Symmetra vs. Echo

Because you enjoy playing Sym?

They fulfill different roles and have different objectives. Sym enables mobility and safety for her team, while controlling an area/flank, or getting early warning about an approaching flanker. Echo is just an assassin.

No worries though, this isn’t a Sym issue alone. Echo is about to make most of the DPS roster pretty unviable.

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Nervous Junkrat intensifies


This person knows what’s up. Sym’s lot in life is to just be reworked so that other characters get parts of her kit and then her corpse is just a useless pile of junk.

Make sure to give her abilities away to other characters like Sigma and Moira, cuz like, she totally doesn’t deserve to have or keep anything consistent ever =) =) =)


Remember how Sym was meta slightly during Double Barrier,but then she got nerfed and she was replaced by Mei and Reaper cause they could do her job without all the drawbacks?


Did I write this? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Op you have every right to compare echo to sym

Echo’s beam does an immediate 200dps on half health targets, sym needs to charge up for 4 seconds. Epic fail for beam heroes as echo has it waaaaay to easy.
RIP symm

Let’s compare echo to pharah also. Echo flight is much better, faster, shorter cooldown than pharah. Pharah already owned.
Then echo has three yes THREE attack fire modes vs pharahs just one which are ALL SLOWER and do less overall damage per second and less effective against air or ground targets.
I mean you can just delete pharah at this point and it wouldn’t matter. Cause not only do hitscans counter pharah but now I’m going to use echo to easily counter pharah also.

RIP pharah.


Ok, criticise all you want, but please let’s cut the hyperbole. Even a mediocre-skilled Pharah can stay in the air indefinitely, while Echo can do so only with a very high arena ceiling.

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why would anyone keep playing genji pharah or tracer when theres echo


Literally waiting for the announcement.

No, they do 180 damage in an instant IF you land all of them, with a 6 second cooldown. Not 180 dps.

I can agree with the fact TP is clunky and its CD is way too hgih, plus her focus beam is much stronger and with a very forgiving CD, whereas Symmetra has to ramp up over time in order to be dealing less damage than it does and honestly not having that much ammo. (Heck, even increasing the ammo she regens from zapping barriers might make her much, much better…

Echo’s golden weapon isn’t really that special IMO, it doesn’t fit, it should have been her glove in reality while sym having a full gauntlet like that would look awesome.

Likely use this as a reference for something in the future

Echos sticky bombs do 30 DPS.
And using Symmetras orb from the sky would be a huge disadvantage, good luck hiting such a slow projectile from the sky.

Symmetras orb has a huge impact area and is meant to control chokes, while Echos is to pick a single target and delete it.

They have completely different roles.

Echos primary is a shotgun like weapon with spread, you could also compare Reaper to it, which btw. would make more sense, since Sym and Reaper are both relatively close range heroes, Echo is more midrange.

And btw Echos damage without headshots is ~118DPS.

Echo has to fly which makes her very vulnerable, because well the sky does not give you much cover and tanks can not really protect you as well.

Also flying means she is easy visible for the enemy team, while the teleporter is basically not visible until it is too late.
You can also teleport your complete team behind the enemy and not just one hero. Also when set up the teleporter can be used every second or so.

No point in comparing these abilities either.

Echos beam does 43 DPS when under 50% health, and mere 12 DPS when over.

No point in comparing an always available primary fire to a special long cooldown ability either.

Well now I can not take you seriously.

similar to pharah.
rockets do 120 dps and move 35 m/s

pharah has clunky flight control.

pharahs hover jets (4.11) are half speed echo flies at (8)

pharah ult typically will get ehr killed.
echo has get out of jail free ult. (aka no downside as even if u die during it you go back to normal self at full hp)

echo is just an improved hybrid of sym and pharah.

Pretty sure Pharah going that faster flyer in the right hands.

And will likely get some buffs soon in the future.

Sym has the orb on secondary, not cooldown, and detonate as soon as it hits. Sym’s primary isn’t a cooldown beam, and can do higher dps than the situtational echo beam. Sym can teleport her team, rather than just boost herself. Sym can keep breaking barriers and doesn’t need to wait for her cooldown for her beam. Sym doesnt need a golden gauntlet, she has a physical weapon.
You make people think she’s op, when she’s fairly balanced. Sym may be more situational than Echo, but still viable. Sym has regeneratable shield. Sym can get value being behind her tank, rather than in the air to hit her abilities. Even if the echo’s orbs are faster, they travel farther on average since she’s in the air so it evens out the dodge time.
Just wait until she’s live and people will learn how to counterplay, just like they did with every single other new hero. no need to claim they’re op when most people have only played with them in the training range against static targets without anyone shooting at them. Yes, she has pop-off capability that other heroes may lack, but she’s a dps. she’s meant to be able to do that.


Sticky is on a 6 second cooldown, whereas orb can be shot every second, and with tp, you can do it from an angle

Sym’s goes up to 180 and is a beam. Echo’s is also 3 projectiles instead of one, each doing 17 damage

Echo’s is personal. Sym’s can be used by her team

Echo’s is on a cooldown and needs the barrier to be half health. Sym’s is her primary, and by shooting at them, she gains charge and ammo

fair enough I guess. still dont see how that’s worth having a cry over

because they’re two completely different heroes with two completely different roles. i swear, half of the people i see on the forums must have some kind of persecution complex or victim mentality


You forgot to mention Echo’s right click is on a 6 second cooldown time, while Symmtra can deal 140 damage per second. Over 6 seconds, that becomes 180 damage vs 840 damage!

Echo’s primary fire deals 51 damage, 17 damage per bullet, and it has ranged spread. Symmetra can easily get a double kill with a full charge, and it’s her primary fire!

Echo doesn’t fly, she just jumps really high and fall back down again, or moves from on place to another, similarly to Moira’s fade. Flight is a one way ticket that only lasts 3 seconds, while Symmetra’s teleporter is infinite free round trips as long as no one stops the train, and you can even bring your friends along for the ride!

Echo needs the barrier to be at 50% health, otherwise she only deals a maximum of 150 damage to it, and then the beam goes on a 8 second cooldown. Once Symmtra’s beam is at max level, which only takes 2.66 seconds, it deals 180 damage per second until there’s nothing left to hit. And even then it takes 2 seconds before it decays one level, so you even have time to reload (1.35 seconds). Again, this is Symmetra’s primary fire!

Is that what this topic really is about?

Different abilities, different playstyles. Why not play both on the same team?

Sym must be some kind of inside joke among the balance team.


You seriously are comparing sym to echo in terms of golden guns? It’s not a gauntlet, it’s her forearms that are her golden weapons instead of her hands. To me it just seems weird… If they’re not golden the forearms are white just like the rest of her arms… it doesn’t look like they should have been the golden part of her weapon at all.

shes echo.
she can BE anything becasue she can be EVERYONE.