 rework landed, she got put on a better spit but it DIDNT fix her problems, shes still garbage as usual, then another rework landed and she is still trash. Honestly, they should have just added some changes to 2.0 Sym and she would be fine.

Symmetra needs her beam to be 15 meters.

That’s all.

That would make her playable. Right now she is borderline unplayable because it is too short at 12 meters needing to ramp up 3 levels.

Just make it 15m range and she will be good on these smallish Overwatch maps. 15m primary and Sym will be good!

I’m going to mentally will the developers into using the Experimental card to toy with Sym back on support. I think we have a good chance considering they’re willing to try crazy changes and currently we only have 7 supports.

Been doing that for so long… Another method may be required.

So??? Sombra uses her hands to hack stuff and her hands are not golden.
Wrecking Ball uses his whole ball to deal damage and it’s not golden.
Mei’s snowball is literally her ult and without dispute more important than sym’s hand and yet it’s not golden. What’s not clicking?

I think that if Symmetra and Echo would 1v1 each other Echo would most likely win, but if you look at teamplay they’re both pretty solid in their own way.

Not if consider how easily Echo could flank Sym.

You can’t really compare echo with sym, I’m more worried about pharah.

Didn’t Pharah just get a rate of fire buff or something similar. (AoE something)

That sounds like just things harder on Sym.