Symmetra Survey Results!

The point is that Symmetra doesn’t NEED to be aim based. They changed her from not aim reliant to aim reliant. Now players who liked her and enjoyed her kit because she was not aim reliant are no longer able to enjoy her.

To say that the mechanic is unfair or can’t be balanced is silly - this is a game where other characters already have similar weapons, Moira and Winston spring to mind, AND the team really hypes up just how unique all the character experiences are.

So why on earth would I be jazzed that they made a character with a unique gun LESS unique?

Acting like they can’t balance her short range noodle gun when other characters get that same effect like Brig etc. is just dishonest to me. They changed her for the worse, they didn’t give a crap what it took away from us, and that’s that.

edit: tldr it wasn’t ‘hard to balance’ or ‘impossible’, they just made a bad decision and didn’t care what the impact was. That’s it. They could have fixed it and chose the lazy way instead, because the dev team that works there now isn’t the same group of people that actually made Overwatch.


Sorry but I disagree, their goal was to move her to DPS this meant she needed an increase in aim requirement because all DPS need that, the moment you have a DPS who can deal damage without aiming that’s when the role flips upside down, every single DPS relies on aiming

now you would say that they didn’t need to change her to DPS however, she couldn’t stay as a support either because they were trying to give all supports a healing ability, they stated that they tried several things on her but none worked nor did they feel right and here is where you have no choice but to trust them because in reality this is their game, they built it from the ground up and if anyone knows how to make Overwatch the behemoth that it is today, that’s them, of course you have a lot of people complaining in here but for every person unhappy there’s at least 5 more who play this game religiously

not to mention that this happened 3 years ago, the team that worked on sym was most definitely the same team who made the game

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Why should the frailest close range hero even have to aim?

That Sym is the frailest close range hero AND the most aiming dependant is the first contradiction of why Sym 3.0 sucks as a dps hero and always will.


Yeah no.

In a world where Genji was given a shotgun secondary fire basically impossible to miss at close range, why should Symmetra, a hero with none of the survival tools Genji has, even have to aim at those same ranges?

Aiming requirements and range should be inversely proportional. And it is! For everyone except Symmetra.


Lmaoooooo :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Look the reason why she was given a lock-on was specifically because she was the frailest close range hero in the first place.

The 3.0 rework took EVERY piece of survivability she had, and upped the aiming requirements absurdly while giving her nothing to even stay at those close ranges.

Silence troll.

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Yeah this is where your mentality and mine differ - I don’t ‘have to trust them’. I can judge their choices and watch their staggering mismanagement choices from the outset and be amazed at how much they squander their amazing opportunity, I don’t have to take on faith that they are just going to definitely do the smartest, bestest, greatest thing for the game all the time. That’s how kids look at their parents.

They are a group of people, fallible and prone to making “Do you not have phones?” level choices that we have seen over. And over. And over again.

To take on faith that they are just smart, and competent, and capable, after seeing so many staggering examples of how they are not, is… IDK, lots of words to fill in there, take your pick. But it’s not how I operate basically.

If Blizzard fixes the game great, but right now I see them making terrible choice after terrible choice. Oh and BTW the people who left Blizzard that made Overwatch did leave about 1-2 years in if I recall, so there’s nothing saying that they are actually the same devs. There was a large resignation that happened before Blizzard fired 800 workers, which was what, 35% of it’s staff if I recall?


Ahahah the irony…


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what are you talking about? Sym has infinite range in 3 out of her 5 abilities, look, if you’re dying at melee as sym, it’s because your positioning is wrong, again, just like that other guy, you want the game to play for you instead of actually learning what works and what doesnt

No my dear, this is how adults understand the world because sadly we aren’t all knowing machines and we have no choice but to trust those who devote a lot more of their time to develop something than coming up with conspiracy theories of why they don’t want you to play the game, so excuse me if I trust them a whole lot more than I would ever trust you

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You have yet to give literally any proof of Sym 3.0 being somehow better that pre-rework despite that literally every piece of data collected in the last years points towards Sym being worse in every aspect aside team TP cheesing for funny haha memes in OWL that I dont give a moldy excrement about.

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What are you even talking abouttttt.

Sym’s orbs are unusable outside 15m. They are literally so slow that they arent aimable outside a very close range. And spamming it at chokes is literally just worse pre-rework Orbs lol.

Turrets are literally destroyable and only usable offensivebly with construct TP to circumvent the weakness of time travel. Sentries are so massively conditional that they arent a reliable damage source in any way.

That leaves her non-damage ult.

You really dont know anything about Symmetra other that what you read on the wiki or something, huh.

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Factually wrong.

During the Double Shield META when Symmetra 3.0 was actually the closest to numerically balanced as she has ever been, she used to absolutely wreck Symmetra 2.0’s stats. But then of course the devs nerfed 3.0 once again into obscurity because God forbid she would be balanced once in her life.

And despite that, it isn’t a rare occurrence even during the age of the blatantly numerically underpowered Symmetra 3.0 that she still surpasses the pick rate for example of one of, if not the most balanced situational hero in this game’s history, AKA that of Symmetra 2.0’s.

This exact thing happened last month, many times before and will keep on happening in the future…

uhhh wat

these don’t have anything to do with each other

she just shouldn’t be bad everywhere at the same time, while being the squishiest hero at close range having to aim

symmetra really needs changes

the problem is that its really hard to know what to do with her because there is so much you can do.

She only had 1% pickrate over Sym 2.0 during those weeks.

Sym 3.0 sported for most of her run, aside those 2 weeks, half or less the pickrate of Sym 2.0 and that is a fact. Sym 2.0 had a 1.5% to 2% pickrate, and Sym 3.0 almost always had less that 1%.

Right now Sym has 0.3-0.7% pickrate on most ladder.

Funny how you have yet to give any actual numbers that support your claims.

Probably thinks “Overbuff bad” despite it being the only source of statistics we have access to.

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Please tell me what other close range hero has such punishing aiming requirements?

Oh yeah, none, because there couldnt be any point on picking an aim intensive close range hero when you can get the same results with an sniper with with several times the safety.

If you look at the overall design of the game, range is inversely proportional to ease of aim. The more range something has, the harder it is to aim (sniper primary fire). The less something has, the easier it is to aim (most close range heroes, except Sym).

This is basically something that is present on almost every hero in the game. Except Sym, who has is an inmobile squishy with a close range primary that needs pinpoint accuracy.

Compare that to every other close range hero - who have less aim intensive damage sources, more survivability and same/similar range.

Its not a hard concept to grasp.

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Which, if true, proves my original point.

Thank you.

For most of Symmetra 3.0’s life, that’s most probably the truth. But I’ve already explained why that’s the case.

Why, do you have any actual screenshots, etc. to prove all these numbers you’ve provided? Until Overbuff finally implements historical stats, you simply have to take my word for them, in the same way that I’m doing the exact same thing concerning the numbers you’ve provided.

literally what does that have to do with “i shouldn’t have to aim if i’m squishy and at close range”

again, either she shouldn’t be such a liability in the first place, or she shouldn’t even be at that range

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Baseless assumption. Please read my last post.